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Is Your Social Media Investment Paying Off? Join Us At The Social Media ROI Conference To Find Out

Feb 28, 2013, 01:58 IST

Is your company leveraging social media for all it’s worth? Smart social media is no longer about getting the “like,” tweet, or pin. Today, the question is, “How does this grow my business?”


Leading companies are finding ways to tie their social media activity to bottom-line results like increased profitability, customer engagement, customer loyalty, and expanded reach. What are their secrets? How are brands like American Express, Major League Baseball, Kate Spade, Victoria’s Secret and hot startups like Warby Parker and One Kings Lane getting the best ROI from their social media strategies? How are they measuring their success?

Find out at Business Insider’s Social Media ROI conference, taking place May 15, 2013, in New York City. Executives from Fortune 500 brands, technology companies and emerging startups will tackle the question, “Where’s the ROI in social media?”

Reserve your seat now for the early-bird discount. Here's who should attend:

  • Marketers who want to put metrics behind their Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social efforts
  • Publishers interested in learning how to maximize their social efforts
  • Consultants and agencies who want to offer their clients a clear ROI picture
  • Investors in social-media analytics companies who need to stay abreast of market trends and needs

Confirmed speakers include:


  • Brandon Lucas, VP & GM, Mobile, BET Networks
  • Erich Marx, Director of Interactive & Social Media Marketing, Nissan USA
  • Rick Wion, Social Media Marketing Head, McDonald’s
  • And more to be announced!

The agenda covers the spectrum of social platforms, looking at actual case studies in best-in-class use. Topics include:

  • The Case for Engagement
  • Connecting Your Social and Mobile Strategy
  • Content Everywhere: Every Brand is a Publisher, Every Publisher Is a Brand
  • That’s Entertainment! Melding Traditional and Social Media for a Killer Experience
  • Brand Leaders Sound Off
  • The Business Insider Teen Panel: Social Media in Our Lives

Those interested in sponsoring the event and connecting with the roughly 250 brand marketers, publishers, consultants and investors who attend can email events@businessinsider.com for more information.

Follow @BI_Events on Twitter for further discounts and updates. See you in May!

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