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  4. The $900 OnePlus 8 Pro takes photos as good as the Galaxy S20 series starting at $1,000, and it's proof that paying more for a smartphone doesn't mean a better camera

The $900 OnePlus 8 Pro takes photos as good as the Galaxy S20 series starting at $1,000, and it's proof that paying more for a smartphone doesn't mean a better camera

Antonio Villas-Boas   

The $900 OnePlus 8 Pro takes photos as good as the Galaxy S20 series starting at $1,000, and it's proof that paying more for a smartphone doesn't mean a better camera
Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

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  • If you're deciding between the Galaxy S20 series and the OnePlus 8 Pro, you'll be happy to know that they both take excellent, high quality photos for the most part.
  • With that said, each phone processes photos differently, and that difference is imparted into each photo.

For the most part, there's no right or wrong photo here — both the Samsung Galaxy S20 series and the OnePlus 8 Pro take great photos.

With that said, both phones handle lighting scenarios differently, which gives photos a different look. For example, when it's sunny outside, photos taken with the Galaxy S20 series will have a warmer tone that adds a slightly yellow-ish tone. I personally don't like that, but some of you might.

At the end of the day, you should look at which photo you'd show your friends and family. And, if you're buying a new phone based on camera quality, you can check out the photos I've taken below to see which ones look best to you.

I'll let you do most of the picking and choosing, and I'll chime in here and there to point certain things out in certain photos.

Author's note: I tested Samsung's Galaxy S20 series using the highest-end and most expensive Galaxy S20 Ultra. While camera hardware differs between models within the Galaxy S20 series, the resulting photos are largely the same across each model. Thus, the following photos below accurately represent each model within the Galaxy S20 series. Also, I simply don't have other Galaxy S20 models on hand, as they are with other colleagues. Given current events, sharing review units between coworkers is significantly more difficult. Conversely, the OnePlus 8 Pro does take slightly different photos than the standard OnePlus 8. The OnePlus 8 Pro doesn't quite equate or represent the OnePlus 8's camera.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The OnePlus 8 Pro is surprisingly accurate here, and it picks up some finer color nuances, like the lighter purple petals around the center, where the sun hits differently than the rest of the flowers.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

In typical Samsung fashion, the Galaxy S20 Ultra boosts color saturation and contrast. It makes for a striking photo with deep and rich colors, but it's not accurate, and even unrealistic. Samsung essentially takes a photo and processes it for you without you asking it to. Some people like that, others don't.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The OnePlus 8 Pro captured a great amount of detail here, but not as much as the Galaxy S20 Ultra.

There's also an odd harshness to the photo's lighting and coloring that's consistent with OnePlus cameras.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The Galaxy S20 Ultra captures an incredible amount of detail in flower's center, but the petals' edges appear blurry and out of focus.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The OnePlus 8 Pro's photo has a cooler color tone that gives a little more depth than the Galaxy S20 Ultra's photo, which has a warmer tone that gives almost everything a slightly yellow tint.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

Samsung's Galaxy S20 Ultra leans towards a warmer color tone, which gives a yellow-ish tint to the photo in general.

OnePlus 8 Pro — Ultra-wide lens

OnePlus 8 Pro — Ultra-wide lens
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

We get the same effect here, where the OnePlus 8 Pro's cooler tone gives a more dynamic and deeper photo.

Galaxy S20 Ultra — Ultra-wide lens

Galaxy S20 Ultra — Ultra-wide lens
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The yellow-ish tint doesn't do any favors for the Galaxy S20 Ultra's photo. If anything, the excessive yellowing and the green vegetation's odd color as a result is distracting. But then again, consider that neither you nor I would notice that the Galaxy S20 Ultra adds a warmer tint to some of its photos if they weren't being compared with another phone's photos.

The Galaxy S20 Ultra also struggles to capture cloud detail, which seems trivial, but it makes a difference if you're taking a striking landscape photo that includes clouds.

