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Jimmy Fallon is getting his own Universal Studios ride: 'Instead of Harry Potter, it's me'

Oct 28, 2015, 21:27 IST


Jimmy Fallon is getting his own ride at Universal Orlando Resort.

"It's called 'Race Through New York Starring Jimmy Fallon.' It's the real deal," the giddy host announced on Tuesday's "Tonight Show."  

Set to open in 2017, Fallon said it will be "scary, it's fun, it's exciting."

"You know the 'Harry Potter' rides and this stuff," he continued."It's like that, except instead of Harry Potter, it's me, and instead of Hogwarts, it's New York City."



The ride will look just like the "Tonight Show" studio, with announcer Steve Higgins and house band The Roots represented, as well. He said it will also include smoke, scents, water effects, and many extra dimensions. "If you really do it right, you can get it up to 8D," he joked.

"The best part of the whole thing? On the way out, there's a gift shop where you can buy a T-shirt for $200," Fallon quipped.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, Universal Creative is working with Fallon and his comedy writers on the ride. It will have subway tunnels, skyscrapers, and New York City landmarks.

The newspaper also pointed out the corporate synergy surrounding Jimmy Fallon's ride:

"Universal Orlando is owned by NBCUniversal. Fallon's talk show airs on NBC. Fallon, who became host in 2014, recorded a handful of episodes from the resort later that year."


Fallon's ride will replace "Twister," which was based on the 1996 movie of the same name starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton.

Watch the announcement below:


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