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Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Mayor Rob Ford, Asks People On Street If They've Ever Smoked Crack

Aly Weisman   

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Mayor Rob Ford, Asks People On Street If They've Ever Smoked Crack
Politics1 min read

Jimmy Kimmel opened his Tuesday night show by admitting: "I now look forward to Rob Ford interviews the way children look forward to Christmas morning."

Kimmel is referring to Toronto "Crack Mayor" Rob Forde's recent interview with Matt Lauer, among other hilariously inappropriate moments with the media.

"One of the many funny things about these interviews he's been doing is he likes to shift the focus onto his weight, as if that's his main problem," says Kimmel, who then goes on to show an incredible compilation of Ford TV clips.

"He also keeps downplaying the fact that he smoked crack," Kimmel continued. "He makes crack smoking seem like jaywalking, like everyone has done it at some point in their lives."

"But maybe it's just me who is out of it," the late night host joked. "So we sent a camera crew out onto Hollywood Boulevard to ask people on the street 'Have you ever smoked crack?'"

Watch the funny segment and answers below:


