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INSTANT MBA: Have A Goal That's Bigger Than Just Meeting A Deadline

Aug 16, 2013, 02:50 IST

LinkedInMarillyn Hewson, CEO at Lockheed MartinToday's advice comes from Marillyn Hewson, CEO at Lockheed Martin, via her post on LinkedIn:


"Purpose is important. I often tell my team: If you want to reach great heights, start with a great purpose."

Hewson says that good leaders find good people to help them reach their goals. But great leaders are able to motivate and inspire their workers by explaining why they're doing what they're doing.

In short, this is the "key to achieving something truly transformational."

"Have a goal that’s bigger than just meeting a deadline or closing a sale. It’s human nature to want to make a lasting impact… to do something meaningful and enduring."


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