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Putin's 10-day disappearance raised a grim question: Who will replace him when he's gone?

Mitch Prothero   

Putin's 10-day disappearance raised a grim question: Who will replace him when he's gone?

  • On paper, Vladimir Putin would be replaced by Mikhail Mishustin as president of Russia if Putin dies or leaves office.
  • But Mishustin is an obscure former tax official with no power base inside the Russian state.
  • That illustrates Putin's true dilemma: He can never fully relinquish control.
  • Intelligence and state security sources told Insider why they believe Putin can never retire.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's 10-day disappearance in April — amid rumors of COVID-19 infections in the top ranks of government — has raised a question the Russian leader has avoided for two decades in office: Who will replace him when he leaves office?

Technically, the answer is straightforward: On January 15, Putin announced a series of constitutional changes and dismissed the cabinet of Prime Minister Dimitri Medvedev and replaced him with a little-known tax official, Mikhail Mishustin. The change allowed himself to stay in power yet limited future presidents to two terms total in office. Mishustin would officially take control of the Russian government in the case of Putin's death or incapacitation, for 90 days or until an election to replace him can be held. 

Mishustin is regarded in Russian political circles as a bland and powerless factotum with no major ambitions. At the time of the announcement, Tatiana Stanovaya, a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Moscow Center, described Mishustin as a "technocratic placeholder," with little political backing from anyone beyond Putin.

This is not about a peaceful succession

Few observers saw the move as Putin taking steps to ensure a peaceful succession. Rather, the choice of Mishustin reflects a desire to hand day-to-day control of the cabinet to an easily controlled figure with no internal political power base of his own.

The constitutional changes were set to be approved by voters in April but were delayed due to COVID-19. They are currently rescheduled for July 1 and will undoubtedly end up approved.

The package includes the replacement of the prime minister, changes that would limit the presidency after Putin leaves office, and a formal extension of his term to at least 2024.

They have all been described as less a way to clarify the terms of succession and more as a final power grab by Putin to ensure that his final years are spent controlling Russia's levers of powers.

Putin can never actually retire. He may die in charge.

"The only goal of Putin and his regime is to stay in charge for life, having the entire country as his personal asset and seizing its riches for himself and his friends," Russia's most prominent Putin critic, Alexei Navalny, said at the time of the announcement, according to the AP.

A Central European counter-intelligence official who has spent most of his career focused on Russian intelligence and criminal threats said that after 20 years of fighting to stay in power, Putin — as an ex-intelligence operative himself — knows that any chance of his peacefully leaving office for retirement evaporated long ago. Putin will have to fight for control of the Russian security services until his last dying breath.

"Do you see a lot of Mafia bosses decide, after decades of stealing and killing, to retire quietly to some beach house with all their money?" he asked with a chuckle. "How about Narco-traffickers? Also think about the major dictators ... How many of them end their reigns with a peaceful retirement?"

"What Putin has in common with all of these types, even if you somehow want to dispute that he's a murdering, stealing despot, is that he's had 20 years of decisions that he made to stay in power -- to break up [the oil giant] Yukos [in 2005],the war in Chechnya, the killing of rivals at home and around the world … not to mention the smaller, daily pain and humiliation he must inflict to run the beast that is the Russian state," explained the official who works undercover and cannot be named.

"In his mind all of these things were necessary and even just. But Vladimir Putin completely understands this sort of power and he knows that the only way he will ever sleep safely is by complete and direct control of Russian security services and military. He knows that with his enemies even the most loyal proxy won't be good enough."

Having an heir apparent is an invitation to a coup

It's that relationship with proxies and replacements that forces Putin and other authoritarian leaders to intentionally design security systems that prevent anyone under them from ever effectively wielding power.

"It's by design," according to a Western European intelligence official who refused to be identified but works for a service with decent relations with the Russians.

"Having a political heir is an invitation to a coup in most authoritarian structures like organized crime. And letting that heir build their own independent political and power base through legitimate authority almost guarantees one," said the official, who studies transnational crime networks such as the Mafia, ISIS and Russian money-laundering operations. 

'Drop a ball and you're dead or in prison'

"Putin's job, like anyone in that position, is to wake up each day and juggle a dozen or more power centers, keeping them moving in the directions you want, replacing them on the fly with others just to disrupt the flow of energy if it moves away from you," the official said. "Drop a ball and you're dead or in prison. It might be tempting to ask someone to help you juggle but who can you trust really?"

Abu Muhammed al Hashemi is a former top intelligence official for Saddam Hussein. Currently living in Amman, Jordan, Abu Muhammed (he asked that his nickname be used to avoid annoying his Jordanian hosts), said that Saddam spent most of his time managing this question.

"Saddam was surrounded by family, but also his family, he could not really trust them," said Abu Muhammed. "Everyone from that family loved Saddam but feared him and would probably kill him to replace him. So he had to make sure they were always fighting each other and not him. But with people not from the family it was simple: Saddam would pick some low guy and build him up, give him things and power, and then take it away. Maybe have him arrested or killed. Then pick some new guy and do it again. He'd always have someone walking up the hill but nobody could ever get to the top."

So Mishustin is a perfect proxy, for now. He combines an understanding of the Russian tax system with — what Putin clearly hopes — are no direct personal ambitions and no independent support from the security services.

'It will be Death of Stalin'

"This is a great move from Putin survival wise," according to the Central European intelligence official. 

"The first thing Putin weaponized really well when he came to power and began to take control of the economy from the oligarchs was the tax system, because in a system like that anything can be legal or illegal because the system is at its base complete anarchy," said the official. "It's how he keeps his guys in line: Anyone with any assets in Russia can be arrested on a tax charge at any time, the rich guys couldn't get legal and properly pay their taxes if they wanted to."

So what would happen if Putin suddenly caught COVID-19 and died? Who would control Russia's nuclear weapons and who would come out on top during the 90-day struggle before an election is called?

"It will be 'Death of Stalin,'" said the Western European official, referring to the recent black comedy movie about the days after Stalin's death, as his lieutenants fought to replace him (and avoid being killed by their rivals).

"The oligarchs that selected Putin have been destroyed by Putin, he set about doing that first," said the Western official. "We have our eyes on some people at the higher levels of the security services and army that we think could be contenders to win a struggle but until Putin is gone or greatly diminished it's always going to be nearly impossible. He's intentionally making sure there's never any clear candidates."


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