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An Afghan woman told us she's 'disgusted' with those focused on who is to blame for the Taliban takeover, rather than the lives of Afghans

Charles Davis   

An Afghan woman told us she's 'disgusted' with those focused on who is to blame for the Taliban takeover, rather than the lives of Afghans
  • The Taliban took control of Kabul last week, sparking fear in the country and a rush to flee Afghanistan.
  • In an interview, one Afghan woman, currently studying in the US, said she knows she cannot return home.
  • She told Insider it may be seven years or more before she sees her family again.

Zoya came to the United States for high school and is now a rising senior in college. She's part of a generation of Afghan women who grew up after the Taliban had been ousted from power in 2001 and were taking advantage of educational opportunities that their mothers had been denied.

But the plan was always to return to Kabul, the place where she was raised and where her family remains.

That changed this month. The US-backed government, which had assured people like her that they would play a key role in building a robust democracy, collapsed with a speed that shocked even the most pessimistic. It fell so rapidly that Zoya's family, members of a persecuted ethnic and religious minority who had for months been working on an escape plan, is now stuck there - like thousands of others who fear life under their new rulers.

Zoya spoke with Insider about the situation in the capital of Afghanistan and what the future holds for her family and her homeland. Her name has been changed for security reasons.

What is your family's situation in Kabul right now?

My father worked for human rights and women's rights. He was working for local NGOs that were building a school for girls, hospitals, and just general training about women's rights - going around and telling women what their rights were, according to the constitution and international law. And with the Taliban in control, their lives are in danger. The Taliban are going house to house looking for people who have been doing what my father has been doing so far. So far, my family hasn't really left the neighborhood. They have gone outside of the house once or twice grocery shopping. I don't know how long they can stay.

President Joe Biden announced that US troops are going to leave on August 31. A lot of people feared that that would mean that the Afghan government would collapse soon after. Obviously, it collapsed a bit faster than anyone expected. Did your family attempt to leave earlier?

Yes, they did. For the past year, we had this conversation: "Should we, or should we not leave Afghanistan?" But for the past five months, it was a serious conversation. "Where should we go? What should we do?" A lot of the countries had closed their borders; a lot of them are not giving visas to Afghans. So we didn't have a lot of options.

Pakistan is also not a safe place for a lot of people, but especially for the ethnic minority that my family is, Hazara, they've been targeted in Pakistan. And the other option is Iran, and they can not do that either because my sisters wouldn't be able to go to school because they'd be illegal refugees. Education is a very important thing to my family, and they couldn't do that.

I'm not blaming any administration in particular. I feel like it was not just an American failure or an Afghan failure, it was a failure of every single power in Afghanistan, including the Afghan government. They all assured Afghans that it was going to be safe. If you watch every single interview with President Ghani and his spokespeople, they all say "stay in your country, if you're a coward leave, but nothing will happen in Afghanistan. We have everything under control."

You would rather believe people saying, "this is going to be safe, stay." So a lot of these people did not leave because they were told to stay.

As you can see on television, the Taliban are trying to present a different image, claiming that this is not the Taliban of the year 2000 - that women can still play a role in society and they won't target minorities. Do you believe them?

Of course not. The whole world is watching them right now and they need the world to recognize them as a government. Even now, in their testing period, it's been a week and the streets of Kabul are empty of women. I love Kabul. I had so much hope for this city. I wanted to live the rest of my life there, and I could picture the rest of my life there. And now I can't because there's not a single woman on the streets of Kabul. This is a different regime.

Personally, I was told that I should delete my social media. And I did because my family's in Afghanistan. People who are in Afghanistan can't report about this. We all fear for our lives.

Personally, for me, if I was in Kabul, and if I was on my own, I wouldn't fear it as much because it would only affect me. But me posting anything would affect my family and kids, my siblings who are so young and who have not chosen this life. People can't only think about themselves and how this situation is affecting them, but rather the ones they love - their family, their friends also. So I don't even know at this point how much of what we are hearing about the "Taliban's changed" is accurate. However, we do know that they have been killing people. They have beaten women.

I'm sure you're in touch with your family constantly. How are they feeling?

When I call my family, they close the windows, and it's like, hush-hush talk. I was talking to my brother, he's 10, and he was telling me, oh, he's glad the Taliban came because now they have electricity. And I ask him how dare you say that? I was very upset with this 10-year-old. And he's like, hush, they're listening to WhatsApp calls, don't say anything. And that's the fear that people are living under. This 10-year-old, who does not support the Taliban, thinks he has to talk in a way that the [Taliban's feelings] aren't hurt. I just can't get my head around that. He always feared the Taliban, my brother. We're super close.

He would always say how he feared that when the Taliban came to Kabul, his life was going to be different. And I told him, jokingly, "Why would you be upset? The Taliban are not going to waste a bullet on you." And he said, oh, how little do you know, they're going to take me to the military, and I'm going to become a Talib. And his other concern as a 10-year-old is that he might be killed by the Taliban because he's Hazara. And my heart cannot accept kids who are 10 to know this, to have this kind of fear.

