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39. Scoot Over?

Aug 13, 2020, 08:42 IST

About two years ago, companies like Bird and Lime deposited thousands of dockless electric scooters in San Diego. Some people loved them… and some people hated them. While city officials considered what to do, two guys decided they'd had enough and took matters into their own hands. What followed were lawsuits, a physical alteration, and a growing new business. Plus, in a new segment, we learn what a beloved brand of chocolate has to do with inflation in the U.K.


Produced by Julia Press, Sarah Wyman, and Charlie Herman.

Read more:


Note: This transcript may contain errors.

CHARLIE HERMAN: There's this oddly popular Instagram account called "Bird Graveyard." It has nothing to do with actual "birds" but rather, electric scooters ... and "Bird?" well, if you don't know already, it's one of the biggest e-scooter companies out there.


On this account, people upload images and videos of electric scooters being smashed, tossed from buildings, set on fire, or knocked over like dominoes.

BIRD GRAVEYARD: Get it girl!

I've probably spent way too much time on this site, it's kind of hard to take your eyes off it.

One thing I did notice, there's this strange obsession with throwing electric scooters into bodies of water: The Pacific Ocean. The Willamette River in Portland. The Seine in Paris. The Reflecting Pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial? Really?

What's going on here? Where did this all begin?


NEWS: Those electric scooters from companies like Lime and Bird...

NEWS: electric scooters are taking over cities...

NEWS: It's an e-scooter invasion...

CNBC: Electric scooters like this one have flooded the streets of Santa Monica in recent months...

CH: Here is where it started: two years ago in Santa Monica, California. That's when Bird, without much fuss or warning put ten dockless electric scooters on the streets and then made them available for anyone to rent who downloaded the company's app. Soon after, these scooters were all over the city. And in the months that followed, Bird and its competitors like Lime and Scoot, expanded quickly and relentlessly across the country and the world.


11ALIVE: Bird is the word in Atlanta...

WCPO: Scooters have officially landed in downtown Cincinnati...

KPIX: A new flock of wheels just hit the Bay Area: electric scooters...

STRAITS TIMES: Germany is joining the global craze for e-scooters...

NEWSHUB AUCKLAND: Hundreds more e-scooters will hit the streets of Auckland later this week.


CH: Two years after those first ten scooters, Bird is worth nearly $3 billion. Its closest competitor Lime is worth close to $2.5 billion. That is astonishing when you consider there are still more cities to conquer – like New York.

If they're worth this much, clearly, people are riding the scooters and investors believe there's a future for these companies. So why are people hurling them into lakes and rivers? When did child's play get so angry?

From Business Insider, this is Brought to you by... Brands you know, stories you don't. I'm Charlie Herman.

We know about ride shares and bike shares, but in a flash, the latest transportation trend is shared electric scooters. Overnight, it feels like they're everywhere. (And if they haven't arrived in your city yet, don't worry, they will.)

People love them.


SPEAKER ONE: I ride them all the time.

CH: People hate them.

SPEAKER TWO: There are too many of them. I'm a little concerned about my safety around them.

CH: But who's actually responsible for them?

Today, what happens when two guys in San Diego have had enough, and decide to take matters into their own hands.


And later, in a new segment, what does a chocolate frog have to do with inflation?

Stay with us.


CH: This episode, I'm going to do something a little different. Instead of focusing on one brand, I want to look at one product: electric scooters. That's because, right now, there are so many different companies putting these scooters on the streets and sidewalks in so many cities, the brand you know might not be the same as one in another city.

But they are everywhere: Bird, Lime, Lyft, Razor, Skip, Scoot, not to mention the international ones like Grow Mobility and Bolt.


To tell this story, I want to focus on one city struggling to respond to this flood of scooters: San Diego ... that's because something is going on there that isn't happening anywhere else.

Like in Santa Monica, scooters seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

ABC 10: I first noticed the Bird scooters maybe two weeks ago? They just dropped off a ton of them, and now they're everywhere.

CH: And as they have in other cities, the scooter companies say they provide a green solution to San Diego's transportation needs.

