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23. Apple 1984

Aug 13, 2020, 08:10 IST

In the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII, Apple ran a commercial that changed the Super Bowl and Apple forever. But it almost never aired. Featuring original interviews with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, former CEO John Sculley, and the ad's creators, this is the story of Steve Jobs vs the board, a scary casting call involving actual skinheads and a highly skilled discus thrower, plus a legacy that defined Apple and its users for decades.


Produced by Dan Bobkoff, with Amy Pedulla and Sarah Wyman.

Read more:


Note: This transcript may contain errors.

CBS: Super Bowl 18! A match up between the two best teams in the National Football League...


DAN BOBKOFF: It's January 22, 1984. Redskins versus Raiders. And imagine you're watching this game on CBS. Everything is so '80s! And you are loving it!

BARRY MANILOW: Oh say can you see..

DB: Barry Manilow! Singing the national anthem! Then Disney has this definitely not cheesy halftime show.

ARCHIVAL: I don't dance! I don't have to!

DB: And the ads! I mean, listen to these jingles! Remember when everything had a jingle?


TWA: You're going to like us… TWA

DB: These airlines sound almost the same.

EASTERN: We earn our wings every day.

DB: A lot of advertising was like this back then. Straightforward — happy people showing the product front and center, somebody sings the tagline.

BUSCH BEER: Head for the mountains!


DB: Then, it's the third quarter.

ARCHIVAL: Left to play...

DB: The Redskins are getting pummeled by the Raiders. The play ends;

ARCHIVAL: 42-yard punt. No return. So the net is 42.

DB: Maybe you're eating nachos. Maybe you're chatting. The game fades to black.


And then you see a commercial that's like no ad you've ever seen.

APPLE AD: Today we celebrate the first anniversary of the glorious information purification...

DB: It starts with hundreds of emotionless men mindlessly marching through a tube.

STEVE HAYDEN: In what is clearly some dystopian future.

TOM FRANK: Dressed in rags, very blue lighting.


SH: And you hear these kind of industrial grinding sounds... the, the shrill of a coal whistle in the background.

BOB GARFIELD: It is this gigantic cavernous room.

SH: A lot of our skinhead drones are sort of sitting in rapt attention.

TF: Looking at this giant screen,

SH: Then suddenly this woman,


BG: A young athlete, a woman...

SH: Who's dressed out of character for everything else we've seen,

BG: In a track outfit, carrying a hammer, like in track and field hammer

SH: comes running in, pursued by the thought police,

BG: Takes the hammer


SH: And swings it around

BG: And hurls it at the telescreen

SH: Which then smashes

BG: And it explodes

SH: Bringing us to the title


BG: And the message is:

APPLE AD: On January 24th, Apple will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like 1984.

BG: I'm pretty sure my first reaction was 'whoa.'

DB: From Business Insider and Stitcher, this is Household Name. Brands you know, stories you don't. I'm Dan Bobkoff.

Few ads have had the impact and legacy of Apple's 1984 Super Bowl commercial.


It's the reason we care about Super Bowl ads today.

It's the reason we think of Apple as the brand for creative rebels.

This ad broke all the rules of advertising. It was dark and scary. It didn't even show the product. It didn't talk about its features. It was a metaphor and looked like a movie.

It may seem brilliant now, but it was a huge risk at the time. And how it ended up on the Super Bowl is a drama in its own right — involving a horrifying casting call, a battle between Apple's board and Steve Jobs, and a game-time decision that changed Apple and advertising forever.

Stay with us.



DB: Steve Jobs liked to say 'it's better to be a pirate than join the navy.' But by the early '80s, Apple was a startup that was growing up, starting to look more staid than scrappy. Its headquarters then was this drab office park of beige buildings covered in stucco. The kind of place you might find a dentist office.

So when one team had to move into a new building across the street, it stuck a pirate flag on the roof.

In that building they were plotting something they thought really would change computing, and help them beat back competition from IBM. But in the meantime, what the company was actually selling was the Apple II… one of the first personal computers. The kind with green text on a black screen.

