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The January 6 committee did not finish the job

Mattathias Schwartz   

The January 6 committee did not finish the job

For performing a desperately needed act of political exorcism, the members of the January 6 select committee deserve all the credit in the world. They hit Donald Trump hard. And they hit him where he lives — on TV.

But the committee's official mandate from Congress demanded more than a well-orchestrated demolition of the man whose malign self-regard inspired the rioters. The legislation establishing it directed the committee to report on the entire set of "facts, circumstances, and causes" surrounding the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol.

And on that measure, it failed. By focusing almost exclusively on the role that Trump and his acolytes played in fomenting the riot, the committee has deprived the public of the best possible understanding of exactly what happened that day, why no one anticipated it, and why it wasn't stopped by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and others charged with protecting the Capitol from dangers foreign and domestic. More concretely, it missed the chance to bring accountability to a number of bad actors — some of them negligent, some of them possibly complicit.

The committee was initially organized for a wide-ranging remit. Staffers were divided into four units to cover different arms of the investigation: a "blue team" for law enforcement preparedness, a "green team" for fundraising, a "purple team" for extremism, and a "gold team" for Trump himself. But by November, according to NBC News, the gold team had essentially taken over: Work from the other teams was going to be largely discarded in favor of a document that was "all-Trump."

Eight weeks later, that looks to be what happened. Some of the blue, purple, and green material made its way into three appendices. But the eight-chapter body of the committee's 845-page report, released last night, is Trump-obsessed.

There's a difference between a report that's Trump-first and one that's Trump-only.

Of course, going deep on Trump is essential to reckoning with the aftermath of January 6, 2021 and making sure that Trump's responsibility for the violence is both thoroughly documented and forever remembered.

But there's a difference between a report that's Trump-first and one that's Trump-only.

As with the 9/11 attacks, the system was blinking red. The January 6 committee report contains extensive documentation of forewarnings of violence that were percolating up from confidential sources, open-source analysts, and senior officials. More than one senior official specifically anticipated that Trump's supporters were going to attack the Capitol. On January 4, Senator Mark Warner, chair of the Senate intelligence committee, called the FBI's deputy director with his concerns. He was assured that the FBI had things under control.

On January 5, an internal FBI situational report warned that pro-Trump insurrectionists were planning to wage a "war" at the Capitol the next day. And yet at 10:43 the following morning, minutes before the violence began, Matt Blue, the acting chief of DOJ's Counterterrorism Section, wrote an email to his superior claiming "no credible threats as of the 10:00 brief."

What happened here? Don't look for the answer in the report. You won't find it.

Meanwhile, at the Department of Homeland Security, a young analyst looking at Reddit and other open-source forums was desperately trying to sound the alarm about the impending violence, only to find their efforts scuttled by superiors. They had decided not to make the transition a "heightened threat environment" which would have made reporting new threats easier.

Examining these well-documented failures to prepare falls squarely within the January 6 committee's duties. So what does its final report have to say about it?

The January 6 report makes a complicated argument to absolve the security establishment of responsibility for permitting the attack, one that hinges on surprise. Because Trump's own actions on January 6 "apparently did not (and potentially could not)" be anticipated, it wasn't the responsibility of the FBI, DHS, or other elements of the intelligence community to anticipate the threat.

Specifically, the report cites Trump's combative speech on the National Mall, and a tweet — after the mob began attacking the Capitol — condemning Vice President Mike Pence for his refusal to stop the counting of the electoral votes. It claims that "nobody in the DOJ leadership" — not even then-Attorney General Bill Barr — "could have predicted President Trump's actions that day."

While the committee notes the secrecy around Trump's plan to specifically instruct his supporters to go and march on the Capitol, he did publicly summon them by tweet to a "big protest" on January 6 with the promise that it "will be wild." As the committee notes, a threat analyst noted a "tenfold uptick in violent online rhetoric targeting Congress and law enforcement."