SPEAKER THREE: I work literally on the opposite side of downtown from where I park, so it's a twenty minute walk or like a four minute scooter.


CH: And just like other cities, there are fans and there are critics.

The concerns usually fall into two categories. The first is how people use them. Are they on the sidewalk? Or in the street? How fast are they going? Are riders wearing helmets? Obeying traffic laws?

And then, when the riders are done, a host of other issues kick in. Since the whole point of these e-scooters is that you can leave them anywhere, do riders leave them nice and neatly, out of the way, using the kickstand? Or do they dump them in piles on street corners, where they can block wheelchair ramps or create tripping hazards?

These problems exist everywhere. But here's what makes San Diego different.

DAN BORELLI: My name is Dan Borelli and I'm one of the two co-founders of Scoot Scoop.


JOHN HEINKEL: And I'm John Heinkel and I am the other co-founder of Scoot Scoop.

John Heinkel and Dan Borelli and, you got it, Scoot Scoop. Most mornings, they wake up around 4 am and pile into their pickup truck to patrol the city for rogue scooters and then scoot them up. This is Heinkel:

JH: We spend 12 hours a day, seven days a week together.

CH: We sent our producer, Sarah Wyman, to San Diego to ride along in the truck on their morning rounds.

JH: So did you ever think you'd be doing a podcast about scooters?


SW: About scooters? I never ruled it out!

CH: And almost a year into this gig, Borelli and Heinkel are a well-oiled machine. Borelli drives the truck around town to check out properties where they have contracts. Along the way he pulls into loading zones and drives through back alleys so the two guys can unbuckle, hop out, and haul scooters off the private property, and then put them in their pickup truck.

And really, Heinkel and Borelli have the scooters to thank for bringing them together. They're sort of an unlikely duo. Heinkel is a scruffy ex-marine who owned a towing business for 25 years.

JH: My company specialized in recovering collateral that was purchased in the United States on a payment plan. And then removed from the United States and taken to foreign countries and they stopped paying for them.

CH: In other words, he was a repo man. And his job sent him around the world to repossess anything from rental cars to yachts to...


JH: Whatever it is. Yeah they would put a down payment down or they would, I'm sure had all intentions to pay for it but then they would end up in Costa Rica and say, hm, why pay for it, I'm here.

CH: Perhaps not surprisingly it didn't always go smoothly. Like the time Heinkel started towing a car outside of a McDonald's and the owner came running out and chased him. Turns out that guy had just murdered someone inside and Heinkel was taking his getaway car.

JH: In the repossession business, it's a good idea to wear a bulletproof vest.

CH: Uh, noted.

Borelli, on the other hand, owns "Boardwalk Electric Rides" with his wife. It's a bike and scooter shop about a block away from the ocean in Pacific Beach. And he's more of a lover, not a fighter... especially when it comes to cats. At least that's according to Heinkel.


JH: Dan is a...he loves cats. He owns cats…

DB: I do love cats. I have a couple cats, a couple babies.

CH: The good-natured teasing and gentle ribbing is basically nonstop with these two guys. But the core of their business—the reason they're here—is serious. They share a profound frustration with how e-scooters are used and then left behind throughout San Diego. Again, Heinkel.

JH: He and I hit it off right away. Joking and laughing about things and he was very passionate about the scooters. I could care less about 'em in the beginning.

CH: While Heinkel didn't give the scooters much thought at first, for Borelli, they were an issue almost since they first came to San Diego. He remembers arriving at his shop every morning, where he'd find his path to unlock the door blocked by rows of e-scooters from Bird, Lime, and other companies. And this was especially frustrating because Borelli also made a living renting out bikes and electric scooters.


DB: So they were in essence using my bike shop to rent out their products. So this was, you know, getting under my skin big time.

CH: Boardwalk Electric Bikes is located in a two-story building on one of the busiest streets near the beach. There's a juice bar, a poke restaurant, a gym on the second floor, and a nail spa — so yeah, your typical Southern California strip mall. This is also tourist central and rentals, especially scooters, are in high demand.

JH: If you had been here a year ago, you wouldn't have been able to walk through these pathways because it was filled with scooters.

