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  4. Farmers in Brazil are risking their lives to harvest açaí — but they've been left out of the profits from the trendy berry's popularity

Farmers in Brazil are risking their lives to harvest açaí but they've been left out of the profits from the trendy berry's popularity

Farmers in Brazil are risking their lives to harvest açaí — but they've been left out of the profits from the trendy berry's popularity
A farmer harvests açaí berries in rural Brazil.Kadeh Ferreira
  • Harvesting açaí in the Amazon rainforest can be dangerous for farmers.
  • While exports of the berries have skyrocketed, small farmers don't receive much profit from sales.

Açaí is harvested in rural areas of Brazil by small farmers, who climb trees to collect the berries.

Açaí is harvested in rural areas of Brazil by small farmers, who climb trees to collect the berries.
Kadeh Ferreira

Most of the world's supply of açaí comes from the Amazon rainforest. Brazilian farmers — like Luis "Lucas" Everaldo Noguiera de Deus — climb the skinny palm trees to collect the fruit with their bare hands.

"You could be at the top grabbing the bunch, and it can break because it's fragile," Nogueira de Deus told Insider.

Collecting açaí can be a difficult — and dangerous — process.

Collecting açaí can be a difficult — and dangerous — process.
Climbing açaí trees requires this rope tool, which used to be made of plants.      Kadeh Ferreira

The trunks are so thin that climbers like Lucas and his son Luis Fernando Souza de Deus have to be lightweight. The only tool they use to climb the trees is a single piece of rope called a peconha.

The tool used to be made of leaves.

At the top, climbers swing from the tree to grab multiple bunches of berries. Dropping the bunches could damage the fragile fruit so farmers must be careful.

The walk through the jungle is full of animals and snakes — and the risk of falling from the tree is especially dangerous.

"Thank God I've never fallen from a tree. I hope this never happens to me," Luis said. His father has fallen three times but wasn't seriously hurt.

To this day, most açaí in Brazil is harvested by families on small-scale farms.

To this day, most açaí in Brazil is harvested by families on small-scale farms.
Small, family-owned farms harvest most of the açaí in the region.      Kadeh Ferreira

Today, most açaí in Brazil is still harvested by families on small-scale farms.

Insider met Lucas and his family at the end of the 2021 harvest. Their farm is roughly 70 miles from Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, which grows more than roughly 90% of the açaí produced in Brazil.

In recent decades, açai has exploded in popularity. The berry is found in smoothie shops throughout the world, and one bowl of it can cost up to $15. But small farms haven't really been able to cash in on the profit.

"We end up with the smallest portion of the profits here in the community," Lucas explains. His family harvested 53 baskets in 2021, earning them an income of about $950.

That's as little as 20 cents per pound. Meanwhile, a pound of processed açaí sorbet can sell for $7 or more in the US.

Merchants bring the açaí to Belém by boat. It's a race against the clock to sell the fruit before it spoils, so markets run overnight.

Merchants bring the açaí to Belém by boat. It
Baskets of açai berries sit at markets in Belém for sale.      Kadeh Ferreira

Small farms like Lucas' family have to sell their açaí as quickly as possible. The fruit goes bad fast; after being harvested, açaí berries typically stay fresh for, at most, 48 hours.

This leaves farmers who don't have processing machines with little leverage to negotiate, so they travel to Belém to sell their berries at market.

"We don't have industries here in this community. We sell to the middlemen, and then it will get into the hands of people who will get the real benefits out of it, who will do well," Lucas said.

The prices of baskets vary each day, often depending on demand. The basket pictured here5 would average around 60 reals, or $11.64. Most of the açaí produced in the state stays in Brazil. But exports have skyrocketed, growing about 14,000% between 2011 and 2020.

From the market, açaí is brought to processing facilities, like North Açaí.

From the market, açaí is brought to processing facilities, like North Açaí.
Processing facilities are where açaí berries become the frozen pulp most of the world consumes.      Kadeh Ferreira

At these facilities, 22 tons of fruit are turned into frozen pulp — the version of açaí that most of the world is familiar with — every day.

"We separate the seed from the fruit. Açaí is a small membrane with a seed. About 95% of açaí is seed," said André Lima, CEO and Founder of North Açaí.

He told Insider that this stage of processing involves freezing the pulp, then shipping the blocks to international and national markets.

It's also the stage when we see the biggest jump in price in açaí production — about 177%, according to a 2021 study.

