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While Congress haggles over the next round of coronavirus aid, Americans who have buried loved ones and lost their jobs face a future shrouded in fear and uncertainty

Rhea Mahbubani   

While Congress haggles over the next round of coronavirus aid, Americans who have buried loved ones and lost their jobs face a future shrouded in fear and uncertainty
  • The coronavirus has not only infected almost 4.5 million Americans, but also triggered a historic economic recession and unprecedented job losses.
  • Congress signed the $2 trillion CARES Act in March to soften the blow for businesses and individuals and is now haggling over the next relief package.
  • People told Business Insider that their stimulus checks are long gone and those who received weekly federal unemployment benefits aren't sure how they will make ends meet now that the payments have lapsed.
  • "The virus kills, yes, but so does homelessness, starvation, and stress," said Chris B., a 73-year-old hairdresser from Florida whose health is keeping him from returning to work.

The coronavirus has wrecked Maria Meza.

It took the life of her husband, Victor Meza, put her in a hospital, and left her without a job — all in three months.

"The love of my life is gone. I was in the hospital fighting for my life and my son was at home alone, trying to survive this deadly virus," Maria told Business Insider.

Now, the 49-year-old from Dallas, Texas, is grappling with the loss of two incomes — her husband Victor's and her own. She has also exhausted her coronavirus stimulus check and is struggling to find a new job.

Amid this upheaval, the supplemental $600 a week that she was receiving by way of a federal unemployment benefit ground to a halt on Friday.

"If this is not stressful, I don't know what is," Maria said.

A weekly federal subsidy has expired while 1 in 5 Americans is unemployed

As of Friday, nearly 4.5 million Americans have tested positive for coronavirus and over 152,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. All 50 states enforced varying degrees of lockdowns and businesses closed their doors — 55% of them permanently, Yelp found — in a bid to reduce the infection's rate of spread.

In March, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act — a $2 trillion stimulus package to alleviate the economic calamity triggered by the pandemic. Those who met certain criteria received stimulus checks and around 30 million people — or 20% of the American workforce — received government help because their jobs vanished, Forbes reported.

The $600 weekly subsidy supplemented "regular" unemployment insurance that people can claim for up to 26 weeks, according to the Department of Labor. The average unemployment check amounts to $378 a week, per CNBC, which isn't enough for people to live on. In Texas, where Meza lives, the maximum benefit you can receive is $521 a week. The minimum is just $69.

However, the coronavirus-related unemployment benefits lapsed on Friday and Congress is deadlocked over the next round of aid. Proposals include another stimulus check and $200 weekly unemployment supplementary benefits while payroll tax cuts, although championed by President Donald Trump, have been omitted.

"I think we are a lot better off just to send another direct cash payment to those who have been left out of all of this," Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told WKYT.

The Trump administration has claimed that weekly checks have discouraged people from returning to work, but Yale University researchers debunked that claim. "We find no evidence that more generous benefits disincentivized work either at the onset of the expansion or as firms looked to return to business over time," they wrote.

Further, the Economic Policy Institute said, "Right now in the US, there are 14 million more unemployed workers than there are job openings, so millions will remain jobless no matter what they do. You can't incentivize people to get jobs that aren't there."

'The virus kills, yes, but so does homelessness, starvation, and stress'

This debate enrages Chris B., a 73-year-old hairdresser from Sarasota, Florida who asked that Business Insider not use his last name. He has been working for over 35 years and like half of older Americans, has no retirement savings fund.

"Two hundred, $400 $600 — what kind of games are we playing?" he said. "Our lives are at stake. Our citizens are dying, health care workers are exhausted, and parents are terrified to send their children back to school."

Meanwhile, the GOP stimulus bill has earmarked $1.75 billion for a new FBI building in Washington, DC, Chris said, adding, "I wish our government ... would get their act together."

Chris, who has been out of work since March, likens the pandemic to a nightmare.

"So many thoughts run through your head: Am I next? How am I going to pay my bills? How many friends will I lose? Will I still be alive when this is over? It's terrifying," he said.

Applying for unemployment benefits when his paychecks stopped coming was an "agonizing and frustrating process," Chris said. His claim was approved so he used the weekly checks, his stimulus lump sum, and a friend's assistance to stay afloat.

The hair salon where Chris worked reopened in May, but, he asked, "How am going to cut someone's hair and stay six feet away from them?"

Chris' doctors told him not to return to work because of his age and pre-existing health conditions, including heart disease and high blood pressure. But, as of Friday, he longer has a safety net.

"Our politicians on both sides of the aisle have been saying they want to protect the elderly," he said, but "we are not all in nursing homes or assisted living facilities. We are and were out there working."

"The virus kills, yes, but so does homelessness, starvation, and stress," Chris added.

Dealing with death on top of unemployment

Maria Meza is all too familiar with the deadly consequences of the coronavirus.

Her 48-year-old husband developed a fever, cough, diarrhea, and nausea around April 24. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and sent home from the hospital while waiting for his coronavirus test results, which came back positive a few days later.

On April 30, Maria noticed that Victor was "looking weird."

"I asked him, 'Are you OK?' He did not respond so I approached him and moved him. He was laying in bed lifeless so I panicked and started yelling at him to talk to me but he did not respond," she said.

Victor wasn't breathing — he died of a cardiac arrest.

"He was my everything," she said, "and now he's gone."

Then Maria and her son both came down with the coronavirus. She wound up in hospitalized on May 5 after her fever shot up and blood oxygen level plummeted.

After being discharged on May 16, Maria, who spent more than a decade at a financial services firm, asked for the rest of the month off to try and come to terms with her new reality.

But she was furloughed, starting June 2.

Maria was told she could resume work in August so she applied for unemployment and the checks began to arrive by the end of June. However, on July 2, she learned that her position had been "dissolved" and she was laid off, effective July 31.

Maria, who is distressed that her age will work to her disadvantage, said that it's concerning to see US leaders "more worried about politics" than the pandemic and the way it is devastating millions of Americans.

Asked about people who downplay the threat posed by the coronavirus, Maria replied, "Oh, it's real and I have lived through and lost my husband to it. The best thing everyone should do is use common sense."


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