SW: It was that bad.

JH: Oh, just wait, as we drive around, you'll be amazed.


CH: If you're not familiar with how these dockless e-scooters work, you start by downloading the app for one of the companies. Then, you use it to find a nearby scooter. Through the app, you scan a code on the scooter …


And that in turn unlocks it, and your rental begins. In general, scooters are limited to top speeds around 15 to 20 miles per hour. A rental runs about a dollar per ride plus per minute charges that vary from city to city. So for example, if it takes you about a half an hour to walk a mile, on a scooter, that could be a four minute ride and cost around $2.

Finally, and this is one of the best parts, once you're done, you leave the scooter wherever you are — usually standing upright using the kickstand or if you're one of those people, dropping it on the ground. Then you walk away.

Many of the companies behind e-scooters rolled into cities fast, following the model (and perhaps unofficial motto) of other tech start-ups like Airbnb and Uber that: "it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission."


Often, by the time scooters do arrive, cities haven't had a chance to develop comprehensive regulations. Now, the companies ask riders to click "accept" on a user agreement on the app and that outlines some basic rules of the road, but specific laws vary from place to place. Some cities say you can ride on the sidewalks, others prohibit it. Most cities require helmets, but some don't.

And as the companies rushed to get their scooters into the hands of riders, the lack of regulation could be good for business and winning over customers. Here's the founder and CEO of Bird, Travis VanderZanden, speaking at the Vanity Fair "New Establishment" summit a year ago.

TRAVIS VANDERZANDEN: Places where there's no laws, that's where we go in and work closely with the cities, educate them on all the things we're doing around safety.

JULIA BORNSTEIN: But do you work closely with them after you have put Scooters on the street or do you do it as a proactive thing?

TVZ: Usually happens around the same time


CH: VanderZanden is smiling as he says this and you can hear some chuckling to his reply because it doesn't always happen that way. While companies like his "move fast and break things" as the expression goes, cities move slow and commission studies … even as thousands of scooters are zipping this way and that on their streets and sidewalks. That's what happened in San Diego.

CH: Do you know how many scooters are on the streets in San Diego?

BARBARA BRY: No, I don't know. I don't know where they go. I don't know how many there are. We should know but I don't know.

CH: Barbara Bry is a city council member who represents the northwestern part of San Diego. She's no stranger to how tech companies sometimes operate: before she became a politician, she worked in the industry, as an entrepreneur, a founder and an investor.

BB: When these tech companies go into cities like San Diego, they take advantage of local government officials who don't understand these business models and don't understand what the long-term impact of these companies is going to be on the residents and on our neighborhoods. And government doesn't stand up as fast as it should.


CH: The scooter companies might disagree. A spokesperson for Lime said the industry is still young and continues to improve and Bird said it does go through appropriate channels: "It can't be done without working with the city."

Back in 2018, as scooter companies released their two-wheelers, and city officials began to consider how to respond, Borelli was fighting his own battle with the e-scooters in front of his rental business. He called several towing companies about removing them from what is private property, but they wouldn't touch the scooters.

Then, one day, Heinkel strolled into Borelli's shop, wearing a towing shirt.

DB: John came walking into my business one day and had a flat tire with his daughter's bike and and he came on in the shop to get the tire fixed and we started chatting about all the scooters that were laying all over the property here and what we were doing about the and I looked at him like, I hadn't had a clue what to do about 'em. And you know I egged him on a little bit and said, 'you know, what would you do about it? You're... you got a towing shirt on and you can tow a car, can't you tow a scooter?'

CH: It turned out, yes. He could. And Scoot Scoop was born: a pickup truck and two guys who decided enough is enough. Let's tow 'em.


That story, when we come back.


CH: We're back.

So what's it look like when two self-appointed defenders against urban clutter — sporting blue polo shirts with a logo of a scooter crossed out in a red circle — what's it look like when they decide to take on billion dollar tech companies?

DB: Our job is to come in the morning and make sure that the owner of these properties don't come into a big mess of scooters. So that's what we're doing so early.