What are the next steps for your family? I know we were talking about them sheltering in place, but are they trying to get visas and come to the United States?

They cannot leave the country because there are no flights leaving with Afghans at the moment. That's what I've heard. So they can't do anything right now. But we have been trying to apply for the Canadian resettlement program and the American P-1 P-2 programs. Just basically anywhere that announced that they would accept Afghan refugees, we applied, whether that was India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, anywhere really. We haven't really heard from any other countries, for sure, that they are going to give visas to my family so far. I am hopeful that we will hear from one of them, and whatever country that is we are going to go for now.

Our long-term plan, we are going to think about it at that time. I feel like this is such an emergency time that we don't really think about what's next for the next, as long as we know that there's a school for my siblings to go to. My family can just stay in a place for a year or two, we would be totally fine with that. It's just a matter of we want to leave Kabul, even though it is hard to leave your home. And for the past, over 20 years, they've built a house, my parents, and raised kids in that house. And for us, it's the only home we know, and suddenly we have to leave it. That is a hard decision to make, and it's super hard to leave it, but we have no choice. I mean, we didn't choose that.

Are you hopeful that you will see your family again soon? When is the last time you've actually seen each other in person?

It was exactly two years ago. I said goodbye in August. I don't think I will see them. I don't think it's going to be something for years. Even if they were to come to the US, it would take them at the very least, if it goes really fast, it would be two years. But with the number of people who already have their documents on the table, I think it's gonna be a very lengthy process for all of them to come to the US. Realistically, I don't think it would be until like five years from today. I don't think my entire family can reunite anytime soon. I don't think the whole family can reunite for years to come.

You're talking about how it could be years until the whole family's reunited, but when would you expect to see your mother and father again? Like if they went to a third country, let's say they decide to set up shop in Pakistan for a little bit, would you go fly to see them? What would be your plan?

I was planning to go back to Afghanistan, obviously, after I graduated from college, because I'm one of those people brought up to think that we were going to go build the country, and now they took away my country and I have no other place to go to. The only other place that I am familiar with is the US, so I think I am going to stay and see if I can stay in the US. And I don't know if that is going to happen, really, but if that happens, I don't think as a person who seeks asylum in the US, you can leave.

I know friends who have applied for asylum like seven years ago and their asylum hasn't gone through. So that's probably seven years that I wouldn't be able to leave the US and if my family - tens of thousands of Afghans are applying, and the US is only accepting 20,000, of which I'm guessing that so many of them already accepted, so the chances that my family could actually come to the US is very slim. In reality, I don't want to really think about how long it's going to be until I see them again. I have a sister I haven't met yet. I don't know how old she is going to be when I meet her.

What do you think Americans don't understand about what's going on now? And what would you say to Americans who think, in hindsight, that the war was a mistake and are getting out - and it's sad, but it's not really our problem anymore? That America made a mistake and now we're ending that mistake.

There's so many things that I feel are misinterpreted in the Western media that hurt me. I don't even want to read any of it. One is people concerned about the rights of women and children, which I've been talking about it too, but I don't think it's just the women of Afghanistan, just the children of Afghanistan, who are suffering right now. Men are suffering too. The whole nation except the Taliban is panicking. My father is panicking. It's not a gender thing. My father has to grow a beard now. My father has to dress a certain way to go outside; it's not just women.

Two, I am super disgusted that it's become a debate of whether it was Biden or Trump or the Afghans' fault. It is the life of Afghans that is the question right now. Why can't the world just put that aside for a second and think about, "What can we do now?"

Pressure the government to secure the airport, so Afghans who need to evacuate can evacuate. That is the question that people should be focusing on.

Three, that Afghanistan is not a problem for the West - honestly, I've been hearing that for so long. Letting the Taliban take over Kabul encourages every single terrorist group to just fight the government. A Talib spokesperson said that when they took over Afghanistan, they saved 36 million Muslims, now they want to save over a billion Muslims. And that is threatening - it's scary to hear that. Basically, Americans left a country to terrorists. What's coming next we don't know. But I hope that this time, whatever happens, people don't blame Afghans just like they did after 9/11.

Another thing is the lives of all of these Afghans that are going to be lost. America knows that they're going to be killed. The world knows that they're going to be killed, and they're leaving them.

Americans are going to see scenes of chaos on their television. We know that the Taliban is bad. But somebody reading this might wonder, "What can or should I do?" What would you ask of people?

Pressure their government to secure the airport of Kabul. Make it possible for everybody who needs or wants to leave Afghanistan to be able to do that. I think nobody deserves - no one - deserves to live under the Taliban. And if somebody thinks that it's none of their problem, I want them to put themselves in others' shoes. I want them to put themselves in the shoes of those people who fear for their life, who are waiting for - in the next two weeks - to be killed. I want them to accept more refugees, to help people. At this point, Afghanistan is in the hands of the Taliban, but we can save those who are at risk. Nobody deserves to live under that regime.

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