AD: You can edit, right here on the screen! You can add words, like this. Or remove words, like that.


DB: Like a lot of ads back then, Apple's were pretty basic: celebrity demonstrating the product. Apple's spokesman was late night host Dick Cavett?

AD: Or you can move whole paragraphs around to where you want them

DB: I couldn't believe these were actual Apple ads. They look low budget. One is even a bit sexist — the whole punchline is that a woman might have interests beyond the home.

AD: I'm here with an average American homemaker with her very own Apple personal computer. Jill, do you use your Apple for household budgeting?
Actually, I'm working in gold futures.
Hm, you can probably put a lot of recipes in there, huh?
Mhm, and you can do trend analyses...

DB: I think it might surprise people that the same person who wrote that as also wrote "1984."


SH: Oh we're very flexible. I've also done ads for chemical toilets. (laughs)

DB: This is Steve Hayden.

SH: I'm an aging copywriter, formerly not an aging copywriter.

DB: Back in the '80s, Steve Hayden wrote nearly all of Apple's ads, at an agency called Chiat/Day.

Chiat/Day wasn't a big Madison Avenue firm. Before the Apple account, Hayden had mostly been writing spots for second-tier liquor companies. But Apple was zooming. And its ad budget soaring. Steve Hayden said Apple's account went from something like $5 million to $100 million in just three years.


But Apple now had stiff competition and was falling behind. IBM had come out with its own PC and by 1983, Businessweek declared IBM the winner of the PC race.

But Steve Jobs was working on something. He summoned Steve Hayden to one of those blah buildings in Apple's office park. As Hayden walked in, he noticed the pirate flag flying on the roof.

A small team was inside creating a new kind of computer. Instead of complicated commands, the screen had pictures, and you could click on things with a mouse.

Its codename was Macintosh, and it was coming in 1984.

SH: Jobs said, 'I need an ad to announce the advent of Macintosh that will stop the world in its tracks.' And I said, 'oh, that's pretty difficult.' And he said 'well, what whatever it takes.'


DB: That sounds like Steve Jobs.

Steve Hayden and his team had a couple of weeks to come up with something big enough for his impossible demands.

And as they were racking their brains, they came across a line that caught their eye: "Why 1984 won't be like 1984."

It was actually in a pile of rejected ideas.

They'd pitched it to Apple before — for a different computer: The Apple III. But Jobs had squashed that idea. He didn't want to use a grandiose line on what he thought was a mediocre machine.


But now the year 1984 was near, George Orwell was on everyone's mind, and the Macintosh seemed actually revolutionary. So they started to turn this one line into the beginnings of a TV commercial.

SH: You know we had originally thought of it as kind of a humorous dystopian view.

DB: What would that have looked like?

SH: Still with people marching in you know white bunny suits, but not the kind of dire skinhead vision.

DB: Think more Jetsons than Alien.


But it just so happened the guy who directed Alien was in town. Ridley Scott.

SH: And our producer Richard O'Neill, knew Ridley, had met him, said 'let me see if I can get him into the office. Let me see if I can meet with him on the set talk to him about this project and get him into the office.'

RIDLEY SCOTT: I thought my God they're mad...

DB: This is Ridley Scott in an interview shot in 1983.

RS: Because it's terrific from a filmic point of view. And I knew exactly how to do a kind of pastiche on what 1984 may be.


SH: So he actually came into the office and said, 'you know, this shouldn't be humorous at all. Metropolis should be our guide for realizing this.'

DB: How'd you feel about that?

SH: And I said 'I think that's great.'

RS: I thought it was such a dramatic idea that it'd either be totally successful or we'd all get put in state pen.

DB: The original plan for the ad called for an athlete to run in to the auditorium and hurl a baseball bat at a big brother-like dictator projected on a giant screen.


SH: Which Ridley pointed out and said 'a sledgehammer would be much more international, and by the way, a baseball bat wouldn't break the screen.'