CH: On this early summer morning, the two men start off where it all began: the strip mall where Borelli has his bike and scooter rental shop.

DB: We park here, John goes to the front I go to the back. We walk the property lines. Pick up any trash—well, scooters—laying around and yeah... that's how we start our day.

CH: At 5 in the morning, it's still dark out and the scooters are faint, blurry outlines in the distance. There are only a few people on the street. Borelli is walking through a back alley, behind the shopping center.

DB: And it's no guarantee we'll find anything up here, it's... it's hit or miss. Every day it's different. Sometimes on the weekends we'll come up here and they'll be a half a dozen and sometimes we'll come up here, like right now, and I might not find even one.

CH: As he doesn't see any lying around, he works his way up the boulevard. After a few minutes, Borelli spots a delinquent scooter on the property of a hotel that's contracted with ScootScoop. It's also in a fire lane. He pulls out his phone and starts the process of "ticketing" — yes, they write their own "tickets" — and then towing his first scooter of the morning.


DB: So what we do is we fill out a, a tracking form for each scooter which is... it's a very simple form that we've created. We fill out the type of scooter it is, where we found it. The device ID number we'll get it in a second here. We'll take a picture of the location right now so we can show the scooter company where we found it and I'll even include the sign that says tow away here basically and they'll see that it's in a fire lane. [PHOTO SOUND] And then we'll take a picture of a QR code on the top up here... get my flash on.

CH: All told, it takes about a minute. And once he's done, Borelli grabs the scooter and starts rolling it back to the truck. But… that can be a little tricky…and noisy …


Because there's an alarm. Pushing this scooter without paying for it sets it off, but …

DB: If we walk fast enough right now over there, the alarm should shut off and we should be able to roll them. If we walk slow, the wheels will lock up on us and the alarms will blare.

SW: Ready, set, go!


DB: Let's go!

CH: This particular beep belongs to Lime.

SW: Do the Lime alarms sound different from the Bird alarms?

DB: They do. The Bird alarms squawk like a bird.

SW: Which alarm is more annoying, the Bird or the Lime?


DB: The Bird. By far. You'll see soon...

CH: Annoying, sure. But a theft deterrent? Not so much — they kind of remind me of car alarms, you hear them, but you probably ignore them. Or try to….


SW: Oh my goodness he warned me that these were more annoying than the Lime ones, I didn't believe him. Ooof.

CH: Those beeps and squawks will follow Borelli and Heinkel all day long like some personal soundtrack as they roll scooters to their truck and then play a kind of scooter Tetris to eventually load 50 of them into the back.


DB: This is our kind of our ground zero here for scooters. We started out here a year and a half ago, removing scooters from just this property. This property was probably netting us about... on an average weekday we were probably picking up about 30-40 scooters a day from here on the weekends it was probably double that number.

CH: ScootScoop has a growing list of nearly 350 properties whose owners have contracted with them to rid their grounds of parked scooters. Borelli and Heinkel's daily route takes them past many of those locations. But they also rely on part-time employees back at the office to check on the very apps people use to rent the scooters. They can see if riders are dropping scooters off at properties ScootScoop services.

In the last year, Heinkel and Borelli say they've towed about 15,000 errant scooters – some of them, possibly "repeat offenders." Despite that haul, there can be a sense of futility to what they're doing (even if it's good for business).

DB: We can't get it all. There's no way. It's impossible unless we were out at every property with a person standing there all day long to get 'em all.

CH: Once the truck is full, Borelli and Heinkel take the scooters to one of their temporary storage lots nearby. Eventually, many of them will end up piled several feet high, row after row, at a private tow yard east of San Diego. And if you have ever had your car towed (and it is not a pleasant experience, trust me) you know, you don't want it to sit at the tow lot for long because the cost only rises every day. Same goes for scooters.


If the companies want to get them back out onto the streets, according to ScootScoop, they'll have to pay a $50 impound fee and a daily storage fee of two dollars a day for each scooter.

DB: So if we're holding 10,000 scooters right now there's a $20,000 per day storage fee every day. Sitting out at our yard. It's quite a big check.

JH: Yeah we can buy a lot of coffee and donuts with that.

