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A woman surprised a San Diego County meeting with an anti-vaxx version of Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas is You'

Bill Bostock   

A woman surprised a San Diego County meeting with an anti-vaxx version of Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas is You'
  • A woman sang an anti-vaxx cover of "All I want for Christmas is You" at a county meeting Tuesday.
  • The San Diego county board of supervisors were debating an extension to an emergency order.

A woman performed an anti-vaxx rendition of "All I Want For Christmas is You" during a county meeting on Tuesday in San Diego, California.

The woman, who identified herself as Bridgette, stepped up to the lectern at the San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting and put on a Santa hat.

She then sang an altered version of Mariah Carey's song with lyrics attacking masks and vaccines, and suggested natural immunity as the solution to the Omicron coronavirus variant.

The meeting was recorded by San Diego county, and her rendition can be seen at the 2:03:00 mark.

The board had been debating whether to support an extension to the local health-emergency order, and the woman came forward when local residents were invited to speak.

In the song, the woman promoted the drugs ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine — both falsely promoted by anti-vaxxers as cures for COVID-19. She also said schools should stay open, and that she wanted "body autonomy" over vaccines. The US Food and Drug Administration has cautioned against the use of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19.

Here are her full, alternative lyrics:

"I don't want a lot for Christmas, just body autonomy. I don't care about the variants, because of natural immunity.

I just want my freedom now, the constitution will show us how, make my dreams come true.

End the state of emergency and acknowledge early treatment too.

Ivermectin, not just [inaudible] hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C and vitamin D, and zinc and [inaudible]

I won't wear a useless mask, I don't need to stay at home, and my kids should go to school. We don't need to be alone.

I just want my freedom now, the constitution will show us how, make my dreams come true, baby I ... end the emergency."


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