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You might have a septate uterus and not even know it what it is and the risks involved

Madeline Kennedy,Lauren Demosthenes   

You might have a septate uterus and not even know it — what it is and the risks involved
  • A septate uterus is a uterus that has a membrane (called a septum) that grows in the middle.
  • This makes pregnancy more risky and the miscarriage rate is about 15% higher than the general population.

If you're having troubling getting or staying pregnant, it's possible you have an irregular uterus.

About 4% of people with uteruses have septate uterus — a condition in which your uterine cavity is split into two parts.

Septate uterus can put you at higher risk for pregnancy complications like miscarriage, but it's relatively easy to treat.

Here's how you can tell if you have a septate uterus and when you should seek treatment.

What is a septate uterus?

In most people, the uterus is a hollow organ that lies between your ovaries and fallopian tubes. But if you have a septate uterus, a membrane called a septum grows down the middle of your uterus, splitting the open area into two parts.

Septate uterus is congenital — meaning it develops while you're in the womb and you're born with the condition. However, experts don't know exactly why septate uterus occurs, says Dr. Jose Carugno, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Miami.

A septate uterus usually doesn't cause any obvious symptoms except during pregnancy, and in many cases, you may not even know you have it. But some people with septate uteruses may experience painful periods or lower abdominal pain.

If you are experiencing symptoms, a doctor can determine if you have a septate uterus by doing an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

What are the risks of a septate uterus?

"The major risk of a septum is recurrent miscarriages," says Dr. Ruben Alvero, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University.

"If the septum is in place and the embryo implants there, the embryo can only grow for so long," Alvero says. When the fetus gets to a certain size, the small space may stop it from growing and developing.

The miscarriage rate in people with septate uteruses is about 35% — which is higher than the general miscarriage rate of around 10%-20%.

In addition to miscarriage, other pregnancy complications associated with a septate uterus are:

However, even though your risks are higher, it's still possible to have a normal pregnancy and birth with a septate uterus.

Treatments for a septate uterus

Having a septate uterus doesn't necessarily pose any health risks, so you don't need treatment unless you're having recurring miscarriages or other symptoms, Carugno says.

Generally, you should only get the septum removed if you're planning to get pregnant or you're having issues getting or staying pregnant, Alvero says.

The most common treatment for septate uterus is a relatively simple procedure called hysteroscopic metroplasty.

You can get a hysteroscopic metroplasty in your doctor's office, and it should only take about an hour. The procedure is done through the vagina, so there's no need to make any abdominal cuts, Carugno says.

There's no need to actually remove the septum — if you cut through it, it recedes to the sides of the uterus and shouldn't cause any further issues, Alvero says.

If you get pregnant, your doctor may recommend removing the septum to lower your risk of pregnancy complications. However, some research says this isn't super effective.

A small 2016 study found that people who underwent a hysteroscopic metroplasty for septate uterus had the same risk of pregnancy complications as people without septate uterus.

Insider's takeaway

Septate uterus is a condition that may not cause any symptoms, but can increase your risk of pregnancy complications like miscarriage and premature birth.

If you're having trouble getting or staying pregnant, your doctor can perform scans to check for septate uterus and to see if you need treatment.

The treatment for septate uterus is a relatively simple procedure, but "it is important to have a good discussion with your reproductive specialist to understand the pros and the cons," Alvero says.

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