DB: Steve Hayden and his team had their crazy idea. They had their director. They had the finished storyboard. Now, they had to get it past their boss: ad executive Jay Chiat.

SH: We're in this sad Travelodge on the second floor with all these storyboards and print ads lined up. And Jay is tearing them all to pieces, including the 1984 spot. Nothing is good enough, nothing is right.

DB: Jay Chiat often freaked out the night before a big presentation. Maybe it was a tactic: bully his team so they'd stay up all night and come up with something better. But this time they felt like they'd given this all they had. The creative director took the boss aside.

SH: And he took Jay out on the balcony of this Travelodge, lit a cigarette and said, 'look, it is what we got. This is what we got. You want to cancel the meeting? Cancel the meeting. I can't do any better than this.'


DB: The boss gave in, and the next morning the team set out to show Apple what they got.

At the meeting were Steve Jobs and Apple's new CEO who had just come over from Pepsi, John Sculley.

DB: What is the first thing you hear in the room after they present this?

JS: The first thing was Steve just saying oh shit. This is amazing.

DB: This is John Sculley.


JS: We're all looking at it, we're saying 'this is so outrageous. What do you think people are going to think?' You know, 'are they going to get the message that Macintosh is contrary to everything George Orwell imagined in 1984?' So we go off and we give the agency approval to make the commercial.

DB: But it was a big gamble. The typical Apple ad in the early 80s cost about $50,000 to make. This one was going to cost 10 times that. Jobs and Sculley had given the green light, but also had some advice for Steve Hayden.

SH: Seeing Lee and me look like you know, we hadn't slept in weeks they voiced in the meeting concern that maybe we should take a weekend off.

DB: But Steve Jobs was a kind of mercurial dictator, too. A couple of days later, he called Steve Hayden back with a request that seemed unreasonable.

Jobs worried the 1984 ad would create an information vacuum because it didn't say anything specific about the Mac itself. So he ordered Hayden to create a 20-page magazine insert that'd show everything about this new kind of computer — how to use a mouse, what the interface looks like, how you can pick up the computer with a handle in the top.


It was one of those impossible Steve Jobs requests. So much for a rest.

SH: There's no copy. There's no concept. Nothing has been started. The printing deadlines alone will kill us. We we can't do. And of course Jobs did his reality distortion magic and pounded the table and we all went off to attempt to do a 20-page insert at the same time these, all this other stuff was in production.

DB: But the important thing was that 1984 was greenlit. They had Ridley Scott. Shooting would start soon at a big studio on the edge of London. They were ready to make something epic.

That is, until a crazy casting call and a series of crises. That's in a minute.



DB: We're back.

Steve Hayden may have written the 1984 ad, but he didn't get to attend the shoot. His boss asked him to oversee some of the other ads filming in LA. He was bummed.

SH: Of course, it's Ridley Scott, Shepperton Stages, of course I was bummed. I was severely depressed.

DB: Steve's boss made it up to him. Promoted him to vice president. It meant he could now sign company checks.

SH: So this isn't just a bullshit promotion title. I mean, it's in the charter of the agency that a vice president is an officer of the company. This comes into play later.


DB: The crew set up at Shepperton Studios on the edge of London. Ridley Scott built an elaborate, cavernous set that would have fit on Alien or Blade Runner. He put jet engines on the wall to give it an eerie, futuristic look.

Then came a strange casting call. For this ad, Ridley needed a heroine who could convincingly — and safely — throw a giant hammer. A man who could play the part of Big Brother. Oh, and 150 bald guys.

To cast the star who'd shatter Big Brother, they brought in models and actresses, but they had a problem: no one could handle the unwieldy hammer. They didn't just need an actress who could throw it, they needed her to swing it in circles above her head and hurl it at the screen.

Finally, a highly skilled discus thrower auditioned for the part. Her name was Anya Major.

First problem solved.


But then Ridley Scott was having trouble casting the dictator. At first, there were no plans for any dialogue in the spot, and that made auditions difficult. All these British actors would come in and try on various glasses, and Ridley couldn't tell one from another.