CH: At first, some companies paid up. Like, at the end of 2018, when Bird wrote a check for more than $40,000 to retrieve about 1,800 scooters.

And Borelli and Heinkel ... they kept on towing.


But at a certain point, as their scooters were piling up in the tow yard, Bird and Lime, said, 'wait a minute - can ScootScoop even do this?' So in March of this year, one day apart, both companies sued. They allege that Borelli and Heinkel are illegally impounding their scooters and then demanding a "ransom" for their return.

In a statement, a spokesman for Lime said "ScootScoop has repeatedly been observed taking scooters that are responsibly parked" and that "their attempts to deputize themselves as an extension of the city is not only unlawful, but it is nothing more than a property theft scheme to generate income."

Borelli and Heinkel deny these claims, including comments that they tow scooters that are "properly parked." In fact, just hearing that description gets a rise out of Heinkel.

JH: At what point is a scooter properly parked on private property when you do not have permission from the property owner to park it there? That's a mouthful.

CH: Borelli and Heinkel have sued the companies in turn … that includes allegations against against Lime over an early morning skirmish with two men who allegedly broke into one of ScootScoop's impound lots, trying to retrieve Lime scooters.

In a statement, a spokesman for the company said, "While we can't comment on active litigation, this is a disturbing report and such aggressive behavior is never tolerated on the Lime platform."


In most cities, if you park your car in someone else's driveway or on their property without their permission, you know you're running the risk of getting your car towed.

But with electric scooters, that's not so clear. Heinkel tries to explain.

JH: No legal authority has declared whether or not they're a vehicle or not. Everyone has their theory. Does it fall under the vehicle code which in California is 22658? Or does it not fall under the vehicle code and it's no different than if I was to leave a washing machine or a microwave out there? Or a couch? And so there is no written policy one way or the other...

CH: The scooter companies argue: they are vehicles. Borelli and Heinkel say, 'whatever they are, we've got our bases covered and are acting legally.'

In the end, a court decision may define what a scooter is and who can tow them…


But what it will not do is fix the OTHER problem San Diego residents have: how the scooters are being ridden. Who's answerable for that?

That's after the break.


CH: We're back.

So the ScootScoop guys are trying to tackle one issue people have with e-scooters: Where riders leave them once they're done. And just to be clear, Borelli and Heinkel say they don't have a personal vendetta against scooters.


DB: It's not the scooter itself. Don't take it in the wrong context. We do like the device in the sense that it does fit a niche in society to short travel quickly.

CH: What they do take issue with is how riders use them to get wherever they're going.

DB: The problem that these scooter companies all face is that they have no control over that person when they ride it and where they park it and how they ride it.

BB: Yeah. This is driving me crazy because this is actually something government can fix. I mean there is a solution.

CH: This again is Barbara Bry with the San Diego City Council.


BB: I mean there's some things in life you can't fix, but this one we could.

CH: When she first heard about e-scooters in her city, she thought, 'oh, this needs to be managed or there's going to be a lot of safety issues.'

BB: I've seen a mom and a child on a scooter. I see two people on a scooter, which is illegal. I see people on the sidewalks on the scooters, I mean, our police do not have the bandwidth to enforce that.

CH: Recently, the city passed new regulations to crack down on speeding and sidewalk-riding. It's even created designated parking areas for scooters. And the police have stepped up enforcement: According to the San Diego Tribune, since July, they've issued nearly 500 traffic tickets, more than half to people riding on sidewalks. The city has also impounded over 3,700 scooters parked illegally on public property — which the ScootScoop guys are not allowed to tow. Since those new rules, two scooter companies—Jump and Skip—have *ahem* "jumped" and "skipped" town.

Borelli says the new regulations have also led to enormous changes around his rental shop. He says slower speeds have made the scooters less fun for riders - at times, even pedestrians walk faster - and that it's almost a ghost town for scooters around the beach.


But Barbara Bry argues that still isn't enough.

BB: I don't think you can police individuals and that's why I think we should have we I'm still calling for a moratorium until we can figure out a reasonable way to have a reasonable number, a number that we can enforce on.

