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INSTANT MBA: Everyone Needs To Take A Break

Mariana Simoes   

INSTANT MBA: Everyone Needs To Take A Break

Today's advice comes from Ben Silbermann, CEO and founder of Pinterest, via The Huffington Post:

"I used to wake up and look at our analytics and think, 'What if yesterday was the last day anyone used Pinterest?' Like, everyone collectively decided, 'We’re done!' Over time I got more confidence. But I still feel tons of urgency to make it better, to hurry up and fix all the problems. Definitely it’s who I am. I always just want to move along to the next step. But I’m lucky — I have a lot of team members who have a really honest relationship with me. And there are definitely times when they’re like, 'You need to calm down.' "

Silbermann says even a workaholic can use a break from a fast-paced life. Although your personality may be prone to over achievement and might enjoy constant excitement at work, sometimes your productivity can actually improve if you shut down your brain for a while.

It's important to remember that taking a break from work can not only benefit you, but it also gives your employees and co-workers a chance to kick back and get to know each other. A happier, relaxed workplace makes for a stronger company.

"It’s not like I’m jumping around the table throwing things, but one thing that’s been hard to learn is that different people are motivated and inspired by different things. I’m not the kind of person by nature who celebrates everything. I just am like, 'OK, great, let’s move on, let’s get better.' [But I’ve realized] it’s important to celebrate -- to let the whole team enjoy the moment without becoming complacent about it -- especially as you build teams."

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