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Inequality flamethrower Anand Giridharadas on why billionaires shouldn't exist and his hopes for the Biden administration

Dec 8, 2020, 21:19 IST
Business Insider
Samantha Lee/Business Insider
Anand Giridharadas at a 2018 event in San Francisco.Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images
  • Anand Giridharadas is the author of 2018's "Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World," a hard-hitting critique of the role that the ultrawealthy play in philanthropy — and in society.
  • He recently spoke with Business Insider about philanthropy in the wake of Giving Tuesday and the issues with billionaire giving.
  • He said there is an "urgent, moral imperative to help Joe Biden decide what kind of president he wants to be."

Anand Giridharadas has years of practice criticizing billionaires and philanthropy.


In fact, he wrote the book on it.

His "Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World," from 2018, documented what he described as the "charade" of the highest-income people donating to the very inequities they may have helped create, and its themes have resonated stronger and stronger since. A self-described "flamethrower by temperament," he recently made waves when he criticized the work (and inaction) of attendees at the National Association of Corporate Directors' annual summit, leading some to threaten to cancel their memberships and "rage quit" the organization.

Once a consultant at McKinsey, Giridharadas used his subsequent platform as a journalist and fellow at the Aspen Institute to give a provocative keynote speech in 2015, where he said the elites in the audience had never been called upon to do less harm. That speech became "Winners Take All," which was reviewed favorably in The New York Times by the Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and has led to a multiyear run of Giridharadas as a general billionaire scourge.

Giridharadas spoke with Business Insider last week about Giving Tuesday, the issues with ultrawealthy philanthropy, and his hopes for the Biden administration.


The following transcript was edited for length and clarity.

What purpose do you think something like Giving Tuesday serves right now, especially in the very strange year that's been 2020? What do you think philanthropy of this kind should look like in the future?

Well, there's a difference between charity and big philanthropy. Giving Tuesday brings together lots of different forms of giving. Some of them I think we should celebrate. Giving Tuesday is partly about inviting regular people to donate and volunteer and in other ways take care of their community and society. And that's for the good - every major religion suggests the same.

But when we talk about philanthropy, we're really not talking about that. We're talking about the biggest corporations and the wealthiest individuals engaging in giving at a scale that is quasi-governmental, in ways that often seek to erase and obscure their role in causing many of the social problems that they laterally become interested in solving, and that deepen their hold over power in the society, when what the society most urgently needs is for them to have less of it.

So a regular person giving $100 to a cause they love on Giving Tuesday is fantastic. Big companies and very rich people using something like Giving Tuesday - or just philanthropy in general - to achieve their more dubious ends is another matter entirely.

Giridharadas.Matt Winkelmeyer / Staff / Getty Images

I think that's a really important delineation, so I'm glad you brought that up. I'm just wondering if there's any examples of that that you've seen recently, that kind of dubious giving.

The most prominent example that I've been thinking about is the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma. There's going to be a hearing on the hill either next week or the week after; the next wrinkle in the settlement over the opioid crisis was just announced. And this family and this company are spectacular examples of how to get away with human destruction on a continental scale and use strategic philanthropy as lubricant in an engine of exploitation and misery making.

They made billions and billions selling opioids to a country that was seeing more and more people die every year - by the hundreds, then by the thousands, and then by the tens of thousands, and then by the hundreds of thousands - from these overdoses. The record has now made clear that they knew what was going on, that they beat back efforts by regulators in West Virginia, and around the country, to anticipate the problem early and deal with it.

And all the while, as New York Attorney General Letitia James detailed very carefully in the civil complaint in that case, they use giving to arts institutions and other philanthropic causes to buy a measure of goodwill and reputation laundering for their name and influence that allowed the operation to grind on mercilessly.

A pharmacist with a bottle of OxyContin made by Purdue Pharma.Reuters

I think I might know your answer to the first part of this next question. But how, if at all, could philanthropy from the ultrawealthy be reformed, and, if it can't, what would you like to see instead?

Well, we don't need the richest and most powerful people in the society to give more. We need them to take less. We don't need them to make a difference. We need them to stop making a killing at the society's expense. We don't need them to increase their generosity. We need them to reduce their complicity and injustice.

