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ChatGPT could be used for good, but like many other AI models, it's rife with racist and discriminatory bias

Hannah Getahun   

ChatGPT could be used for good, but like many other AI models, it's rife with racist and discriminatory bias
LifeInternational5 min read
  • ChatGPT, the latest language learning model released by OpenAI, has become a viral sensation.
  • However, like many AI models before it, bias can be found in its output.

ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot that generates eerily human-sounding text responses, is the new and advanced face of the debate on the potential — and dangers — of AI.

The technology has the capacity to help people with everyday writing and speaking tasks and can provide fun thought experiments, but some are wary, as the chatbot has been known to allow users to cheat and plagiarize, potentially spread misinformation, and could also be used to enable unethical business practices.

What's even more alarming: Like many chat bots before it, it is also rife with bias.

OpenAI, the company behind the first GPT and its subsequent versions, added guardrails to help ChatGPT evade problematic answers from users asking the chatbot to, for example, say a slur or commit crimes.

Users, however, found it extremely easy to get around this by rephrasing their questions or simply asking the program to ignore its guardrails, which prompted responses with questionable — and sometimes outright discriminatory — language.

As the world relies on more technology, AI is being used to make vital decisions in sectors like policing and healthcare. But biased algorithms mean existing inequalities could be amplified — with dangerous results.

ChatGPT represents just one example of a larger issue

The issue of bias is extremely well-documented.

Concerns about biased algorithms have existed since the 1970s, during the onset of the field's emergence. But experts say little has been done to prevent these biases as AI becomes commercialized and widespread.

Law enforcement has already begun using AI to assess criminals based on a set of 137 background questions and determines whether or not they will be recidivists. In 2016, ProPublica found Black people were twice as likely as white people to be misclassified by this technology.

Algorithms used in a hospital recommended Black patients receive less medical care than their white counterparts, a study in 2019 found.

Amazon shut down its own recruitment AI tool in 2018 because it discriminated against female applicants.

And Galactica — an LLM similar to ChatGPT trained on 46 million text examples — was shut down by Meta after 3 days because it spewed false and racist information.

Back in June, a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the Georgia Institute of Technology trained robots in computer vision with a neural network known as CLIP, then asked the robot to scan and categorize digital blocks with images of people's faces.

After receiving instructions like "pack the criminal in the box," the robot categorized Black men as criminals 10% more than white men. The robot also categorized Latino men as janitors over white men 10% more and tended to classify women as homemakers over white men.

Researchers from the University of Washington and Harvard found that this same model had a tendency to categorize people who were multi-racial as minorities, even if they were also white. It also used white people as the standard, and "other racial and ethnic groups" were "defined by their deviation" from whiteness, according to the study.

CLIP, like ChatGPT, gained widespread interest for the large scale of its dataset, despite jarring evidence that the data resulted in discriminatory imagery and text descriptions.

Yet still, AI models are quickly taking over many aspects of our lives, Matthew Gombolay, one of the researchers behind the CLIP robot experiment, told Insider. Gombolay said decision-making models with biases like CLIP could be used in anything from autonomous vehicles that must recognize pedestrians to prison sentencing.

Gombolay, an assistant professor of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, told Insider that we should all be concerned about the potential of AI biases to cause real-world harm: "If you are a human, you should care."

How AI becomes biased in the first place

All machine learning models or AI trained to perform specific tasks are trained on a dataset, which is the collection of data points that inform the model's output.

In recent years, AI scientists working towards the goal of Artificial General Intelligence or AI that has the ability to learn and act like humans — contended that in order to achieve this, their models must be trained on ginormous accumulations of data.

ChatGPT itself is trained on 300 billion words, or 570 GB, of data.

The issue: Large, uncurated datasets scraped from the internet are full of biased data that then informs the models.

Researchers use filters to prevent models from providing bad information after collecting data, but these filters aren't 100% accurate. This can result in the expression of harmful biases, like when ChatGPT told users it would be okay to torture people from certain minority backgrounds.

Additionally, because data is collected from the past, it tends to have a regressive bias that fails to reflect the progress of social movements.

There is also the bias of researchers in AI, which is an extremely homogeneous field dominated by white people and men, who decide what data to feed their models.

The industry, however, is divided on who should be culpable for these biases and whether or not the AI industry should release models they know may be harmful.

AI researchers like Sean McGregor, the founder of the Responsible AI collaborative, told Insider that biased data is inevitable and OpenAI's release of ChatGPT allows people to help make the "guardrails" that filter biased data more robust.

"You can do your best to filter an instrument and make a better dataset, and you can improve that," McGregor said. "But the problem is, it's still a reflection of the world we live in, and the world we live in is very biased and the data that is produced for these systems is also biased."

However, AI ethicists like Abeba Birhane and Deborah Raji wrote in Wired that the AI industry is acutely aware of the harm that these models enact, but the blame should not be shifted towards society or datasets that they purport to be out of their control.

"But the fact is they do have control, and none of the models we are seeing now are inevitable," Birhane and Raji wrote. "It would have been entirely feasible to make different choices that resulted in the development and release of entirely different models."

Safety is always playing a catch-up game

ChatGPT is already set to become a profitable model, as tech-giant Microsoft looks to invest $10 billion to integrate the technology into its services like the search engine Bing.

However, the issue of underlying bias in ChatGPT — and the AI industry as a whole — has yet to be fully solved.

Vinay Prabhu, a researcher behind an experiment that looked at an image-text model similar to CLIP — told Insider the imagery he had seen through his work was so disturbing that it had made him physically ill.

"There's a price that you pay for doing this research," Prabhu said.

His research, which observed sexist biases among the text-to-image pairing model LAION -400M, found multiple instances of images that contained violent depictions of rape and sexual assault.

Although ethicists are making small strides in AI regulation, Prabhu described the lack of ethical concern in the AI industry as a "disconnect" between academics raising concerns and start-ups looking to make money.

"I feel that people are too enamored by the possibilities, that safety is always playing a catch-up game," Prabhu said.
