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INSTANT MBA: Stop Worrying About What Other People Think

Mariana Simoes   

INSTANT MBA: Stop Worrying About What Other People Think
Careers1 min read

cheryl bachelder

Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen

Today's advice comes from Cheryl Bachelder, CEO of Popeyes, via Forbes:

"The thing I wish I had learned at a younger age is the importance of bringing your authentic self to your leadership and your workplace. Women spend a lot of years trying to figure out: What do I have to do to make these people happy? What do I have to wear? How should I talk? What behaviors are expected of me? We spend all our energy trying to give them what they want. It totally distracts us from our best selves and coming to work with something to offer."

Instead of listening to what everyone else had to say, Bachelder says workers need to learn to think about what's best for themselves first. We are often our own worst critics so adding everybody else's opinion into the mix can only make matters worse. You will find that other people will respect you when you begin to respect yourself.

"Acknowledge your talents, and as quickly as possible gain confidence in yourself, so that you can be a genuine, authentic contributor and not all that worried about what other people think."

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