Steve Hayden was back in LA.

SH: I get this panicked call from our producer Richard O'Neill who says 'Ridley's having a lot of trouble casting the dictator. They need some lines to read so Ridley can distinguish one from another and figure out what to do. And could you bang out some kind of dictator speech really quickly and fax it to me tonight?'

DB: A lot started going through his mind … about the Soviet Union and the eastern bloc. ...about the time his brother had spent in China. He thought about his mother, who studied opera at La Scolla in Italy as Mussolini rose to power.

SH: Well we mix all of this, you know the Mao, the Communist, the cultural revolution, the Russians izvestia. All this stuff together and I wrote this speech for the dictator, 'The, uh, ok, today we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the information purification directives. We have created, for the first time in all of history...'


DB: He faxed it off, the actors read it, and Ridley Scott loved it, and got an idea. This speech wouldn't be just for the auditions, the whole ad should be built around it. And he found an actor who gave the perfect manic performance.

APPLE AD: Today we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the information purification directives.

DB: Meanwhile, Steve Hayden was stuck in California, but his colleague was on the set in London.

FRED GOLDBERG: Well, I'm Fred Goldberg. I'm an ex-advertising guy.

DB: Fred was Chiat/Day's account manager on the Apple account.


And the ad was still missing something: a bunch of bald men who'd look like a conformist mass of anonymous people. Actors are expensive, and the crew found...an alternative.

FG: About 80% of them were actual skinheads.

DB: Skinheads originated in London in the '60s. Disenchanted youth fed up with a bad economy — they'd shave their hair to make a statement. Then they turned to punk music — and by the '80s the movement splintered and some became violently racist. They were often in the news in the '80s for attacking Londoners of South Asian descent.

Ridley Scott though sounds a bit perplexed by them in that 1983 interview filmed on the set of the ad.

RIDLEY SCOTT: For some reason, they all seem to walk around with shaved heads. And so we organized one of these rather frightening casting sessions with 3 or 400 youths.


DB: But the deal was this: the skinheads were willing to work for a lot less money than actors. And the production team didn't think twice.

DB: Did you have any qualms about that?

FG: You mean paying them?

DB: Yeah.

FG: Never thought about it, but you know, I guess I do now on, on hindsight, right?


DB: Yeah, I mean...

FG: Yeah. You know nobody's Ever Raised that question, but that's a good one.

DB: The ad used about 150 skinheads… marching through tubes, and sitting in the audience of the dictator's speech.

Behind the scenes, they were causing problems. They hit on Fred's 14 year old daughter. They spied on the actress Mamie Van Doren, who was shooting a movie nearby. They made nasty, sexist comments as Anya ran through the set with her hammer.

FG: It was rubble, you know is supposed to look like it was a sort of like a bombed-out building, decrepit, falling apart. There's a lot of rubble on the ground. They started throwing it at each other during, you know, joking around and it got kind of out of hand.


DB: Security handled it, but then the crew ran into their next problem.

Back in LA, Steve Hayden got a frantic call from the producer on set. After two days of shooting, Ridley only had enough footage for a thirty second spot. He needed another day, but they were out of money, and Apple was refusing to sign off on the overage.

SH: And that's when I said, 'hey, I just got made a vice president. I was told I'm a legal officer… I can sign legal documents binding the company to pay for overages.'

DB: So Steve Hayden signed, and he rationalized it this way.

SH: Either the spot will fail and I'll be fired. The spot will succeed, and I'll be ok. But if I'm fired anyway, the overage doesn't matter that much.


DB: Ridley got more footage, including those dramatic overhead shots of the guys walking in the tube. Then, production wrapped so they could go edit.

The finished spot looked more like a movie than an ad. If you watch the beginning carefully, there's some amazing editing that foreshadows the climax. Amid the shots of bald drones marching in sepia, you see flashes of the athlete running, and then another flash of the thought police chasing her. It's like an entire epic. An entire story of a world told in 60 seconds.

