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Medical experts: Rescue workers and neighbors at the site of the collapsed Florida condo could be at risk of respiratory illness

Madison Hall   

Medical experts: Rescue workers and neighbors at the site of the collapsed Florida condo could be at risk of respiratory illness
  • Medical experts say dust poses a risk to crews at the collapsed Florida condo, and to neighbors.
  • Inhaling large amounts of concrete dust can lead to silicosis and other pulmonary diseases.
  • Rescue workers use particulate respirators, but doctors are worried about unprotected people nearby

Nearly a week after the unexpected collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, dust remains an invisible risk lingering in and around the disaster site.

The danger has already been cited in one lawsuit against the condo association. Resident Steve Rosenthal said he "has suffered and likely will suffer adverse health consequences as a result of the harmful contact with the particulate chemistries and organisms which were aerosolized and which he breathed."

Insider spoke with two medical experts to learn more about the particulates. While the incidences were not identical, they compared some of the risks first responders are facing in Florida to those from the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York.

When the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed, clouds of dust, ash, and chemicals filled the air as rescuers ardently searched for survivors. In the nearly 20 years since the attacks, hundreds of members of the World Trade Center rescue teams have died from various illnesses associated with their work at ground zero, including cancer, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and more.

Dr. Laura Crowley, deputy director of the World Trade Center Health Program Clinical Center of Excellence at Mount Sinai in New York, has worked directly with many of the first responders from the 9/11 attack in coordination with the US government. She said the fine particulate size of the concrete dust is a major concern as it can lead to silicosis and lung scarring.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett said on Monday testing showed the air at the condo collapse site is not toxic, but said he still had "a little chest pain from inhaling all that smoke."

The air may not be "toxic," but lots of dust will likely resurface as rubble continues to be pushed around in an effort to locate survivors.

Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos, assistant professor of medicine and the director of the Tobacco Treatment Clinic at Johns Hopkins Medicine, told Insider he's worried for the survivors, neighbors, and people walking near the rubble who aren't being provided particulate respirators.

"A bigger concern is the casual individual walking, by such as family members who say, 'Oh, I just want to see what's happening' and are then breathing in these particulates which could be deleterious for some" Galiatsatos said. Residential buildings near Champlain Towers South should take precautions and be on alert for high winds that could blow dust their way, he added.

"If you feel like the wind is blowing that dust - keep your windows closed," Galiatsatos said.

If someone has already inhaled large amounts of dust and debris, Crowley said they should stay in close communication with their physician about any respiratory or physical ramifications.

"I think lessons learned from 9/11 is certainly that workers and survivors need to be protected and monitored for any health effects that may have come from the tragic events," she said.


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