We don't need them to talk about changing the world. We need them to change themselves so that they stop exploiting the world. So the most important thing any ultrawealthy reader of Business Insider reading this, with bulging eyes and minor shivers, is to think about - instead of asking what you can do or how you can step up and contribute - to ask what you've been doing, how does your company pay people?


What investments do you have, and how do those investments potentially fuel climate change or assist the theft of wages and increasing precariousness visited upon workers? How is your money complicit in the rigging of the power structure of this country, through campaign contributions and lobbying, so that you end up with bottle-service public policy, where you and your friends get public policy that's good for them, but it doesn't benefit most people?

We've seen companies put black squares on Instagram in what frankly amounts to corporate blackface, while refusing to actually pay Black people or any other people more than they do now, while refusing to pay proper taxes into the kind of programs that benefit Black people and all people. We've seen companies make a big spectacle about COVID donations, and food-pantry donations, while using this pandemic to shed workforces.

We've seen the Business Roundtable last year make a very public statement about how the new purpose of corporations was allegedly going to be to take care of society, not to shareholders. And then in the year ensuing, their own study found that companies that signed the statement treated workers no better when we had the worst economic crisis in decades.

And so there is this real question that I have: Are any of the wealthiest and most powerful people in our society serious about bending the arc toward justice? And if so, are they willing to do the only thing that is actually going to get us there, which is fighting for the kind of systemic change that would reduce their own power? And the good news is if they don't want to do that, that's fine. That's sort of what I expect. The rest of us have a way to do that - which is called democracy.

Going off that last point, when you say democracy, can we get a little more into that? What are policies or ways that people can get involved to create that change?


Well, I think first of all, there is an urgent, moral imperative to help Joe Biden decide what kind of president he wants to be. One thing that Joe Biden's career has made clear is that he is a pretty standard neoliberal centrist Democrat, who exists in many ways within the post-Reagan consensus, having some of the traditional liberal goals of equality and justice but fundamentally believing that markets are the best way to advance those goals.

President-elect Joe Biden.Pool/Getty Images

Well, that framework and that ideology has been revealed to be bankrupt: morally, spiritually, and factually bankrupt.

But he won the election. And so he has said, and I take him at his word, because I have no choice, that he wants to be bolder than maybe he initially even ran on. He wants an FDR-size presidency, which is not who he said he was going to be in the primary, but he has said that in view of this crisis.

And his career shows a man who has been on multiple sides of all kinds of things: against busing, and then against systemic racism; very much in favor of the credit-card companies, but also a big believer in helping the middle class, who was screwed over by credit-card companies.

Joe Biden - whether this is a good quality or bad quality - is not a dyed-in-the-wool, deeply intellectual believer in any particular ideology. He is not Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who has read 3,000 books to arrive at whatever their philosophy is. I think there is a malleability to Joe Biden that is worth getting excited about if you believe in real change in this country. There will be time for cynicism later, but for now I think it is the work that I see every thoughtful activist doing right now, and other persuaders, which is to try to create conditions in which Joe Biden is going to go bold instead of go timid.


I think he can do it, but I think he's going to need to be pushed to do it. And I speak to people on his team who practically beg for him to be pushed in order to get it done. He needs that external pressure. And a lot of us are going to plan to give it to him.

A phrase that you've been using a lot recently, that I really like, is the idea of structural decency, particularly in relation to the Biden administration. What do you think structural decency would look like in practice when it comes to kind of rectifying the issues that you have, or structural issues, I would say, of the creation of billionaires and the ultrawealthy?

When Joe Biden has encountered in his life people who have a stutter, the way he had a stutter when he was growing up and learned to deal with, he famously gave many of them his phone number. He wanted those people to live full, flourishing lives, despite any issues with their health and well-being and their body.

And what I would urge Joe Biden to consider is the notion of Medicare for All - that he has resisted - is essentially doing what he did and giving his phone number to those individuals on the scale of a continental nation. Medicare for All is scaling up that gesture of giving the phone number. It is scaling up personal decency to structural decency. It is creating probably a 1-800 number that you can call to figure out how to get the care you need one place, one payer. So I salute the kindness behind giving individual people who suffer your phone number in the hope that you, as a leader and as a human being, will take care of them.

