Consumer perspectives on sustainability: Insights from Bain & Co.'s survey

Oct 14, 2024

By: Kapil Yadav

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Climate concerns continue to grow

About 60% of consumers report concerns about climate change over the past two years, reflecting a consistent trend from previous surveys.

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Multiple motivations for sustainable living

Consumers engage in sustainable practices for various reasons, including affordability or value (47%), environmental concerns (34%) and personal preferences (16%), highlighting multiple motivations.

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Affordability concerns are higher in developed countries

About 54% of consumers in developed markets perceive sustainable living as more expensive, contrasting with the views of 38% of consumers in fast-growing markets who see it as less costly.

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Top sustainability attribute across product categories “Natural”

The preference for "natural" products spans various categories, indicating a strong consumer inclination towards products perceived as less processed and more environmentally friendly. This preference is 35% in the case of fresh foods and 36% in the case of household cleaning products.

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Availability and awareness spur sustainable purchases

Availability and awareness significantly influence consumers' decisions to buy sustainable products, emphasising the importance of accessibility and information. Among individuals buying sustainable products, 33% cited availability in the places they shop as a reason, and 28% credited brand awareness campaigns or retailers.

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US consumers willing to pay a premium for sustainability

Consumers are prepared to spend more for sustainability. This results in a willingness to pay 10% more for products with minimal environmental impact and 15% more for products that are healthier products.

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Trust in small businesses over large corporations

A majority of consumers (48%) trust independent businesses more than large corporations (29%) when it comes to genuinely sustainable products, indicating a preference for local and smaller brands.

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Paper and glass are top packaging preferences

The global average shows that consumers prefer paper (47%) and glass (38%) packaging over plastic (12%), reflecting a shift towards more sustainable packaging options.

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Top sustainable habits: Reducing consumption and waste

Key sustainable habits identified include reducing home energy usage (55%), recycling (53%) and buying fewer disposable products (45%) showcasing practical actions consumers take towards sustainability.

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Consumers believe actions make a difference

76% of consumers globally believe that practising a sustainable lifestyle is crucial because it has an impact on the environment.

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Countries with the best waste management systems