Laura Segall/Getty Images
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks at a dinner during the Republican National Committee Spring Meeting at The Phoenician May 14, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
In his speech, Bush will advocate for addressing the "underlying conflicts in Syria and Iraq" and slam
"In the aftermath of the bloodshed in Paris, let it be said that this generation knew the cost of war, but also knew the even greater cost of acquiescence to an enemy with which there is no co-existence," Bush will say, according to excerpts of his speech released by his campaign.
"Radical Islamic terrorists have declared war on the western world. Their aim is our total destruction. We can't withdraw from this threat, nor negotiate with it."
Bush will also take shots at President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton over their "diminished view of America's role in the world."
"In the span of a decade, our government will have withheld a trillion dollars from our national defense," Bush will say. "There is no security rationale for these cuts, or any kind of strategic vision. They are completely arbitrary - imposed by a process that everyone in Washington claims to dislike, but no one in Washington has the courage to stop."
But Bush will acknowledge, the country "cannot and will not simply throw money at this problem."
"We need to reform the Pentagon, shedding overhead passed down from a different generation and adapt it to our 21st Century challenges," he will say.
Bush will deliver the speech at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.
The speech was planned before the Paris terror attacks, and it comes Bush tries to reassert himself in a crowded field of Republican presidential candidates and highlight his experience.
The former Florida governor has discussed his plan for combating the terrorist group ISIS (also known as the Islamic State) and the Middle East previously in August. It's a complicated topic - considering that Bush's brother, former President George W. Bush, decided to invade Iraq in 2003.
In his August speech, Bush shifted blame for the current situation in the Middle East to the Obama administration and Clinton. Bush will echo some of that sentiment in his speech Wednesday.
"We must address the underlying conflicts in Syria and Iraq, which created this crisis - one that spiraled out of control as President Obama and Hillary Clinton failed to act - and today present a critical threat to international security," he will say.
On Friday, terrorists took hostages, detonated suicide vests, and shot people across Paris in some of the worst terror attacks the city has ever seen. ISIS (also known as the Islamic State) claimed responsibility.