Today, more than 70% of Brazil's açaí exports end up in the United States.

Today, more than 70% of Brazil
Most of Brazil's açaí exports end up in American markets.      Kadeh Ferreira

After the Brazilian açaí has been processed and exported, most of it is sold in the United States.

"We are very present in Florida, New York, New Jersey, the whole East Coast from North to South," Lima said.

It's not just the US, though. The global market for açaí is expected to reach nearly $2.1 billion by the end of 2025. And as Lima explained: "If a market like China were to open up, the frontiers to consume this product will grow."

Açaí's popularity took off in other Brazilian states in the 1980s and became a health trend.

Açaí has become a trendy superfood that advocates claim can solve all kinds of health issues.      Kadeh Ferreira

Açaí's status as a trendy snack has a longer history. Its high-calorie content made it a perfect pre- or post-exercise food, and its antioxidants made it easy to brand as a "superfood."

Supporters claim the berry can address all sorts of health issues, like obesity, hypertension, sexual difficulties, and more.

Nutritionists say this narrative has been blown out of proportion. But Americans became hooked on turning açaí into fruit pulp bowls, mixing in fruit, granola, and honey.

Its trendiness is a far cry from the culture of the people who have eaten it for much longer.

Its trendiness is a far cry from the culture of the people who have eaten it for much longer.
Açaí has a much longer history than its trendy status would show.      Kadeh Ferreira

Indigeneous people living in the Amazon have harvested and consumed açaí for centuries, maybe even millennia. It's still a staple food in the daily diet of people in Pará, who eat it fresh with savory meals.

It's also a part of the culture. Lucas was 12 when he started climbing açaí trees, and he still does, 36 years later.

"I would harvest for myself and to help my parents," he says. "I thought they couldn't continue supporting me financially. So I started to harvest açaí so I could sustain myself, to pay for my clothes, my shoes."

Nowadays, Lucas owns his farmland along with 55 other families. These kinds of settlements are called quilombos or quilombola communities and many go back centuries.

They were originally established by enslaved Africans and Afro-descendents who ran away into the jungle and started communities like this to survive. Many learned from indigenous people how to harvest and process native foods, including açaí.

Today, the Brazilian government estimates that there are nearly 6,000 Quilombola communities in the country. And a 2013 study found roughly 75% still lived in extreme poverty.

The açaí harvesting industry has recently come under fire for its child labor practices.

The açaí harvesting industry has recently come under fire for its child labor practices.
For many farmers, harvesting açaí is a family affair.      Kadeh Ferreira

In recent years, açaí has also made headlines in American and Brazilian media for reports of children working in the industry.

But farmers like Lucas said it's always been this way — and that it's normal for everyone in the family to help out and learn the trade.

"It's a culture because it goes from father to son, from grandfather to grandson," he told Insider.

Lucas' açaí trees grow alongside different native trees and plants. But larger monoculture plantations are on the rise.

These plantations produce more fruit, but there's an environmental cost.      Kadeh Ferreira

The amount of land used for these plantations has more than tripled since 2006.

According to Professor Francisco de Assis Costa, a professor and researcher at the Center of High Amazonian studies at the Federal University of Pará, the plantations create "homogeneous systems that are very fragile and not resilient."

These plantations are often located far away from floodplains, where açaí trees naturally thrive. That means big producers have to irrigate their açaí trees, while farmers like Lucas rely on natural seasonal flooding from the nearby river.

"Not to mention the problem with biodiversity if you transform the Amazon into a plantation," Professor Francisco says.

Experts worry that as açaí's popularity continues to grow, the cultural traditions of Pará and the Amazon could be lost.

Experts worry that as açaí
The current market for açaí could hurt local harvesting methods.      Kadeh Ferreira

As açaí continues to export across the world, the culture and local significance of the berries could be wiped out for farmers like Lucas.

"It is transforming açaí into a commodity. And this is bad. Everything is about volume, because it doesn't matter if the quality is low," Professor Francisco says.

Açaí is something Lucas and many local families take pride in. They've eaten it for generations.

"We add some flour," Lucas explains. "We are used to eating açaí like this. You take a spoon, then eat the chicken, some beans, some rice, then some açaí. Try eating it like we do here, so you can taste the flavor of our açaí from Pará, the normal açaí, pure. And you will see how delicious our açaí is."

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