CH: Representatives for the two biggest scooter operators, Bird and Lime, say they're in regular talks with city officials... and that they want to work with them to update rules and regulations that will benefit riders and non-riders alike. They also say San Diego residents have embraced the scooters — taking millions of rides on them, whether to commute or to have another way to get around without having to drive.

And the two companies acknowledge they have a role in how people use their scooters. For example, both provide trainings and information about safety when riding scooters and the proper way to park them. That said…

SARAH KAUFMAN: I think people wouldn't hate scooters if scooter riders didn't ride on sidewalks.


CH: This is Sarah Kaufman, she's the Associate Director at the Rudin Center for Transportation at New York University and she studies new technologies and transit.

SK: And why are they riding on sidewalks? Because the streets aren't safe enough for them to ride on. And that's because of the kind of lawlessness of most American roads and the driving culture that most American cities have.

CH: So yes, people riding e-scooters need to be more responsible and change their behavior. But if cities want to encourage that, Kauffman says they'll probably need to do more than pass new regulations and increase enforcement. Working with the scooter companies, cities could create dedicated bike lanes that allow for scooters. Or they could slow down cars to reduce accidents and fatalities. Because if it's not the e-scooters, it'll be something else.

SK: There is a good chance scooters are fads. But there will be something next and something after that and something after that. And it won't be a car. It'll be something that helps people get around in a more healthy and fun way.

CH: Cities need to be ready, because there are more companies like Bird and Lime waiting in the wings… ready to roll out ambitious, game-changing ideas. And when they do, they'll ask for forgiveness instead of permission... because that philosophy has worked.


Even Borelli and Heinkel aren't immune to it.

DB: I think that somebody should be being paid to to clean up their mess if they can't do it themselves. I don't know the answer. But we feel that we are part of the solution in a huge problem that's growing nationwide

JH: And he's being polite. We do know the answer, we're just not to give it out for free.

CH: As they crack jokes in their pickup truck and drink giant cups of 7/11 coffee—remember, this is a business. Potentially a very lucrative one. They're even seeking investors and venture capital to expand to cities across the country.

BORELLI AND HEINKEL: Pretty much a lot of the major cities that you're reading in the media right now that have scooter problems. Like Atlanta, like... Tampa Bay, Florida. Seattle. Seattle. Austin, Texas. Austin, Texas. Los Angeles... just to name a few. Berlin, Germany. We actually... Paris and Berlin.... Newark... have contacted us as well. Canada...remember we did...we did talk to some people from Canada as well...


CH: They saw an opportunity, and moved in fast. Just another start-up that uses technology, some physical labor and long hours, with the hope of a big financial pay off down the line. Who does that sound like?

So what started as ...

DB: The common man against a multi-billion dollar corporation.

CH: They hope will turn into a booming, profitable business as well.



CH: And now we're introducing a new segment of our show called What in the World!? You write us in our Facebook group and send us emails all the time with funny, surprising, and even heartwarming household name brand stories. That is... they're household name brands for you. But sometimes we've never heard of them. So today we're going to find out what they are. I brought in producers Sarah Wyman.


CH: And Julia Press.


CH: And Julia, you're going to tell us about... what exactly is it that you're going to tell us about?


JP: Okay, so a couple of months ago, we heard from a listener about a product called Freddo.

SW: Freddo

CHE: Freddo.

SW: What is a Freddo?

JP: So, that part of the story at least is pretty basic. It's a type of chocolate. I asked a bunch of our listeners and some of our coworkers from the UK and Australia to help me explain:


SPEAKER ONE: A Freddo is a chocolate frog.

SPEAKER TWO: It's smaller than my palm, I'd say it's about half the size of my palm.

SPEAKER THREE: I like to get the big ones!

SPEAKER FOUR: It's kind of like well known in the UK as a treat that you have when you're quite a small child.

SPEAKER ONE: When I was a little girl, if I got up early enough and went with my dad to get the Sunday paper, I was allowed to buy a comic book and a Freddo!


SPEAKER FIVE: It came in a purple wrapper.

