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  4. The family of Mario Gonzalez says his death mirrors George Floyd's. Body camera footage of his arrest contradicts an initial police statement.

The family of Mario Gonzalez says his death mirrors George Floyd's. Body camera footage of his arrest contradicts an initial police statement.

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz   

The family of Mario Gonzalez says his death mirrors George Floyd's. Body camera footage of his arrest contradicts an initial police statement.
  • The family of a man who died after police pinned him to the ground is comparing his death to George Floyd's.
  • Police initially said Mario Gonzalez, of California, died after a "medical emergency," similar to Floyd's case.
  • Body camera footage shows a few key differences in the way officers treated Gonzalez compared to Floyd.

The family of a California man who died on April 19 after police pinned him to the ground for five minutes is comparing his death to George Floyd's.

Alameda, California police initially said in a press release that "a physical altercation ensued" when they tried to detain a man and "at that time, the man had a medical emergency." The family of Mario Gonzalez, 26, says body camera footage of the incident shows police used excessive force on him.

"The police killed my brother in the same manner they killed George Floyd," Gerardo Gonzalez said during a Tuesday press conference.

Gonzalez's cause of death is unknown pending an autopsy, according to NBC Bay Area. Authorities in Alameda said they launched an investigation into Gonzalez's death, and the officers involved in the incident are on paid leave while the inquiry is being conducted.

The officers are Eric McKinley, Cameron Leahy and James Fisher, a city spokeswoman told The New York Times.

Gonzalez died the day before a jury found fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of Floyd's murder. The circumstances of his death also are eerily reminiscent of Floyd's, as both men were pinned to the ground by officers before they lost consciousness.

Video from the Gonzalez and Floyd incidents show the parallels between officers' interactions with the two men, even though Gonzalez's encounter with police differs in a few respects.

Gonzalez's encounter with police began calmly, then appeared to escalate

Like Gonzalez, Minneapolis police initially told the public Floyd died after a medical emergency. Floyd had actually fallen unconscious after being held to the ground by officers - in his case for nine minutes and 29 seconds.

It wasn't until video recorded by a bystander at the scene went viral, and police later released body camera footage, that it became apparent officers had played a bigger role in Floyd's death than police initially stated.

As soon as police arrived on the scene of Floyd's death, body camera footage showed Officer Thomas Lane approached with his gun pointed in Floyd's face, escalating the situation. Floyd could be seen in the footage begging officers not to shoot him.

Alameda police have not released an incident report for Gonzalez, but did release the body camera footage and a 911 call on Tuesday. The 911 caller told the dispatcher there was man near his home that was unmasked, disoriented, and talking to himself.

Once police arrived, an officer spent several minutes talking calmly with Gonzalez, according to the body camera footage. The officer asked Gonzalez what was wrong and if he felt like he wanted to hurt himself.

Gonzalez, standing next to a shopping basket with liquor bottles, attempted to engage in the conversation. His answers captured in the footage were incoherent.

Another officer arrived on scene and asked Gonzalez to keep his hands out of his pockets, according to the footage. Officers then forced Gonzalez's hands behind his back to handcuff him. As Gonzalez resisted, they fell to the ground, and officers kept him pinned there while asking for his full name and birth date.

"We're going to take care of you, OK, we're going to take care of you," one officer said in the footage.

"I think you just had too much to drink today, OK? That's all," the same officer said. Later, he added, "Mario, just please stop fighting us."

Gonzalez, who officers estimated weighed 250 pounds, grunted in the footage as officers held him face down into the ground. One of the officers appeared to put his knee on Gonzalez and held it there for several minutes.

After about five minutes on the ground, Gonzalez appeared to lose consciousness in the footage and one officer said, "Think we can roll him on his side?"

Another officer answered, "I don't want to lose what I got, man," but assured he had "no weight" on Gonzalez's chest.

"He's going unresponsive," one officer said.

The footage showed officers rolling Gonzalez on his side and performing CPR. Gonzalez was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

Body camera footage showed officers trying to resuscitate Gonzalez

In footage of both the Floyd and Gonzalez incidents, an officer on scene asked a colleague if they should roll the men on their side - a recovery position which police are trained to place suspects in after they are held prone. The responding officer said no in each case, and continued to hold Gonzalez or Floyd to the ground until they fell unconscious.

Policing and medical experts who testified at Chauvin's trial said that holding suspects in a prone position, especially if their hands are secured behind their backs, can restrict breathing and lead to death.

Minneapolis police leadership testified that applying force to a suspect who was proned like Floyd violated that department's training and was "in no way" their policy.

Policing experts also testified in the trial that officers have a duty to render aid, and that it's important to do as soon as possible in order to keep a suspect alive. Chauvin never attempted CPR on Floyd and continued to hold him to the ground even after his pulse had stopped, first responders at the scene testified at his trial.

When Gonzalez stopped breathing, body camera footage showed officers jumping in to provide medical aid.


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