<p class="ingestion featured-caption">Soldiers launch and control a Switchblade 300 drone.AeroVironment/Business Wire/AP</p><ul class="summary-list"><li>Switchblade drones offer attack and reconnaissance capabilities in a compact, portable vehicle.</li><li>The US military has invested millions in the drones for precise air support with reduced collateral.</li></ul><p>Switchblade drones, a loitering munition used for attack and reconnaissance, weigh under 10 pounds and can fit in a soldier's backpack.</p><p>Though small in size, the miniature munition packs a punch.</p><p>For over a decade, the US military has invested millions in the <a target="_blank" class href="https://www.businessinsider.com/kamikaze-style-drones-big-advantage-and-challenge-top-marines-say-2022-5">one-way bomber drone</a> to provide fast, cheap close air support with more precision and less collateral damage.</p><p>Earlier this year, the US Army announced plans to field more than 1,000 of the largest Switchblade drones over the next year. Last month, the service signed a massive deal worth up to $1 billion to acquire more Switchblade drones.</p><p>Since its inception, the drone has enabled armed forces worldwide to adapt to a modern battlefield.</p>