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Photos show how shortages are forcing doctors and nurses to improvise coronavirus PPE from snorkel masks, pool noodles, and trash bags

Sophia Ankel   

Photos show how shortages are forcing doctors and nurses to improvise coronavirus PPE from snorkel masks, pool noodles, and trash bags
An emergency nurse (ICU) dressed in garbage bags and a protective mask loaned altruistically by a private company at the emergency entrance door of the San Jorge hospital on March 31, 2020 in Huesca, Spain.Álvaro Calvo / Getty Images
  • Doctors, nurses, and other medics have been forced to find their own ways to shield themselves from the coronavirus, amid a global shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Photos on social media show how doctors and nurses are getting creative by making their own protective gear, including using snorkel masks and wearing trash bags over their scrubs.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Doctors, nurses, and medical staff working on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic are being forced to improvise due to a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE).

To protect themselves against the infectious virus, some medical staff are having to get creative with everyday items, including snorkel masks and raincoats.

PPE shortages have been a significant problem in several countries, including the US, where the largest nurses union was seen staging a protest for more adequate protective equipment in front of the White House on Tuesday.

Scroll down to see to the lengths to which some doctors and nurses are going to protect themselves against the coronavirus without proper PPE.

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But the community is also helping out. For instance, a licensed nurse practitioner in Las Vegas is designing makeshift face shields. They are made from a piece of polyethylene foam cut from a pool noodle, a sheet of transparency film, and a rubber band.

But the community is also helping out. For instance, a licensed nurse practitioner in Las Vegas is designing makeshift face shields. They are made from a piece of polyethylene foam cut from a pool noodle, a sheet of transparency film, and a rubber band.
Dr. Rhigel Jay Tan, a licensed nurse practitioner, makes custom-made face shields at his home for health care workers in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 22, 2020.      Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Dr Tan started by making his custom-made face shields, which he calls the "iCareFaceShields", for his friends and family working as doctors two weeks ago. Since then, he donated more than 350 of them to different hospitals in Las Vegas.

As different governments around the world struggle to get new batches of PPE shipped in, local and global communities are working together to help doctors and nurses as much as they can.

There are also multiple Facebook groups where healthcare workers can exchange tips and tricks on how to make homemade protective gear.

Another popular regular item which is being employed for protection is the full-face snorkel mask, which was first used by healthcare workers in Italy who turned them into respirator masks.


A consultant anesthetist working in the UK reported bought more than 50 snorkels to turn into respirator masks, according to the Guardian.

"The snorkel masks have been adapted for use as non-invasive ventilators by Italian anesthetists. They published their design including 3D-printed adapters to connect oxygen tubing to the snorkel breathing tube," he said.

The most sought-after piece of equipment is an FFP3 mask, which has the highest safety levels for medical staff. But since these are in short supply globally, some doctors are acquiring gas masks instead.

Source: The Guardian

In the UK, some doctors are buying boxes of ski goggles as an alternative.


Healthcare workers in the UK are having to buy their own protective gear to gear up before going to work, according to the Guardian.

Samantha Batt-Rawden, the president of Doctors Association UK, told the paper: "Many doctors have told us they have also had to buy their own respirator masks from hardware stores, while others have reached out to schools and laboratories for protective glasses."

According to Batt-Rawden, some healthcare workers are even approaching 3D printing companies to have batches of visors made. 

Gowns are not the only piece of equipment there is a shortage of. A lack of medical goggles is forcing some doctors to turn to swim goggles instead.


In India, the shortage of protective equipment is forcing doctors to turn instead to motorbike helmets and thin plastic raincoats, which can easily rip during a shift.

In India, the shortage of protective equipment is forcing doctors to turn instead to motorbike helmets and thin plastic raincoats, which can easily rip during a shift.
A doctor wearing a torn raincoat stands at the major coronavirus disease treatment facility in Kolkata, India on March 26, 2020.      Reuters

More than a dozen doctors told Reuters they were concerned about becoming sick without proper gear.

On Tuesday, drivers of around 4,7000 ambulances went on strike in India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, calling for proper safety gear and health insurance.

One doctor told Reuters: "I put on a [motorbike] helmet. It has a visor in front so it covers my face, adding another layer over the surgical mask."

"Everybody is scared," he added. "Nobody wants to work without protection."

Source: Reuters

But these measures don't always work. Several nurses in the UK who were forced to wear trash bags during their shifts tested positive for the virus, while one nurse in New York died.


Kious Kelly was working as an assistant nursing manager at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, which was using trash bags for protective equipment. He died from COVID-19 on March 24, at the age of 48.

Source: Business Insider

Some medics have adapted as best they can, for instance including wearing trash bags over their scrubs for an additional layer of safety.

Some medics have adapted as best they can, for instance including wearing trash bags over their scrubs for an additional layer of safety.
An emergency nurse (ICU) dressed in garbage bags and a protective mask loaned altruistically by a private company at the emergency entrance door of the San Jorge hospital on March 31, 2020 in Huesca, Spain.      Álvaro Calvo / Getty Images

Some doctors in the UK are also covering the sides and backs of their heads with trash bags, according to the BBC.

Dr. Roberts told the BBC: "It's about being pragmatic. The nurses on ITU (Intensive Treatment Unit) need it now. They are doing procedures which risk aerosol spread of the virus. But they've been told to wear normal theatre hats, which have holes in them and don't provide any protection."

"It's wrong. And that's why we're having to put bin bags and aprons on our heads," she added.

A lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been a serious problem in lots of countries fighting the coronavirus.

A lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been a serious problem in lots of countries fighting the coronavirus.
In a protest pleading for adequate PPE which was arranged on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol Building, 1,000 pop-up signs show the faces of nurses and frontline healthcare workers on April 17, 2020, in Washington, DC.      Paul Morigi/Getty Images for MoveOn

With jobs that bring them into close contact with the coronavirus and an ongoing shortage of PPE, healthcare workers have a higher risk of infection causing an increasing number to die from the disease.

On Tuesday, April 23, members of National Nurses United — the largest nursing union in the US — staged a protest outside the White House to push for more PPE.

PPE supplies have also been salient issues in the UK

Nurses in New York have filed lawsuits that allege "grossly inadequate and negligent protections" and "unsafe working conditions."


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