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  4. We surveyed the 'rainy day' funds of 6 states to see how prepared they were for a major emergency. The results paint a grim picture for the country's economic recovery.

We surveyed the 'rainy day' funds of 6 states to see how prepared they were for a major emergency. The results paint a grim picture for the country's economic recovery.

Madison Hoff   

We surveyed the 'rainy day' funds of 6 states to see how prepared they were for a major emergency. The results paint a grim picture for the country's economic recovery.
  • The novel coronavirus has already had a large impact on state economies across the US.
  • Some states have projected budget shortfalls for the current and following fiscal years.
  • States can use money reserved in their rainy day funds to help with economic downfalls, such as what we are seeing during the pandemic.
  • Because the rainy day fund is limited, it is possible states can deplete all of their funds.
  • Business Insider took a closer look at the current condition of rainy day funds in six states and also what happened with those funds in the last major economic downturn.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

The novel coronavirus has put a lot of stress on state economies.

Because of stay-at-home orders and temporary closures of nonessential businesses, many workers have been laid off or furloughed and demand in some industries has declined, such as in travel and hospitality.

The response to the coronavirus has already put a strain on state budgets as states have to find money to cover the unprecedented number of people filing for unemployment benefits after major layoffs across industries. Sales and income taxes, which make up a large percentage of a state's tax revenue, are also affected by more people facing layoffs, staying at home, and spending less.

According to the Brookings Institution, states also have to spend more to meet the demand for Medicaid and other healthcare spending during the pandemic, and some states have enacted or have pending money transfers from their general funds to help with different needs in their state.

"When expenses go up, policymakers have to either cut spending or find revenue from raising taxes or withdrawing from their rainy day funds," Justin Theal, research officer at Pew Charitable Trusts, told Business Insider. "That's why having robust savings is so important....Whether a state cuts spending or increases taxes to balance their budget — that ultimately takes money out of the economy and makes it harder for a nation as a whole to recover."

During the last recession, Theal said states had to make cuts to their budgets in areas like higher education, infrastructure, or state aid to local governments. Some states have caught up in these areas since the recession, but others have not.

"The areas of the budget that the policy makers would typically look to cut, to help balance their budgets during economic downturns, like higher education, in many states there's not that much flexibility in that area because they hadn't caught up on the cuts that they had made during the Great Recession," Theal said.

States can also get aid from federal funding to help budget shortfalls and expenses.

The recent CARES Act has provided some economic relief to help states, businesses, and individuals around the country during the pandemic, but some economists believe that state and local governments will still fall short in their budgets, even with up to $150 billion relief from the CARES Act.

The latest approved federal aid will provide more assistance to small businesses but not state and local governments who need it to cover budget shortfalls. In fact, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently said he would rather have states go bankrupt than give them federal funding.

According to a recent blog post from the Economic Policy Institute, based on already existing predicted budget shortfalls and recent data projections, state and local governments will need another stimulus package of $500 billion.

Amid closures, layoffs, and the need for more federal aid, one positive is that many states have money reserved in rainy day funds, or budget stabilization accounts, to help with economic downfalls. Rainy day funds help states cover budget shortfalls, as most states must balance their budgets each year, so that they can reduce the need for budget cuts or tax increases, according to Pew Charitable Trusts.

Rainy day funds are so important because they could be used to help shortfalls during and after the coronavirus. According to the Associated Press, financial experts said without this financial "cushion" states would have been "in much worse shape" for handling the economic impacts from the pandemic.

"The present crisis should just be another reminder of how important it is to fund these reserve accounts when times are good so that they can help states in difficult times in the future," Janelle Cammenga, policy analyst at Tax Foundation, told Business Insider.

Although the current situation is an example of the perfect time to dip into reserves, rainy day funds are not unlimited. If a state uses all their money in this account "then they just can't take anymore money out of it and they have to find another way to balance their budget," Cammenga said.

The total in rainy day funds across all 50 states was $74.9 billion for fiscal year 2019, using figures from Pew Charitable Trusts. The median number of days a state could run on rainy day funds was 27.9 days, which was 10.6 more days than the median during the Great Recession, according to Pew.

However, the current conditions of those funds vary widely from state to state.