By the fall, the ad was finished, but a lot of things still had to happen. The team didn't have a plan for where to run it. And, the Apple board hadn't even seen it yet.

But Steve Jobs wanted to show it off.

He chose a big gathering for Apple's sales force that October for the ad's debut. Jobs was introducing the Macintosh, and also trying to pump up the dealers for a fight.


FG: This was a time when Apple was in serious business trouble. IBM had been really kicking their butt and Apple's losing sales. They're losing distribution.

DB: So Jobs took a swing at Goliath. He walked up to the podium and launched into a speech that chronicled his version of IBM's history.

STEVE JOBS: It is 1958. IBM passes up the chance to buy a young, fledgling company...

DB: Fred Goldberg and Steve Hayden were watching in the audience.

SH: You know, 'only IBM could Define the future. Do we want IBM to define a future? No, we don't.' You know it was a very rousing speech that had kind of a faux history of IBM's depredations...


SJ: Two years later, Xerox is born, and IBM has been kicking themselves ever since.

FRED: It was like showing people how you're going to save them from this catastrophe.

SJ: It is now 1984. It appears IBM wants it all. Apple is perceived…

FG: When he introduced this thing my stomach actually went over. I was so moved.

SJ: Will big blue dominate the entire computer industry?



SJ: The entire information age.


SJ: Was George Orwell right about 1984?

[Boos, claps]


SH: And then, after that, ran the spot.

FG: I mean was unbelievable.

SPOT: On January 24th, Apple computer will introduce Macintosh...

FG: I remember Jobs, he had this kind of shit eating grin on his face. Just nodding his head up and down and he just let people to continue to roar and clap and applaud. You can hear it on the video when you watch it. It went on for like two minutes and it was just a really incredible emotional situation

SJ: That ad is going to run one week before Macintosh is introduced. And our ad agency that put it together… I guess they just heard what you thought.


DB: And yet despite all that the ad almost never airs.

FG: That's right.


DB: We're back. The ad was a hit at the Hawaii meeting. The sales force was energized to take on IBM. But the ad needed a home.

SH: Where do you run a spot like this?


DB: This is Steve Hayden, the guy who wrote the ad.

SH: If the job is to stop the world in its tracks, where do you run it? And the media director of Chiat/Day, Hank Antosz said there's only one place you can run this: the Super Bowl and Steve Jobs naturally said, 'I don't know a single person who watches the Super Bowl' and I said, 'of course you don't you're Steve Jobs.'

DB: There are a lot of reasons this ad is legendary. One of them is this myth that the ad only ran once. Like there was this brilliant plan to spend tons of money making this ad only to drop it at the Super Bowl and create a sensation.

About that… first, it's not really true. The ad ran a few times on local TV stations before the Super Bowl. No one seemed to notice. And second, that was never even the plan!

In fact, the ad agency, Chiat/Day had actually bought three minutes of Super Bowl airtime for Apple.


They wanted to run the 1984 spot twice that night, and then follow up with a couple of simple ads showing the Mac and how it worked.

But what they didn't bet on was that Apple itself could get in the way.

JS: So it's about December 10th.

DB: This is John Sculley again, Apple's former CEO.

JS: We're sitting around the Apple board meeting. We've gone through all of our business plans and what we're intending to do the next year and the board was anxious to see this new commercial that we were going to be launching the Macintosh with.


SH: Where we'd spent all this money.

JS: Because we were betting so much of the future of the company on Mac. And the average age of our board was in their 50s and in their 60s, so they weren't exactly familiar with the things that were kind of young and hip.


SH: When the lights came on, every single board member had his head in his hands.

JS: There's just dead silence.


SH: They hated it.

JS: and then everyone turns around and looks at me and they said 'you're not going to run that thing, are you?'

DB: and what do you say?

JS: and I and I say 'well, yes I said, this is a really great commercial.'

DB: What did they hate about it?


SH: Everything about it. The fact that there was no picture of the product there was no demonstration of what the product could do. There it was depressing and dark and scary.

