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Instil your lost hope in these six ads

Instil your lost hope in these six ads

Just when people started turning their channels during advertisements to watch another show, advertisements made a makeover for the better. From being just a 40 seconds promotional video, it became a powerful medium for social campaigns. Here’s the six best that shows you the reality as it is. But what makes them best is not that it tells the hard truth rather the fact that these ads revoke hope in humanity again.

1. This ad came at a time when the whole of India was waking up to the mantra of women empowerment. While some were clicking photos and just staring blankly admiring the hopelessness of the situation, a group of four women came forward and shoved the ambulance up from the mud poodle. Wearing clean clothes doesn’t make you a clean dignified person. Remove the dirt from your mind. One can’t help but admire the unique message from a washing powder brand.

2. Fake promises, empty slogans and corruption. When election fever enters the country, these three come together with it. Though all are aware, none speak about it. This IDEA ad portrayed a simple young man from a small village raising his voice against it during one of these election campaigns. You don’t have to be Kiran Bedi to raise your voice, it is only courage that you need.

3. “Chinese troops encroach upon Indian territories... Pakistan violates ceasefire... India reacts sharply to Pakistan ceasefire violations...”

Airtel gave a fresh perspective to inter country relations when it seemed like the term ‘friendly neighbours’ was some kind of a fairy tale. “There is no wall, no barrier that can keep us apart if only we talk to each other.”

4. No one ever thought that we have reached that point of time when we were accepting it as a norm to pay money to get our task done until Wagon R said it explicitly. The message was short and simple, yet a tight slap to the custom of bribery: If you are not selling your car for a meagre amount, they why are you selling your country.

5. Though the next one is not about bribery or government corruption, yet it strips naked the corruption that has gripped our education system. Education system has become a rat race now; follow others blindly and drain yourself out till you become the winner. No, it did not say that winning is bad; winning in a rat race is. The solution- do not push your child into it too. Celebrate your uniqueness.

6. After a shocking survey that only 49 per cent of Indian women voters go to vote, ad agencies flooded the space with ads giving everyone reasons to vote. But Google India beat them all by bringing the world’s attention to much lesser know man, not less important though, Shyam Saran Negi, India’s first voter who never failed to cast a vote in 64 years.

(image and video credits: Youtube,


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