According to Pew Charitable Trusts, 34 states have built up their rainy day funds to be better equipped for economic crises than they were going into the last recession. Four states — New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Illinois — have less than a week's worth of rainy day funds. Kansas cannot operate at all on just rainy day funds because although it opened up its rainy day fund in 2016, the state hasn't put any money in the account yet. It was planning to start adding money in its account in fiscal year 2020, according to Tax Foundation.

It is important to note that 12 states have limits on how much can be withdrawn in a year. For instance, North Carolina can only take out 7.5% of last year's general fund, which works out to around $1.25 billion, and Idaho can use 50% of its rainy day balance in a year, or about $373 million.

Every state has legal limitations on how they can spend rainy day funds, except for six states that can use the money for any reason.

There are also differences in who authorizes the withdrawals. The Tax Foundation wrote in a recent report on rainy day funds that it might be easier to use rainy day funds in states that require approval from executive agencies or governors than in those who need approval from legislators. This is because stay-at-home orders and other responses amid the pandemic might make it harder for legislators to come together.

The Tax Foundation compiled a full list of how much of a rainy day fund a state can use, what purposes those funds can be used for, and who authorizes it. Some state governors have already planned on using money from their reserves amid the coronavirus, such as in Washington and Maryland.

Theal said when looking at the rainy day funds, it is important to look at a state's sources of revenue and the diversity of its economy. According to an article from Vox, 70% of state tax revenue is from sales and income taxes, which have been collapsing as businesses shutter and workers are laid off or furloughed.

Theal said because tax day was delayed this year to July 15, after most states' budget years finish at the end of June, "you're shifting this huge influx of personal income tax collections from the current fiscal year to the next one" which will create more stress on balancing budgets.

"The pandemic and its fiscal impacts will linger for months if not years within states," Theal said. "And so a lot of states are convening emergency sessions to bring the legislators back and have to adjust their 2021 budgets based on the new forecast of how revenue will be impacted and the additional strains on spending and what they ultimately mean to each state's budget."

To get a sense of where states and their rainy day funds stand, we looked at Pew's estimates for how many days they could pay their bills using those funds alone. The following six states represent examples of where places with different financial situations and impact from the coronavirus all sit today.

New Jersey

New Jersey has been hit especially hard by the coronavirus, and its finances were already in dire condition before the crisis.

New Jersey used up all of its funds during the last recession and had a hard time rebuilding this reserve, according to NJ Spotlight.

According to Pew Trusts, New Jersey had 3.9 days to operate alone on its rainy day funds in fiscal year 2019. The state had $401 million, or 1.1% of its spending, in rainy day funds.

Although the amount is small compared to other states, it is significant because 2019 was the first time in over a decade that money was added to the emergency fund account, according to Politico.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities using Moody's analytics on budget stress tests, New Jersey is one of the states "least prepared" for an economic downturn.

"While their economies are not so volatile, they have exceptionally small reserves, partly because they failed for many years to adequately fund their public employee pension systems and now are struggling to restore those systems' long-term health," the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities wrote.

New York

New York is the epicenter of the coronavirus in the US, with over 156,000 cases in New York City alone, as of April 27, and its major sources of revenue have taken a hit as the tourism industry and businesses temporarily close.

According to data from Pew Trusts, New York had 10.3 days to operate just on its rainy day funds in fiscal year 2019. The state had $2 billion, or 2.8% of its spending, in rainy day funds.

The state already had a budget gap of $6 billion before the pandemic. One reason for this was due to Medicaid costs and demand. Six million New Yorkers are enrolled in the program and spending for this healthcare program was about $75 billion in fiscal year 2018 in New York, according to The New York Times.

In 2012, "the state froze Medicaid contributions paid by county governments" to help local New York governments, meaning the state then had to help with any Medicaid cost increases, according to Syracuse News. To help with the high costs of the healthcare program and to address the budget gap, Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York recently proposed that counties control increases in the cost of Medicaid locally to no more than 3%, according to The New York Times article.

Theal said with unemployment numbers rising, more people will be looking to "draw upon Medicaid health benefits." The state's unemployment rate in March 2020 was at 4.5%, which is most likely lower than the actual rate as this is a preliminary reported figure from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics that does not include the subsequent weeks of layoffs and furloughs.


