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How and when to plant grass seed based on where you live

Mar 12, 2022, 00:07 IST
Planting new grass seed can help liven up a lawn, and is simple to do by yourself. Laura Yurs/Getty Images
  • To plant the right grass seed, you have to consider your local climate and yard characteristics.
  • Plant in the fall if you're in the north, late spring for the south, and either season in middle America.
  • Watering your planted seeds about four times per day is the key to helping your grass grow.

Whether you're an experienced gardener or a new home owner just learning about lawn care, planting new grass seed is a simple way to get the lawn you've been hoping for.

Although sowing grass seed is fairly straightforward, there are some steps you should follow in order to get the lawn of your dreams.

1. Choose the best grass seed for your climate

It's important to choose a grass seed that works with your climate and yard type. Imagesbybarbara/Getty Images

Before you start planting grass seed, you need to identify the type of grass that fits with your climate. You might be tempted to match the grass you already have, but that process is tricky, according to George Bernardon, vice president of grounds management at SSC Services for Education, which provides landscaping services to schools.

"Instead, choose a grass variety or blend of grasses that work for your region and stick with it," Bernardon says. "Even if it does not match the variety of your current grass, you can transition in a couple of years with consistent seeding."


There are two categories of grass seed, and you should choose based on where you live:

RegionCategoryGrass types
North of the mid-Atlantic Cool-season grassesBentgrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Fine Fescue
Southernmost states (Georgia through Arizona)Warm-season grassesBahia, Bermuda, Centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia

In the transition zone, which stretches through the middle of the country from the Appalachian states through California, you can plant either cool-season and warm-season varieties of grass.

Bermuda and buffalo grass are warm-season grasses that grow well in the transition zone, while Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass are cool-season varieties that do well there.

Once you've identified your climate, consider the following characteristics of your yard:

Shady or sunny: If you have a shady yard, try creeping fescue seed for a cool-season zone or zoysia in a warm-season zone.


Wet or dry: Use tall fescue mix in dry or drought-prone areas of the North, and fine fescue for wetter areas. In the south, opt for buffalo grass seed to stand up to drought and centipede grass seed for a hearty year-round plant that can handle moisture.

Lots of foot traffic: If you plan to be on your grass often, choose a variety that can stand up to wear-and-tear. Ryegrass is a great hardy grass for cooler climates, while Bermuda grass will hold up to lots of use in the south.

Quick tip: For in-depth information on the most popular varieties of grass, check out our guide on types of grasses.

2. Determine the best season to plant

Using a seed spreader can ensure seed is spread evenly. Robin Gentry/Getty Images

The ideal time to plant grass seed also depends on your location. Bernardon recommends inserting a meat thermometer about one inch into the soil. When the temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit, it's time to plant.

Cool-season grasses are planted in the fall, when the soil temperature dips below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, says Craig Elworthy, founder of Lawnbright, a lawn care subscription service. If you're in the northern US, aim to plant your grass around Labor Day.


If you're in the transition zone, the best time to plant grass depends on what variety of seed you're planting. Plant warm-season grasses in the early summer when the soil temperature reaches 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and cool-season grasses in September and October when the soil temperature has dipped below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you miss your ideal planting window, your grass may or may not still take, Bernardon says. If you want to be sure of good growth, you might opt to wait until next year.

Quick tip: To support new grass, your soil must be healthy. Since grass seed can be expensive, it's a good idea to get a soil test before planting to check the health of your grass and add any nutrients that it's lacking, Bernardon says.

3. Prepare the soil

Add any needed nutrients or fertilizers two weeks before you seed. Look for fertilizers that are specific for seeding, and skip those that also kill weeds, since they can prevent your grass seed from taking hold.

Before dispersing any seed, use a metal rake or a thatcher to scratch and loosen the soil. Clear any grass cuttings or debris. Make sure that when you sprinkle the grass seed, there won't be anything blocking it from the soil.


4. Plant and disperse the grass seed

Plant your grass seeds on the ground and use a hand spreader to make sure that the seed is distributed evenly. Overwise, you risk having a patchy lawn.

After spreading the seed, gently rake the ground to bring the seed into direct contact with the soil.

5. Water regularly

Once your seed is on the ground, the most important thing to do is water it regularly, says Elworthy.

He recommends watering grass seed four times a day: in the morning, around noon, and twice in the afternoon. Water for eight to 10 minutes at a time, and avoid watering at night, he says.

Other than that, the key to growing grass is to stay patient, according to Elworthy.


How long does it take grass seed to grow?

The most important part of caring for grass seed after its planted is to water it frequently. Faba-Photograhpy/Getty Images

Each grass species germinates and grows at a slightly different speed.

Cool-season grasses, like Kentucky bluegrass and fescue, can take one to two weeks to start growing. Meanwhile, some warm-season grasses, like centipede and bahia, can take up to a month.

How long it takes for the grass to mature depends on factors such as watering, adequate fertilization, seed quality, and weed competition.

While you wait for your seed to take hold, don't mow or walk on it for the first month.


Insider's takeaway

Although planting grass seed is relatively simple, timing is everything. Before you plant your grass seed, test your soil and add fertilizers and nutrients. About two weeks after that is done, you're ready to start planting.

Before you scatter seed, take a few minutes to loosen the soil so that the seeds will come into direct contact with loose dirt.

Once you've planted the seed — using a hand spreader tool to get an even spread — the most important thing you can do is water your grass seed four times each day. From there, it's just a matter of time until your grass grows.

"As long as you're watering on schedule and you've seeded at the right time, you'll get results,'' Elworthy says.

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