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Today’s top tech news: Drones are saving Indian cities, soft skills could save young engineers and plugging the fuel leak will save Chandrayaan 2

Jul 16, 2019, 16:26 IST
Business Insider India

  • The Delhi High Court and the Western Railways in India are planning to use drones to monitor water clogged and flood prone areas in Delhi and Mumbai.
  • Young professional today may have technical skills but lack soft skills like strategic thinking and negotiation techniques are in demand by employers.
  • Chandrayaan 2 was reportedly delayed due to a leak in its fuel tank but could still take off within the month of July.
  • Jim Carrey in The Shining and Sylvestor Stallone in Terminator 2 videos puts a light tone on the very serious threat of deepfake technology.
  • The Chinese ecommerce site, Alibaba.com, is focusing on gems and jewellery a growth driver in the Indian market.
This is Tech Insider’s daily dose of tech news — everything that’s happening in tech that you need to know about today from Business Insider and its partner publications:

​Drones are going to help unclog India’s water logged cities this monsoon

Two of India’s most populated cities, Mumbai and Delhi, come to a standstill during the monsoon as water logged areas put a stop to traffic and drowning railroad tracks halt connectivity. But now, drones can help unplug these bottlenecks before they result in traffic jams and backed up emergency services.

Learning from past experiences, Western Railways has already started to use drones to monitor flood prone areas of the train tracks in and around Mumbai.

The Delhi High Court as also suggested that the police use drones to track traffic in water logged areas while setting up rainwater harvesting systems to solve Delhi’s water scarcity at the same time.

​Soft skills can save your job from the machines but young professionals are severely short of it

One third of young professionals around the world think that education has helped them attain the technical skills that they need for a job but they still lack soft skills, which are more in demand by employers today.

With the working environment getting increasingly competitive, these engineers will also have to reskill themselves every three to four years in order to stay relevant in their respective industries.

​Chandrayaan 2 might take off this month after plugging up its fuel tank leak

India’s mission the Moon’s South Pole, Chandrayaan 2, was reportedly delayed due to a leak in its fuel tank. It’s not a big leak, and in fact, if the mission hadn’t been one of such national significance, the Indian Space and Research Organisation (ISRO) might not even have called it off.

Apparently they’re done draining the fuel tank in order to plug the leak and they still have one minute every day this month to try and get Chandrayaan 2 off the ground.

​Watching Jim Carrey in The Shining makes deepfake technology scarier than it already is

A YouTube creator who goes by ‘ctrl shift face’ has created viral videos with Sylvestor Stallon starring in Terminator 2 and Jim Carrey replacing Jack Nicholson in The Shining.. And while watching your favorite actors feature in classic movies might make for a fun watch, it also highlights how effective deepfake technology is at creating realistic but false videos.

According to Deloitte, the way to fight artificial intelligence (AI) is with AI. The technology that makes deepfakes possible can be used to detect such videos before they can cause damage.

​Jack Ma's Alibaba.com says Indian gems and jewellery are selling like hot cakes across the world

The Indian Gems and Jewellery (G&J) sector is one of the largest in the world, is home to over 300,000 gems and jewellery players and what is driving Alibaba.com’s business in the country.

Denny Wang, Alibaba’s Regional Director for Global B2B Business in South Asia told Business Insider India, “We’ve come to find an increasing demand amongst our buyer base for Indian gems and jewellery from various regions, especially Hong Kong, UAE and the USA.”

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