In contrast to New Jersey and New York, Wyoming is better prepared for an economic emergency.

According to figures from Pew, Wyoming can operate for over a year on just their rainy day funds, with 397.7 days worth of funding.

One reason their rainy day fund account of $1.7 billion, or 109.0% of its annual spending, was so high is because the state does a good job of saving money when times are good since its main revenue source of oil and fossil fuels fluctuates, Theal said.

Although Wyoming has a robust rainy day fund, it is one of the states that requires repayment quickly and has to repay the full amount the following fiscal year, according to Tax Foundation.

"I think that when given the choice between cutting more costs and dipping into rainy day funds, I think a lot of states are going to end up relying on their rainy day funds for some relief there," Cammenga said. "But I think it will be largely the states that don't have those really stringent requirements."

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities using Moody's analytics on budget stress tests, Wyoming is "best prepared" for an economic downturn.

However, its reliance on one source of revenue could be an issue, especially during recent declines in oil prices.

According to Rob Godby, an economist at the University of Wyoming, interviewed by Sierra Magazine, he said "Wyoming has to make fundamental changes to move beyond its dependence on falling energy revenues. That could mean hiking property or other taxes or introducing an income tax."


Nevada has a large tourism industry that has been impacted by the state lockdown and is projected to have the most job losses by this summer among states and DC.

According to Pew Trusts, Nevada can run for 27.3 days on just its rainy day fund, which is close to the median across the states in fiscal year 2019. The state had $332 million, or 7.5% of its spending, in rainy day funds.

The amount in its account has gone up and down over the years, including during and after the Great Recession.

The state had $268 million in fiscal year 2007, which decreased to $72.6 million in fiscal year 2008. In fiscal year 2009, the state only had $600,000, enough for less than a day.

According to a Brookings Institution report in 2017, "Nevada policymakers, assuming that the gaming and tourism industry was less vulnerable to swings in the business cycle, did not build up reserves during the early 2000s when revenue was soaring." As a result, Nevada's revenue was negatively affected by the Great Recession as its main sources of revenue fell.

But dipping into its reserves, "did not offset the deep spending cuts, tax increases, borrowing, and one-time federal stimulus money," according to Brookings.


Although Michigan has enough in its rainy day funds to run for over a month, it might not be prepared for serve economic impacts from the pandemic.

According to Pew, Michigan has enough money in its rainy day account to operate for 40.2 days based on its $1.1 billion in reserves, or 11.0% of its spending. Their budget stabilization fund has been rising since fiscal year 2014.

However, these reserves might not be enough to cover expenses and shortfalls during and after the coronavirus.

According to a report by, Citizen's Research Council of Michigan in 2017, Michigan is only prepared for a "mild economic downturn."

The state holds a better financial cushion than it did during the Great Recession, when the state had no money saved in its rainy day funds after using them to cover budget shortfalls from Michigan's "single-state recession", a term used in Michigan after the state spent almost a decade in a recession even after other states started to recover from a national recession in 2001, according to Citizen's Research Council of Michigan.

Pew notes that Michigan is one of the states that spends "considerable amounts" outside of their rainy day funds that also might add to aid the state in economic downfalls.


Although California has been building up its rainy day funds since it depleted its account in the Great Recession, the state is already predicting budget shortfalls.

According to Pew, California can run on rainy day funds for 52.8 days, more than double the median among states and among the top 10 states with the highest number of operating days.

Since 2014, the state requires 1.5% of its General Fund be put into its rainy day funds, according to California Legislative Analyst Office. The state had $20.6 billion in fiscal year 2019, or 14.5% of its spending, in its budget stabilization account.

But because of the nation's response to the pandemic, such as businesses temporarily closing and layoffs, that can affect the state's major sources of revenue. Experts covered by the LA Times believe their rainy day funds could be depleted to cover the state's economic shortfalls.

The state heavily relies on personal income taxes for revenue, where 67% of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 comes from personal income taxes, according to The Sacramento Bee. A good portion of income taxes comes from upper-income Californians, which The Sacramento Bee points out their source of income can vary. This makes it an unreliable source of revenue.

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