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The man who recorded an officer shooting Jacob Blake criticized police for 'constantly' giving Black people 'reasons not to let you guys protect and serve'

Rhea Mahbubani   

The man who recorded an officer shooting Jacob Blake criticized police for 'constantly' giving Black people 'reasons not to let you guys protect and serve'
  • Raysean White recorded police officers in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting Jacob Blake several times in the back on Sunday.
  • White told CNN that he watched from his house's window as police officers put Blake in a headlock, punched him, yanked on his arm, and Tased him before one of them opened fire.
  • Witnessing Blake's shooting was "highly disturbing," said White, who couldn't sleep at night. "But I'm pretty sure Jacob's kids were more traumatized than anybody during the whole situation," he told CNN.
  • White also told CNN that though police officers work under mottoes to "protect and serve" citizens, in reality, their presence leaves Black Americans "scared for our lives."

Raysean White said it was "highly disturbing" to watch Kenosha, Wisconsin, police wrestle with and tase Jacob Blake in the minutes leading up to his shooting on Sunday.

"But I'm pretty sure Jacob's kids were more traumatized than anybody during the whole situation," White, who pulled out his phone to film the incident, told CNN.

White told the news outlet that he moved into the same neighborhood as Blake in February. In the months since, he and Blake had crossed paths, but never spoken, and White had watched the 29-year-old's children play outside.

On Sunday, White peered out of his window and saw a scuffle unfold. His video of the ensuing incident has since been viewed by at least 10 million people.

Officers responded to a domestic incident around 5:11 p.m., the Kenosha Police Department said. White told CNN that he saw Blake climb out of his truck and head in the direction of his son, who was standing on a lawn on the residential street.

Blake asked his child to get into the vehicle and followed a woman into an apartment building. It was when he returned that the situation devolved, White told the news outlet.

"One of them had him in a headlock and was punching him in his ribs, the other had him in a headlock on the other side of him and was pulling his arm," White said. "After they punched him in his rib, the female officer Tased him and Jacob kind of leaned on the car and they proceeded to wrestle him toward the back of the car and he went to the other side of the car."

White also said that police were "yelling, 'Drop the knife.'" But, he added, "I didn't see any weapons in his hands. He wasn't being violent," according to NBC News.

That was when White began recording the incident, part of which occurred behind a vehicle. His video clip shows Blake rounding a gray SUV with three of his children inside and opening the door. A pair of officers was following him closely and one had a gun aimed at Blake.

When Blake attempted to enter the car, an officer yanked his tank top and shot him in the back, White said. Blake's body went slack, followed by the sound of a car horn piercing the air, White told CNN, adding that a woman looking on began to jump up and down.

"The officer that shot him, he got on his knees. He was trying to help him. He put his blue gloves on. Backup came. The other officers tried to help him," White said.

Two officers involved in the shooting have since been placed on administrative leave, according to police, but White told CNN that he hopes the officer who opened fire on Blake will confess to using excessive force and express remorse.

"I really hope everybody sees what's constantly going on around the world and this country," he said. "I hope they actually get justice for this man."

Blake survived the shooting and is currently in hospital, but his father, also named Jacob Blake, told the Chicago Sun-Times that his child is paralyzed below the waist. The senior Blake also said that his son was only trying to break up a fight when police responded by putting "eight holes" in his body.

White told CNN he was outraged and shaken by Blake's shooting, and couldn't fall asleep on Sunday night. He accused the police of claiming that they're "out here to protect and serve" but their presence and actions terrorize communities.

"You guys are constantly giving us — Black people, in particular — reasons not to let you guys protect and serve," he told the outlet. "We don't want you guys around because we are scared for our lives. You come to an incident to disarm an argument, and this Black man gets shot."


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