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Jeff Bezos Will Walk Out Of A Meeting If You Don't Get To The Point

Aug 9, 2013, 20:10 IST

ReutersJeff Bezos won't waste any time in a meeting with you if he doesn't fully understand where the conversation is going or how it will make Amazon better.


Craig Timberg and Jia Lynn Yang write about Bezos' demanding management style in The Washington Post:

"In the relentlessly efficient world of Jeffrey P. Bezos, Amazon employees quickly learn when they have overtaxed the attention of their chief executive. He quietly pulls out his smartphone and starts replying to e-mails. In extreme cases, Bezos will walk out.

Nadia Shouraboura, formerly a part of Bezos' senior executive team tells Timberg and Yang that you "better be ready" if you have a meeting with Bezos.

"He will figure out something you haven’t thought of ... If you haven’t thought through exactly how to delight our customer, that’s a bad thing.”


Read the entire piece about Bezos' intense management style here.

Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.
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