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Vets share the major signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) in cats and why you should call a vet right away

Brooke Helton   

Vets share the major signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) in cats and why you should call a vet right away
  • Cats can develop urinary tract infections (UTIs) if bacteria enters their urinary tract.
  • Your cat may have a UTI if they pee a lot, have bloody urine, or groom their genital area constantly.

If your cat suddenly starts using your bathtub as a litter box, that doesn't mean they're trying to spite you. In fact, a cat's bathroom habits can actually give you some insight into their overall health.

When your cat starts urinating more often — or stops using their litter box altogether — this could suggest a health problem like a urinary tract infection (UTI.)

UTIs happen when an infectious agent, usually bacteria, enters your cat's urinary tract. Around 1%-2% of cats will experience a bacterial UTI in their lifetime, though UTIs most commonly affect spayed females or cats over 10 years old.

Not only can a UTI be painful for your kitty, it may also lead to serious health concerns without prompt treatment.

Below, discover how to spot a potential UTI in your cat and when it's time to head to the vet.

Signs of a UTI

It can be tough to tell when your cat feels under the weather, since cats instinctively hide pain and illnesses as a survival mechanism to protect themselves from predators.

Generally speaking, though, a cat who has a UTI may:

  • Urinate more often
  • Urinate outside the litter box
  • Have blood in their urine
  • Groom their genital area more often
  • Strain or cry out while urinating

You should contact your vet and make an appointment as soon as you notice any of these signs, says Dr. Kelly Dunham, veterinarian and area medical director at IndeVets.

Leaving the infection untreated may lead to more severe conditions, like kidney stones, kidney failure, or septicemia — a bacterial infection in the blood.

There aren't any over-the-counter treatments for UTIs in cats, so calling a vet right away is the best way to get your cat proper care before the infection gets worse.

Keep in mind, too, that up to 87% of cats with UTIs also have another health condition, like diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Taking your cat to the vet could help you uncover any underlying health problems you may not know about — so your kitty can get timely treatment.

Important: If your cat is straining or crying out in the litter box with no urine coming out, you should head to the emergency vet immediately, Dunham says. They may have an obstruction in their urinary tract, which can become fatal if left untreated.

How do vets diagnose UTIs in cats?

To diagnose a UTI, your veterinarian will need to collect a sterile urine sample and test it for bacteria, says Dr. Monica Sterk, emergency room veterinarian and area medical director at Veterinary Emergency Group.

Your cat probably won't cooperate with filling up a urine sample cup — but even if they urinate on the table, there's a chance that outside bacteria might contaminate the sample. So, your vet will likely collect a urine sample through a process called cystocentesis.

Medical term: Cystocentesis involves placing your cat on their back and using a small needle to extract urine through the bladder wall, Sterk says. This safe and simple procedure tends to give more accurate results than other types of urine collection.

Once your vet has a sample, they can do a urinalysis to check for any bacteria or crystals that could suggest a UTI. Your vet might also perform an ultrasound to detect any abnormalities in your cat's bladder, like bladder or kidney stones.


If your vet diagnoses your cat with a bacterial UTI, the usual treatment is antibiotics, according to Sterk.

Your vet can send your cat's urine to the lab to culture it and identify the particular bacteria present. This helps them determine the best antibiotic to fight the infection.

Since this process can take a day or two, your vet will likely start you off with a broad-spectrum antibiotic that can target many types of common bacteria, according to Sterk.

If your cat is in pain, your vet might also send you home with pain medication to help them feel more comfortable.

Preventing UTIs in cats

There isn't a general rule of thumb to prevent urinary tract infections in cats, Sterk says.

That said, you can take steps to minimize your cat's risk of developing other urinary health problems, like feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). Vets use this catchall term to describe cats with symptoms of urinary tract issues but no specific condition.

While FIC has no known cause or cure, some experts have linked these symptoms to stress. So, creating a stress-free environment at home may help your kitty stay healthy and happy.

A few things you can do to help your cat feel more relaxed:

  • Offer more than one litter box: If you have more than one cat, make sure each cat has their own litter box in different locations throughout the house. "This is to prevent guarding by one cat or the other, so that everyone is always able to use the box when they need to," Sterk says.
  • Keep them hydrated: The average 10-pound cat should drink around one cup of water per day. If your cat doesn't like to drink from a bowl, a cat fountain might make water more appealing to them.
  • Keep them stimulated: "Having adequate enrichment can also help to reduce stress," Sterk says. Aim to provide plenty of toys for your cat to play with, like puzzle toys that hide treats or automatic laser pointers to help them get exercise when you're not around.
  • Help them maintain a healthy weight: Feeding your cat a well-balanced diet is also important for urinary health, according to Sterk. Cats living with diabetes and other health issues associated with UTIs may need special food, as well. Your vet can offer guidance about your cat's dietary needs and any other special considerations to keep in mind.

Insider's takeaway

It doesn't matter whether you're a human or a feline — UTIs are no fun for anyone.

Feline UTIs don't just make trips to the litter box painful — they can also lead to more serious health problems, like kidney issues.

If your cat's litter box habits suddenly change or you see blood in their urine, it's best to make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you can take steps to prevent other urinary tract issues by keeping your cat's stress levels low. Having more than one litter box, keeping plenty of toys around, and providing a well-balanced diet can all help your cat feel safe, happy, and stimulated.

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