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Jamie Dimon To Employees: 'Don't BS' Over Instant Message

Nov 6, 2013, 22:54 IST

REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Facing eight different investigations and probes, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon told his employees to cut it out with the mischievous instant messages that can land them in trouble, Bloomberg's Gavin Finch and Ambereen Choudhury report.


"Don't exaggerate, don't ruminate, don't bullshit," Dimon reportedly told his London office. "I'm serious."

Sources told Bloomberg that Dimon urged employees, "We all need to keep a higher standard."

Dimon's comments come amid new regulatory scrutiny (as if they needed more) over alleged manipulation of the currency market. JP Morgan disclosed recently that authorities were questioning the bank over its practices, and competitor Barclays has already suspended six traders after an internal probe into the matter.

Read the full report at Bloomberg »


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