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50 years after another devastating surprise attack, Israel is facing a different kind of war that will be tougher to fight

Michael Peck   

50 years after another devastating surprise attack, Israel is facing a different kind of war that will be tougher to fight
  • After a surprise attack this month, Israel declared war on Hamas and began strikes in the Gaza Strip.
  • This comes 50 years after another surprise attack on Israel by Egypt, Syria, and other Arab forces.

It was a Saturday in October 1973 when Arab armies launched a massive surprise attack that came perilously close to defeating Israel. And it was Saturday in October 2023 when Hamas launched a surprise assault across the Gaza border that killed more than 1,300 Israelis.

The wars of 1973 and 2023 have more in common than timing. Both are textbook examples of strategic surprise and the devastating cost of overconfidence, complacency, and wishful thinking.

In both cases, Israel appeared convinced that it could easily defeat any enemy invasion and that its enemies knew this and therefore wouldn't attack. In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the price of that miscalculation was almost 3,000 soldiers killed from an Israeli force of about 400,000.

The toll of Hamas' attack on Israel this month was about 1,300, most of whom were civilians, and casualties — combatants and civilians — will only increase once Israel launches an invasion of Gaza.

The Yom Kippur War ended after nearly three weeks of fighting. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, satisfied that Egypt's humiliation in the 1967 Six-Day War had been redeemed, eventually signed the Camp David Accords with Israel in 1978.

Egypt got back the Sinai, and Israel made peace with its most powerful enemy. Even if the peace is frigid, it's been a half-century since Israelis and Egyptians met in battle.

With the specter of another regional war now hovering over the Middle East, that outcome may be comforting to those struggling with the horrors of the Gaza war. If Israel and Egypt could make peace, why not Israel and Hamas?

Unfortunately, that hope is largely misplaced. The Yom Kippur War was a war between nations employing regular armies that fought intense mechanized battles like those of World War II. The goals of the combatants were limited: Egypt wanted Sinai, Syria wanted the Golan, and Israel wanted to restore its military reputation and establish deterrence with its enemies.

Israelis in 1973 did believe they were fighting for their survival. In the early days of the war, it seemed as if Syrian tanks would break out of the Golan and advance on Haifa. In a panic over heavy Israeli losses, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan urged Prime Minister Golda Meir to consider using nuclear weapons. Even after the war ended, some Israelis were convinced the Arabs would rearm with Soviet weapons and attack again.

So why did the Yom Kippur War ultimately result in Israel signing a peace treaty — which included returning the Sinai buffer zone — and achieving a mostly stable ceasefire with Syria? Because the stakes were not so high that there wasn't room for negotiation and compromise.

This is not the case with Hamas and Israel. Hamas has refused to recognize the state of Israel, which it says occupies what it deems Islamic lands. At most, it seems willing to offer a "hudna," a truce with the implication that violence could resume at any moment. With such maximalist goals, there seems little room for compromise.

The irony is that Israel is safer than it was in 1973. Hamas or Hezbollah might briefly seize some border territory and take hostages, but there is little chance of Arab armies conquering Israel. However, Hamas does have the capability to use rockets and terror attacks to wage a low-level war and disrupt everyday life in Israel, a Western-style nation with an advanced economy.

In 1973, Israel could use its military to achieve tangible goals. After a grueling 19-day war, the IDF advanced to within striking range of Cairo and Damascus, inducing their enemies to accept a ceasefire.

That's not an option in Gaza. Israel can't force Hamas militants to engage in open battle nor can it send in its police to arrest them. Like Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas is threaded through political and social life in Gaza, functioning as a government, an army, and a terror group.

This leaves no good long-term options. Israel can't use aerial bombardment to destroy Hamas' military capabilities without also inflicting civilian casualties that would inflame world opinion. Reoccupying Gaza would require a counterinsurgency that would be a nightmare for Israeli forces.

Establishing a buffer zone inside Gaza is an option to preclude another Hamas ground invasion, but it would require a considerable troop presence and is unlikely to stop Hamas from launching rockets that have hit as far away as northern Israel.

Though Israeli leaders vow there will no return to the status quo prior to the Hamas invasion, the status quo ante seems the most likely outcome. Israel will tighten its blockade and perhaps establish a Korean-style DMZ, studded with thick minefields and guard posts. Hamas will continue to fire whatever rockets it can build or can smuggle in from Iran.

Netanyahu will almost certainly go, just as Golda Meir resigned in 1974. Voters do not forgive leaders for failing the most basic duty of a government — to defend its citizens — and many Israelis have already turned on Netanyahu. But a new Israeli prime minister will inherit the same old mess.

On the other hand, who in 1973 could have imagined Golda Meir sharing a laugh with Anwar Sadat in 1977 or Israeli tourists visiting the Pyramids in the decades that followed? The Middle East may yet surprise us again.

Michael Peck is a defense writer whose work has appeared in Forbes, Defense News, Foreign Policy magazine, and other publications. He holds a master's in political science. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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