SPEAKER TWO: They all had the price printed on the wrapper.

JP: So, this is important. In the UK specifically, you cannot talk about Freddos without talking about how much they cost. And that was TEN P, or TEN PENCE.

SW: And how much is 10 pence actually? I feel like I hear that tossed around all the time, but--

JP: Yes, it's about 13 cents in US dollars.


SW: Oh, so these are cheap.

JP: Yeah. These are really cheap the whole idea behind Freddos and a lot of the reason that people love them is because you could just grab a ten pence coin out of your pocket and you could have a little chocolate.

SPEAKER SIX: Growing up, teachers would often use them all the time in equations, you'd have 1 Freddo plus 1 Freddo

SPEAKER SEVEN: Freddos were notoriously a 10p chocolate item.

SPEAKER TWO: You associate the price with the Freddo as much as you do the frog, and the chocolate.


SPEAKER SIX: I wouldn't say it went as far as being slang for 10p but it definitely was verging where people were like 'oh how much is it' and people would be like 'oh 4 Freddos worth.'

JP: This was the case for a long time. Throughout the 90s and the early 2000s Freddo's were 10 pence. But in 2007, the price started creeping up a little bit each year, and for kids who grew up knowing that a Fredo cost 10P, this was a huge deal.

SPEAKER SIX: When I was growing up, there were two things that I thought were kind of a given. One, Santa was real — that got dispelled. And two, Freddos were 10p.

JP: So—

SW: This poor guy is so disillusioned...


JP: Right? And so for young Brits like him who were growing up while this was happening, Freddo became a way for them to understand the rising cost of goods and inflation. It was like the Freddo being 10 p was a reference point—

CH: Even though the Freddo itself never changed, it's still this little chocolate frog, it just keeps getting more expensive as a way to show: "This is what inflation looks like."

JP: Right, exactly.

SPEAKER FOUR: It was probably, definitely the first time I came across the price of a product rising in that way.

JP: Then, in 2017, the unthinkable happened: the cost of a Freddo hit 30p.


SW: 30- p… so that's triple what it had been in the '90s.

JP: Exactly. So as you can imagine the British internet went crazy, there were Facebook groups and online petitions, there was even a protest in London!

PROTEST CHANTING: Five p freddos! Five p freddos!

SW: [chant] Five p freddos! Five p freddos!

JP: Yeah, I mean, they were never 5 p to begin with, but, like… sure. Go for it. So this weirdly turned into a huge controversy, and even Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, weighed in


COPA90: Would you lower the price of Freddo's? Would you try?

JEREMY CORBYN: I think we need to examine this question in some detail.

CH: (laughs) Government action at work.

JP: He is treating it with all the severity that it deserves, like this is a serious controversy that they have on their hands. People were really fired up about the cost of a Freddo going up. And people saw the price hitting 30p and they were like... 'hold up. Inflation does not explain this… Like this is not normal.'

CH: Something else is going on.


JP: Something more is happening here. And turns out they were right. The cost of Freddo went up at a rate 5 times faster than inflation. In fact, if it had been rising with inflation, in 2017, that should have only cost 14 p—

SW: Wow!

JP: But instead it cost 30. That's a 200% increase.

SW: So do we know why this happened?

JP: Well, there are a couple different theories that people give to explain it. The first pins the blame on us, the Americans—


CH: The American Revolution was years ago, move on.

JP: They need to let it go!

CH: Let it go.

JP: But basically, all you need to know is that Freddo—which used to be owned by Cadbury—was acquired by an American company. And so a lot of disgruntled British people saw this as like a giant multinational corporation taking over this classic British brand and hiking up the prices.

SPEAKER FOUR: The narrative being like a Great British brand being bought by faceless overseas company.


JP: But, it could also have been because importing cocoa to the UK got more expensive, and Brexit made that worse by weakening the pound. Other chocolate products also got more expensive around this time. But, other chocolate products didn't have their price printed in bright yellow on the label for everyone to see!! So I think maybe it's because Freddo's price was so well known to begin with that people really noticed—

SW: They had something to get upset about.

