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Jeb Bush To NBC's David Gregory: The Media Are 'Crack Addicts'

Brett LoGiurato   

Jeb Bush To NBC's David Gregory: The Media Are 'Crack Addicts'

Jeb Bush David Gregory


Amid Jeb Bush's "Full Ginsburg" slate of appearances on five Sunday shows, "Meet the Press" host David Gregory's question that revolved around 2016 speculation finally pushed Bush to joke that the media was a bunch of "crack addicts."

"Man you guys are crack addicts," Bush said, when Gregory asked the former Florida governor whether he or Florida Sen. Marco Rubio would be more likely to end up in the White House.

"You really are obsessed with all these politics. Marco Rubio is a great guy."

"I’ve been called a lot of things," Gregory quipped, before Bush responded with another lighthearted jab.

"OK, heroin addicts. Is that better?" Bush said. "Put aside the politics for a moment: We've got big challenges."

Bush also told Gregory that he thought history would eventually "be kind to" his brother, former President George W. Bush.

And he defended his stance on immigration reform, for which he has came under fire last week. In a book released Tuesday — titled "Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution" — Bush did not back a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, something that he had said before that he would embrace.

Bush tried to explain that he was trying to formulate a plan in his book that could be embraced by conservatives who remain skittish of a path to citizenship as blanket "amnesty."

"If they can find a way to get to a path to citizenship over the long haul, then I would support that," Bush said of the bipartisan negotiations currently going on in the House and Senate.

"But this book was written to try to get people that were against reform to be for it. And it is a place where I think a lot of conservatives should feel comfortable, that there's a way to do this and not violate their principles."

Bush successfully pulled off the "Full Ginsburg," appearing on NBC’s "Meet the Press," CNN’s "State of the Union," ABC’s "This Week," CBS’s "Face the Nation," and "Fox News Sunday." The "Full Ginsburg" gets its name from Monica Lewinsky's lawyer, William Ginsburg, who was the first to pull off the PR feat.

Here's the video of the last part of Bush's interview with Gregory, in which he discusses his brother's legacy and the 2016 question comes up:

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