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A photographer is making tiny worlds out of household items while she's stuck at home

Samantha Grindell   

A photographer is making tiny worlds out of household items while she's stuck at home
  • Erin Sullivan is a travel photographer, writer, and on-camera host based in Los Angeles, California.
  • Sullivan has been self-isolating for the past month, which has prevented her from traveling for work as she typically does.
  • Sullivan is bringing her work to her home, creating miniature worlds for photo shoots with household items like broccoli, tinfoil, and even pancakes.
  • "One of my favorite things about this project has been sharing it with the community and hearing that it's giving people joy," she told Insider.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

It's a hard time to be a travel photographer like Erin Sullivan, who's currently self-isolating in her Los Angeles, California, home.

"I have so much privilege in that I have a safe place to be and that I live in a place where it's safe to go on walks," she told Insider.

Despite her positive attitude, it's still difficult for Sullivan that she can't travel to take photos in unique backdrops around the world as she's used to. So she's bringing the abundance of the outdoors inside.

Sullivan has been using household items to create miniature versions of places she's photographed around the world

Welcome to Broccoli Forest. A whoooole forest in my own apartment, who knew?! Apparently there’s great birdwatching here (as you can see, my friend brought binoculars). ✧ Originally my idea for this series was solely to do landscapes made from objects in my home. I’ve always loved using abstraction in my art, and thought this would be an interesting challenge given the context. I then thought it would be good to add tiny figures to give a sense of some scale. From there I found a ton of incredible creators out there making amazing miniature worlds. @tanaka_tatsuya is a favorite of mine. ✧ These images were created with broccoli, a bamboo plate, a sweatshirt, a pillowcase & a little train model figure. If you are making/photographing something inside that is outdoors-inspired, share using the hashtag #OurGreatIndoors so we can see how far and wide our community’s creativity stretches. ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors • #OurGreatIndoors

A post shared by Erin Sullivan (@erinoutdoors) on Mar 31, 2020 at 8:36pm PDT

Sullivan got the idea for the project because of the abstraction that's often a part of her work.

"I've always been interested in abstraction as a tool for photography," she said.

"I always try to abstract what I'm seeing so it gives the audience a little bit of a pause. I wanted to apply that same concept to the things in my house."

"How can I abstract a pillowcase? How can I abstract a paper bag and make it look like these places I know very well?" she asked herself.

The answer to those questions has turned into #OurGreatIndoors, a project that has led Sullivan to create everything from a forest made out of broccoli to a canyon made of pancakes.

She shares her photos on Instagram, challenging her followers to create their own tiny worlds while they're stuck inside.

When she started the project, Sullivan had to think about how she could convey scale to her viewers

Because she's trying to make small items seem larger, Sullivan had to find a way to make her scenes look bigger than they are.

She decided to use small, human figurines to make the areas seem big.

Some pretty sweet dunes… literally. Here we have the Sugar Sand Dunes, located on a sheet in my bedroom. Luckily we got a permit. Lots to look at. My friend just couldn’t seem to stop pointing at stuff! ✧ This project has been a great challenge for me in many ways. The parameters I set for myself when embarking on this very tiny journey were: 1. Create outdoor scenes out of household objects (obviously) 2. Shoot things I’d normally shoot, as if the scenes were real 3. Only use Photoshop to enhance an image, do not make it essential 4. Make the scenes as believable as possible For me, having a set of guidelines for a series is what helps me decide what belongs and what doesn’t. It gives me handrails throughout the process. ✧ I’ve created a couple of scenes so far that didn’t make it into the series, and I’m sure I’ll make more that don’t feel like a fit. That’s ok. That’s part of if–– study is vital. Practice, too. In this particular instance, mine just happens to look like a tiny train person standing on a mound of sugar. ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors • #OurGreatIndoors

A post shared by Erin Sullivan (@erinoutdoors) on Apr 3, 2020 at 6:53pm PDT

Sullivan ordered the figurines online, and she's reused them for each shoot.

"It feels really hilarious doing the series. You just have to laugh it's so ridiculous," she said. "And the images have been really neat."

Sullivan has worked to be responsible with the process and materials she uses in this project

Sullivan primarily uses things she already has around the house for her shoots.

But if she needs any additional materials, she'll grab it on her weekly grocery run, rather than adding any additional outings to her week that could increase her interactions with others.

"Nothing goes to waste. I really don't want to be wasting anything just for a photo right now," she said.

For the perfect weekend adventure, may I recommend a trip to the Great Pancake Canyon? This weekend, Syrup River was flowing. Maybe it’s due to the rain we’ve had?? Not sure…. any of you specialize in pancake science and can speak to this? Anyway, this was a truly unique experience with fantastic views from both below and above. Also great breakfast available. ✧ Camera info: Sony a7Riii & 90mm f2.8 Macro lens. Materials: Literally just pancakes, syrup, and model train figures. ✧ Want to create your own outdoor-inspired adventure while staying home? Post & tag #OurGreatIndoors or follow along with the hashtag to see what this community is creating. Or if you’ve got another project you’re working on, I would love to hear about it! Or if you are doing nothing, that’s OK too! Take care of yourself! ✧ Thanks to my pancake expert @thejoehenderson for helping with this adventure. Who knows where we will go next… #ErinsGreatIndoors • #OurGreatIndoors

A post shared by Erin Sullivan (@erinoutdoors) on Apr 6, 2020 at 2:35pm PDT

"So I did a pancake canyon, and we ate all those pancakes."

"I kept the sugar from the sugar sand dunes," she said of another shoot.

Sullivan said the time it takes her to do a shoot varies, but it's thinking of an idea that takes her the longest.

Her concepts will often come to her while she's falling asleep or working out.

Actually setting up the shoot might take as few as 10 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes of actually taking pictures, or she could be working for as long as two hours.

"It's unpredictable," she said.

The project has been keeping Sullivan's creativity alive

"It gives me some momentum and something to look forward to in my day because I'm not going out shooting right now," she said of the project.

"Normally, I spend a lot of time on the road or shooting things outside, so for me it's a way to keep that part of my life alive in a totally different way and a totally different scale."

But she also said it's been a nice way to connect with others during a period that can be very isolating for people.

"One of my favorite things about this project has been sharing it with the community and hearing that it's giving people joy," she told Insider.

"People have taken on the challenge to do with their kids. They've said it's been fun and it's a nice break."

"But also it reminds us of the places that we love," she added, making people feel less disconnected from the outside world.

She encouraged others to try her #OurGreatIndoors challenge, even if they aren't professional photographers.

Nightstand Astrophotography A bit of stargazing from the comfort of my bed. My friend here still won’t stop pointing at stuff... ✧ This one is inspired by a photo I took of my friend @rachelroams last year in New Zealand. Created with a couple of model train figures, paper with holes poked in it, and a smart lightbulb (I changed the color to blue, but you could also do this in post). ✧ I’m so happy to hear these photos are bringing you joy and sparking creativity. It’s been so fun to see what you’ve created so far in the #OurGreatIndoors hashtag! Hope everyone is taking care and being super kind to yourselves right now whatever the season looks like for you. ♥️ ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors • #OurGreatIndoors

A post shared by Erin Sullivan (@erinoutdoors) on Apr 4, 2020 at 2:37pm PDT

"You don't need to be a professional. Just don't be too attached to the result," she said.

"Don't compare yourself or your work to others. Just let it be fun."

You can see Sullivan's latest installments in the project on her Instagram here.

Sullivan also has a TedTalk about the relationship between living in the moment and photography, which you can watch here, and you can visit her website here.

Read the original article on Insider


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