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  4. BI ES These are the Nike shoes that you can put on without using your hands: designed for people with reduced mobility and with the functionality of Crocs.

BI ES These are the Nike shoes that you can put on without using your hands: designed for people with reduced mobility and with the functionality of Crocs.

Marta Godoy   

BI ES These are the Nike shoes that you can put on without using your hands: designed for people with reduced mobility and with the functionality of Crocs.

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Nike has just introduced the Go FlyEase, a pair of shoes that you can put on without using your hands. They are intended to improve the lives of people with reduced mobility, since their design allows you to put your feet in and take them out without the need to bend down, as stated in Gizmodo.

The sneakers, which aesthetically have nothing out of the ordinary and are shown as an athletic shoe without laces, have arrived at a key moment in the wake of the pandemic, where minimizing contact with the ground is almost a must to avoid contagions.

The design of these, which allows the feet to slide easily in and out of the sneakers, was born as a response to the well-known Crocs sneaker line, which although aesthetically has its detractors, its functionality is unrelenting.

If you're gonna do it, might as well do it right

Crocs Shoes (@Crocs) January 21, 2021

However, unlike these sneakers, which have a recognizable strap at the back, Nike designed its GO FlyEase model with a bi-stable hinge mechanism, which allows the sole to separate just before the heel portion, thus, creating a larger opening that lets the foot slide freely.

With this functionality, the heel is held in place by an elastic tensioning band, which keeps the shoe completely closed while walking.

Nike introduced the sneakers that automatically adjust to the size of your foot; Nike GO FlyEase

roc21 (@roc21) February 2, 2021

Likewise, the GO FlyEase also feature an enhancement that makes it possible to step securely with the other foot while opening the shoe's hinge mechanism.

Accessibility with nuances

This model, which we could define as the first "hands-free" model, still has a "limited" accessibility due to two factors: the first is that it is not easy to slide the foot without bending down, and the second is its price.

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This line that Nike has named Adap has a price of more than 300 dollars, about 250 euros. This figure could go down to 120 dollars, almost 100 euros, after being tested from January 15 by a few customers selected by the firm.

The goal, as Nike explains, is to offer a wide range of products for all possible lifestyles, "whether you're a champion champion, a student who's late for class or a parent with busy hands."


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