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Joe Scarborough Keeps Tearing Into Republicans For Gun Control Filibuster: 'Is Anybody Awake In My Party?'

Apr 9, 2013, 19:43 IST

MSNBCMSNBC's Joe Scarborough continued to rip into Senate Republicans on Tuesday for threatening to filibuster new gun legislation, challenging his party to "wake up," especially on the issue of universal background checks.


"It's basically a 90-10 issue in something that involves the massacre of 20 first-grade children," Scarborough said of universal background checks.

"Is anybody awake in my party on the hill?"

Scarborough offered similar criticism on Monday, charging Republicans with supporting "rapists' rights over parents' rights." But the filibuster threat picked up steam on Monday, as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he will join the filibuster effort that was spearheaded by Republican Sens. Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz.

Scarborough acknowledged that he irritated some Republicans on Monday with his comments, so he challenged undecided, red-state Democrats with the same line of questioning.


"If you're Kay Hagan in North Carolina and you're Mary Landrieu and you're running for re-election next year, do you really want to go to women's groups and say, 'You know, I didn't have the courage to vote to make sure we can have criminal background checks so rapists can buy guns,'" Scarborough said.

Watch the video below, courtesy of MSNBC:

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