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Investors Pulled $2.49 Billion Out Of PIMCO In February

Mar 13, 2014, 02:05 IST


PIMCO had redemptions totaling $2.49 billion in February, according to Morningstar - by far the most among the big fund families funds measured.


That's actually down from January's figure of $5.657 billion in outflows.

Over the past 12 months, PIMCO has seen more than $50 billion in outflows, Morningstar says.

PIMCO's market share dropped 16 points month-over-month to 4.61%, though it remains the fourth-largest open-end fund in the U.S. Franklin Templeton is next with 3.91% of total market share.

Lately, PIMCO has attracted press for all the wrong reasons. After the unexpected resignation of CEO and Co-CIO Mohamed El-Erian, unflattering reports surfaced regarding Co-CIO Bill Gross' unique and aggressive management style. That in turn led Gross to tell a Reuters reporter that El-Erian was trying to "undermine" him.


While these tabloid headlines have little to do with the firm's investment style, investors and clients can't help but wonder if all this is a big distraction for PIMCO's analysts and managers.

Click here to read the full report at Morningstar »

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