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Jimmy Kimmel Rips Apart Fox's New Batman Show 'Gotham'

May 14, 2014, 03:18 IST
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

ABC just showed off its new slate of fall shows for advertisers.
After previewing its new series, the network brought out late-night host Jimmy Kimmel. While he joked about ABC's fourth place standing among networks at the end of the current season, he also took a huge dig at Fox's upcoming Batman prequel series, "Gotham." "This is a show for people who love everything about Batman except Batman," said Kimmel. The series, which has a 16-episode order from Fox, will follow a young Bruce Wayne after the death of his parents. "You know the part of every Batman movie that's so boring, they skip over it? Now that's a series," Kimmel added. "We'll get to see the Dark Knight's testicles descend every week." Monday morning during Fox's programming conference call, Broadcast Chairman Kevin Reilly predicted "Gotham" will be the "biggest" show of the season. Reilly also made comments about ABC's struggles with Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." saying "Gotham" offers "actual franchise characters" as opposed to the other superhero show.
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