JS: And they said 'we really think you shouldn't run it. We think it's a terrible idea.' And I was supposed to be the adult supervision in the room and they couldn't believe that I was in favor of this and, and of course they were used to Steve thinking about outrageous things of how to promote Apple so they were really perplexed from it and they thought it was just a terrible commercial and a terrible idea.

DB: That put you in a very difficult position right?

JS: For sure it did.

DB: The ad cost half a million to make. It would cost a lot of money to run on the Super Bowl. The board couldn't believe Sculley would be ok with blowing so much of the company's ad budget. They tell him, it's ridiculous!


JS: You know, 'we think this is the dumbest thing we've ever heard of before, so please try to sell the time.'

DB: Meaning...sell the three minutes of advertising back to CBS.

After this board meeting, it was a few weeks before the super bowl. And Steve Jobs made a call.




DAN: Hi, Steve?

SW: Hi. This is Steve Wozniak.

DB: Steve Jobs' co-founder of Apple.

SW: I'm here to talk about the 1984 ad from Apple computer.

DB: Woz had been in a plane crash in 1981 and was pretty badly hurt. He took time away from Apple, and returned a couple of years later as a product developer. He didn't want to be involved in big corporate decisions. And that's when Steve Jobs called him up.


SW: Yeah, I got a call from Steve Jobs to come over to the Macintosh building at some hour in the evening. You know, I think it was darkish, like him come over and see it. And he didn't tell me what it was to see, come over and see something.

DB: The room had a big TV and a giant VCR, and Jobs played the ad for Woz.

WS: I was just dumbfounded. This was like better than any science fiction trailer was as good as it gets and it had it had all the meaning. I said, 'oh we're going to show it at the Super Bowl, right?' And he said 'no, the board of directors voted against it.' And I was stunned because I had felt that I had just witnessed a piece of art. And I thought the world should not be deprived of this great a) science fiction and b) message of where computing is going. It was just the finest commercial I'd ever seen and I wanted it to be shown. And he said and it cost 800,000 dollars for half a minute to commercial, you know. And I said, they're not thinking and so I right there I decided I offered to pay $400,000 if Steve would pay the other half.

DB: Do you know if Steve Jobs considered paying the other half?

SW: He didn't show any response at all. He must've thought I was very naive thinking that the two of us could could show an apple and we can't Apple really owns it the company owns it not to people but it was a big strong, it was a very strong statement and it was honest and real.


DB: It didn't come to that.

But I'm sure this moment stayed in Jobs's head.

SH: The Friday before the Super Bowl, we get a call from New York around 2:30 LA time saying there's no buyer for the third minute.'

DB: Chiat/Day had managed to sell two of the three minutes of Super Bowl airtime.

JS: In hindsight I found I found out later that they didn't try that hard to sell the time.


DB: Like it or not, Apple still had to fill 60 seconds in front of perhaps the biggest possible television audience.

SH: So it was that Friday that Jobs had to make the decision: we could run two of the demo spots or the 1984 spot.

DB: The board said don't do it. The ad agency whispered in his ear: do it! It was almost literally a game time decision. Jobs said: yes. He'd run 1984.


SH: Yes. I did watch it on TV live. I think I was home alone. I didn't go to a Super Bowl party. I was washing dishes after the spot aired and I got a call from Jay in New York. Who said how does it feel to be a fucking star? And I said, I don't know I'm washing dishes.


DB: Was the board angry when it ran anyway?

JS: No, because it was it was so successful. They were they were just amazed. You know, they said 'well we were obviously wrong and John, you and Chiat/Day and Steve obviously know more about advertising but we do so congratulations.'

SH: The networks there, the CBC, the BBC...

JS: It was picked up by local television stations all over the country. It was picked up by other networks.

SH: They were saying 'the game was boring, but did you see the spot?'


JS: because no one had ever seen a television commercial that was anything like the Macintosh in 1984 commercial.

SH: And they played it over and over and over again on news broadcast channels. And that I think had a larger impact and reached more people than the game itself.