JP: Right, if you told me the price of a Snickers bar today, I wouldn't be able to say that's more expensive than when I was a kid, because I didn't pay attention to it.

CH: Yeah, so even if you didn't eat a Freddo, people just knew it was 10p.

SPEAKER EIGHT: It was almost as if a breakup. As if because you have upped your price and abandoned the brand identity you were built upon like this can no longer continue this relationship we have.


SPEAKER FOUR: With like people of my generation in the UK it's almost like a little bit of a running joke like the increasing price of Freddo's and like you know, whatever that like implies about the world.

SPEAKER TWO: A lot in the UK is tied to nostalgia. I think that's the same for the turmoil politically that they're experiencing now. Everything is associated with you know, the good old days. Tea, the Royals, Buckingham Palace. The fact that, again, the 10p Freddo is the way it's always been done the fact that that would change, you know goes against that that nostalgia too.

JP: Just like Freddo was an easy way for kids to understand inflation, it's also become this easy way for people to grasp globalization and see the ways that other countries and capitalism are impacting them.

CH: Sometimes a piece of candy is more than just a piece of candy.

JP: Right in this case. It's a lot more than just a piece of candy.


SPEAKER NINE: It was a way to remember what was perceived as like a simpler happier time, when chocolate was dirt cheap and you were a kid and everything was rosy rather than actually being a concerted consumer campaign to affect real change.

JP: But it actually did affect real change. After this whole hubbub, the price dropped 5p from 30 to 25 and that's where it still is today.

SW: So in the midst of all this anger and frustration about the cost of a Freddo, I mean are people still forking up the 25 pence to eat the candy?

JP:. I have to say that despite all the controversy people still feel an allegiance to this candy and a lot of people that I talked to still eat it.

SPEAKER TEN: Yeah so I was actually home a month ago and had a few of them.


SPEAKER ONE: Everyone just buys them all the time. They're still around.

SPEAKER FOUR: In my office on a Friday at 4 o' clock they bring out drinks like beer and wine but also like snacks. There's always Freddo's in there and I like to have one.

SPEAKER THREE: I love chocolate frogs!

CH: The one thing that I wish is that we did have one like I would like—

SW: We do!


CH: Oh my gosh! I'm gonna dive in.

SW: Um, this is like another conversation but like where I wonder what's customary where should I start eating the Freddo? Do we—

JP: Oh, do you start from the top--

SW: do I eat the head first?

JP: I feel like that's more humane—


CHARLIE: I started from the bottom—


CH: Julia, thanks so much.

JP: Of course. Yeah. Thanks for giving me an excuse to try them.

CH: Julia Press, Sarah Wyman, both producers here at Brought to you by...



CH: This is the last episode in this mini-season of "Brought to you by..." We'll be back with a full season early next year. In the meantime, let us know what you think by leaving a rating and review on apple podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen. We'd love to know whether there are scooters in your hometown… do you love em? Hate em? Throw them in your local body of water? (and um, why?)

Let us know! We're @B-T-Y-Bpod on twitter… that's B-T-Y-B like "Brought to you by"… And, as always, you can send us customer service questions and episode ideas at broughttoyouby@insider.com, or in our Facebook group. Just search Brought to you by Podcast. That was a lot of info. It's ok, go ahead and hit the 15 second rewind and to hear it all again. I do that all the time.

This episode was reported and produced by Sarah Wyman, Julia Press and me, Charlie Herman. You also heard reporting that aired on ABC10 News.

Special thanks to Will Huntsberry, Alex Appolonia, and Jennifer Sigl. You heard from Daniel Goldstein, Bob Hunt, Sophie Kleeman, Sandra Pascoe, Nicole Phillips, Rob Price, Elliot Rose, Ally and Oscar Shelton, and Lydia Warren in our segment about Freddos. And thanks to Grace Kelly — you can watch the whole Freddo protest video on her YouTube channel, "Hippie Scumbag."


Bill Moss is our sound engineer. Music from Audio Network. Casey Holford and John DeLore composed our theme. Our editor is Carolyn Dubol. Sarah Wyman is our showrunner.

Brought to you by... is a production of Insider Audio.

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