"Medicare for All" signs.REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

But there are too many people with stutters in this country for Joe Biden to check in on all of them. And that's just one situation people deal with.

There's too many people with cancer for Joe Biden to check in on, because of his deep interest in cancer work because of his late son. There are too many people who have indeed gotten knocked down, to use his word, by this job market for Joe Biden to personally check in on, in the way that he is known to do.


And so the purpose of activist, bold government is to actually systematize Joe Biden's personal behavior into collective institutional behavior. And Joe Biden should not shy away from bold systemic change, because all it is trying to do is to make the country work for everybody the way those lucky enough to cross his path are able to benefit from his compassion.

Maybe this is a broader existential question about the United States and wealth here, but do you think billionaires should exist?

Billionaires should not exist.

The people who have billions should of course be allowed to stick around, but they won't have billions anymore if this country moves toward justice.

And the reason is, until quite recently, the rhetoric you heard - even in the mainstream left - was billionaires should chip in more, they should pay more of their fair share. They should help upkeep the common institutions we share. And that is certainly one important goal. We have a lot of common things that we own together, and billionaires have been underpaying for them for some time, and they should pay more. But the fair-share argument, the chip-in arguments, is too modest. It's too modest a version of the case.


I would actually go much further, and argue, because you have can $100 billion, right? We could do a tax where you give half of that away, and you have $50 billion. Are we all good at that point? Well, no, and here's why I think we're not: Because that is a level of wealth that I believe to be inconsistent with the proper functioning of a democracy.

In other words, simply by virtue of being that wealthy, your effect on politics, on schools, on whatever your causes are, on workers, the power you have over others is, I think, inconsistent with the healthy functioning of a democracy, unless you're some kind of monk who is completely able to possess $50 billion and exert no effect on the world - but I haven't met such a person yet.

So I think where the conversation has gone, thanks to people like AOC and Bernie and even Dan Riffle, who had that great phrase, "Every billionaire is a policy failure." We actually need to stop talking about people chipping in for their fair share. There's a level of wealth that in its existence is inconsistent with a flourishing republic.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York on August 24.Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images/Pool

And so then how do you break the news to billionaires?

I break it to them all day, every day. Some of them privately confessed to knowing that fundamentally what I and others say is right, even if they can't say that publicly or can't get themselves fully to support it.

And many of them - far more of them - have their heads in the sand thinking that this will pass, thinking that the anger will pass, and thinking that they can continue living the late-20th-century-neoliberal version of the American dream in which you spend your life making money by harming society, through cutting every possible moral corner, underpaying taxes, rigging public policy, underpaying workers, using generosity as a substitute for justice, and then turning around and marketing yourself as a solution to the problems you are still working to cause.


It doesn't work anymore.

We see through it; it's a fraud, a fraud that increasingly receives airtime in the media and in public discussions, for what it is, seen for what it is. And the smart ones I think know that the game is up, and the pretensions of "billionaires can be our saviors" are now things that people laugh at. You have kind of anti-plutocrat movements on the left, obviously, but you also have them on the right increasingly, if you watch Tucker Carlson or folks like that. And it's up to them whether they want this to be done in a kind of reformist way or the revolts way; history provides plenty of examples of either. And that is an area where they are going to have some amount of choice.

Let's say we continue on this path where, as you're talking about, the billionaires are putting the money into the issues they've created, and there's not necessarily that push or change in the Biden administration. What do you think happens then?

I think there is a real and powerful groundswell against oligarchy and plutocracy. I mean, I started writing my book in 2015, and the obscurity of that topic and public discussion versus today - thanks in part to the Bernie Sanders campaigns, that Elizabeth Warren campaign, AOC, books, TV shows, movies, documentaries - the profile of issues have been dramatically raised. And now it's up to people in politics to either respond to the growing, I think, vast majority of Americans don't want to live in an oligarchy, or confine themselves to historical irrelevance.

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