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Joe Biden Just Got Into A Huge Squirt Gun Fight

Hunter Walker   

Joe Biden Just Got Into A Huge Squirt Gun Fight
Politics1 min read


Eric Thayer/Reuters

Vice President Joe Biden hosted his annual media picnic at his official residence at the U.S. Naval Observatory Saturday. Reporters, their children, and members of Biden's family were all in attendance and, as in year's past, Biden picked up a super soaker and engaged in a water fight with the children and some members of the press.

"The Vice President of the US just shot me with a super soaker," wrote Associated Press White House reporter Josh Lederman on Twitter.

A video captured by Slate's Dave Weigel showed Biden and one of his grandchildren squirting each other.

"I am your grandfather, what are you doing?" Biden exclaimed.

In addition to squirt guns, the event featured a live country band, an inflatable obstacle course, and a mini bungee bounce.

View pictures and videos of the event taken by some of the reporters in attendance below.