DB: Chiat/Day estimated Apple got 45 million dollars of free advertising with all the news programs showing the ad over and over again. Customers flocked to Apple dealers. One of the people watching all this was a guy at USA Today.

BOB GARFIELD: On Monday people got up, and I think their coffee tasted the same, and they still took the same route to work, but something clearly had changed.

DB: Bob Garfield spent 25 years as an ad critic. He's now co-host of On the Media.


BG: Hardly anything in the intervening three and a half decades has been worthy of the attention. Hardly anything. I mean there have been I don't know, thousands of different commercials made just for the Super Bowl since then and I don't think there were a half dozen that have any kind of lingering cultural relevance, but that's what happened. It became, it became the, the advertising show. The Super Bowl of advertising.

DB: Bob thinks 1984 is the greatest ad of all time. It showed that an ad could be an idea. It didn't have to show the product and how it worked. It could create a feeling.

BG: And it touched the psychology a lot of a lot of people, you know, we there were many people who think of themselves by, not by what they are, but what they aren't. They they see themselves as a kind of class. They march to A Different Drummer some percentage of the the public, you could call it the the Apple mentality, simply believes that they're a cut above and that that is you know, it's a powerful appeal.

DB: He also thinks it ushered in a generation of terrible copycats…. spectacle ads that were more about the agencies trying to be profound or win awards instead of actually selling something.

It only took a year for Super Bowl advertising to become a THING.


In 1985, Pepsi hired Ridley Scott to direct a spot starring characters from the TV show Miami Vice. He even did one for Turkish Airlines this year.

Apple, also tried to repeat its success the year after 1984. Steve Hayden wrote an ad called Lemmings that showed blindfolded business people walking off a cliff.

It was widely panned, partly because it portrayed its own customers as mindless idiots.

SH: It was an absolute disaster. Proving karmic balance.

DB: Not long after, Apple fired Chiat/Day, and Steve Jobs was on his way out too. He was a visionary, but also a hothead who had clashed with the board one too many times. When they asked him to step down from the Macintosh group, he left the company.


Apple continued to lose its way and lose market share to PCs….so much so that by 1997, Apple was close to bankruptcy.

It's at this moment that it brings back Steve Jobs from his exile running a computer company called NeXT.

SJ: Good morning. Whew, we were up to three o'clock last night finishing this advertising. And I wanna show it to you in a minute.

DB: This is Jobs a few weeks after his return. He's on a small stage talking to Apple managers. He's wearing shorts. And even though he's tired, and this was never meant to be seen by the public, he starts giving a classic Steve Jobs keynote. All the things that were supposedly wrong about the "1984" ad — that it showed an idea, not a product — that's now wisdom.

SJ: To me, marketing is about values. It's a noisy, complicated world, and we're not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us.


DB: Jobs is building up to reveal a new ad campaign. It's about an idea, not a product. Except instead of a brash startup company trying to plant a flag with a Ridley Scott epic, this ad is a beaten down company trying to remind people who it is and who it's for.

ARCHIVAL: Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels. The troublemakers...

DB: After this, Apple begins one of the most remarkable comebacks in business history… one that feels a little ironic at times. Apple wants you to think different, but not change things inside its computers. It throws a hammer at Big Brother, but Siri is listening. And it's the brand for rebel misfits, that also became the first trillion dollar company.

In 2016, five years after Steve Jobs died, Apple celebrated its 40th anniversary. And for a brief moment, in front of a much bigger headquarters, the company raised that pirate flag once again.



Plus leave us a review and rating on Apple podcasts and get in touch: you can email us at householdname@insider.com ... or find our Facebook group by searching Household Name Podcast. You can follow me on Twitter @danbobkoff.

Special thanks to Tom Frank, Meira Gebel, Kevin Lee, Anna Mazarakis

This episode was produced by me with Sarah Wyman and Amy Pedulla.

Sound design and original music by Casey Holford and John DeLore.

Our editors are Gianna Palmer and Peter Clowney.


The executive producers are Chris Bannon, Jenny Radelet and me.

Household Name is a production of Insider Audio.

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