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INSTANT MBA: Come Up With Solutions If You Want A Promotion

Lynne Guey   

INSTANT MBA: Come Up With Solutions If You Want A Promotion

Today's advice comes from Brent Saunders, CEO of Bausch and Lamb, via The New York Times:

"The people I rely on or view as high-potential folks are people who come with a problem but also bring ideas for the solution. It may not be the right solution. We may do something entirely different, but they’ve been thoughtful about it."

Saunders says he hears problems all day, so it's refreshing when an employee comes with a solution to the problem. It shows thought, effort, and most of all, makes an impression. Questions are good, but being two steps ahead and having an answer is even better. The preparation will impress your boss.

"If people are looking to advance their career, they may want to be more thoughtful about bringing some ideas for solving a problem, and not just presenting a problem."

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