Why wasn't a tenfold increase in Congress-specific threats sufficient for DHS to decide this was a "heightened threat environment"? The report has no answer. Against the backdrop of so many blazing open-source warnings, it's hard to read Trump's tweets and conclude that the US intelligence apparatus "potentially could not" have foreseen the attack on the Capitol. And yet somehow, that's exactly where the January 6 committee landed. "The committee seems to be giving a bit of a pass to the FBI," said Ryan Goodman, a law professor at NYU, on the Just Security podcast. "The wording is so strained … it's almost like an excuse."

The notion that the FBI and DHS "potentially could not" have anticipated that Trump would seek to incite the crowd, and then refuse to tell them to go home, is undercut by the committee's own reporting. The conclusion of Appendix 1 states bluntly that the intelligence "should have been sufficient to warrant far more vigorous preparations" and that "the failure to sufficiently share and act upon that intelligence jeopardized the lives of the police officers defending the Capitol and everyone else in it." Were Trump's actions impossible to predict? Or was January 6 an intelligence failure? Passages like these suggest that while the gold team held the pen for the eight chapters of the report's body, one can read the three appendices as minority reports from the blue, green, and purple teams.

But these dissenting views, as valuable as they are, don't seem to have made much of an impact on the committee's conclusions. Its recommendations consist of exactly one sentence of boilerplate language, saying "federal agencies with intelligence and security missions" should "review their intelligence sharing protocols" and "move forward on whole-of-government strategies to combat the threat of violent activity posed by all extremist groups."

In public testimony, FBI Director Chris Wray told Congress that the bureau lacked "intelligence indicating that hundreds and hundreds of people were going to breach the Capitol complex." It's a frustrating claim, given that DHS had already flagged public posts from Trump supporters with specific plans for storming the Capitol, exhortations to bring guns, and statements that they were ready to "die for the cause."

Is the federal government capable of responding to clear signals of an imminent domestic attack?

One online thread, flagged by the FBI's office in Norfolk, Virginia, discussed "specific calls for violence," including a comment that said: "Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal."

The obvious lack of preparedness raises a question that was supposed to have been addressed in the aftermath of 9/11. Is the federal government capable of responding to clear signals of an imminent domestic attack? This is a serious concern, one that at least some members of the committee appear to have been aware of, and one that will outlast Trump. It was the January 6 committee's job to come back with a clear answer. Instead, they punted.

Trump had placed many loyal allies throughout the security establishment, and that makes the committee's lack of curiosity about preparedness even more alarming. Take Ken Cuccinelli, Trump's unconfirmed acting assistant secretary of DHS. Cuccinelli had been texting with Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, about voting machine conspiracy theories. He visited the Capitol on the night of January 6. Some of his text messages went missing, as did those from key officials at the Secret Service and the Pentagon. Emails were flying back and forth between Trump loyalists — including a communication between Kash Patel at the Pentagon and Tony Ornato, Trump's deputy chief of staff — into the evening of January 6. Does the January 6 committee believe that Trump had no one at the Pentagon or inside the agencies ready to assist with his failed coup attempt? It's hard to say. The report is brimming with loose ends, but it makes no clear allegations.

Looming over the January 6 committee's report is the report by the 9/11 Commission, which was far from perfect, but much more comprehensive and unsparing. The committee all but equates a would-be dictator doing exactly what he said he would do with airliners zooming out of the sky and slamming into the World Trade Center: "If we lacked the imagination to suppose that a President would incite an attack on his own Government … we lack that insight no more."

In fact, we now know that George W. Bush had ample warning from the CIA prior to 9/11. But to whatever extent "failure of the imagination" was a reasonable excuse in 2001, it's far less applicable to January 6. The January 6 plot was essentially crowdsourced online, through open-source forums and Trump's own tweets. Read the details of Appendix 1 and you'll see something closer to a failure to listen, followed by a failure to act.

With additional reporting by Sonam Sheth.

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