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Japan Airlines Will Serve KFC On Flights To Tokyo

Nov 26, 2013, 23:14 IST

Japan Airlines

Japan Airlines (JAL) announced its winter menus today, and among the selection of beef filet, foie gras mousse, and lobster ravioli is something a touch less fancy.


It's "Air Kentucky Fried Chicken."

Yes, JAL will serve KFC on flights from Tokyo to Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Boston, New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris, and Helsinki, from December 1 to February 28, 2014.

The menu includes Chicken Bites, salad, a biscuit with honey maple, coleslaw, and chocolate walnut cake. Not too shabby!

This is the second year in a row JAL has teamed up with KFC. JAL has brought in food from other popular restaurants for its flights before, including Yoshinoya.


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