OnePlus 8 Pro — 5x zoomed photo

OnePlus 8 Pro — 5x zoomed photo
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

You come across a true and glaring weakness in the OnePlus 8 Pro's camera system when you want to zoom into something. There's an odd haze in almost every single zoomed photo I've taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. There's no point in discussing whether the rest of the photo is any good because the haze is so prevalent and distracting. It's a photo ruiner, and a massive shame. If you like to zoom, the OnePlus 8 Pro should be at the very bottom of your short list.

Galaxy S20 Ultra — 5x zoomed photo

Galaxy S20 Ultra — 5x zoomed photo
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The Galaxy S20 Ultra, on the other hand, thrives when it comes to zooming. It takes stunning zoomed photos at 5x zoom, and it even corrects some of the yellow-ish tint we saw in previous photos. So far, the Galaxy S20 Ultra is unbeaten when it comes to zooming. If you like to zoom, the Galaxy S20 series should be at the very top of your short list.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

This OnePlus 8 Pro photo will look nearly identical to the Galaxy S20 Ultra. The colors are a little less saturated, which is actually a good thing, as the Galaxy S20 Ultra can over-saturate color too often that gives photos a doctored look.

With that said, the OnePlus 8 Pro can try too hard to accentuate details, which is especially noticeable in the stones of the bridge.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

There's truly no perfect photo here. Both cameras excel and falter at different aspects of photography. The bridge's details aren't as accentuated and don't look like they've had an Instagram filter applied to them, like in the OnePlus 8 Pro's photo.

However, Samsung seems intent to "improve" the greens in this photo, and its excessive efforts lead to an inaccurate and fake-looking foliage compared to the OnePlus 8 Pro.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

Here, it's the OnePlus 8 Pro's turn to apply too much of a warming tone that gives the photo a yellow-ish tint. It just goes to show that no smartphone camera is perfect. The OnePlus 8 Pro also went overboard with HDR, which brightened up darker areas that should have remained darker, like the tree's trunk towards the left.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The Galaxy S20 Ultra did a much better job here with the white balance, and you don't get that yellow-ish tint as a result. The photo looks deeper and more detailed. Plus, it handled the HDR better than the OnePlus 8 Pro, too — the tree trunk on the left isn't as brightened, for example.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

Same thing here as the totem photo above. In a cloudier and less bright situation, the OnePlus 8 Pro picks the wrong white balance, and goes for a warmer tone that makes the photo look flat and come with a yellow-ish tint. Still, the photo looks good — again, you wouldn't notice these things as much if you weren't comparing these photos side by side.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The Galaxy S20 Ultra does the opposite of the OnePlus 8 Pro. In a slightly darker, cloudier environment, it leans towards a cooler color tone that gives the photo more depth and character, as well as color accuracy.

With that said, what on Earth happened to that dark cloud on the top left? It's clearly visible in the OnePlus 8 Pro photo, but it looks like Samsung's Galaxy S20 Ultra decided it wasn't a detail you needed in the photo, and it removed almost any trace that there's a dark cloud there. That's the over-processing and doctoring I'm talking about. I wish Samsung — and OnePlus, in some cases — didn't try to mess around with photos as much as it does.

OnePlus 8 Pro

OnePlus 8 Pro
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

Onto a more human-made downtown setting, and the OnePlus 8 Pro struggled here. The sky looks like it was photoshopped in from a different photo, and the clouds look like they were drawn on.

Still, the rest of the photo is good, and not as dark as the Galaxy S20 Ultra's.

Galaxy S20 Ultra

Galaxy S20 Ultra
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

The Galaxy S20 Ultra did a much better job with the sky and clouds, and the rest is fine, if a little too dark. It's clear Samsung's phone is trying to add contrast, but it results in details getting lost to darkness. It's related to HDR, and it was poorly executed in this photo.

OnePlus 8 Pro — Night mode

OnePlus 8 Pro — Night mode
A photo taken with the OnePlus 8 Pro. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

What the OnePlus 8 Pro achieves here is amazing compared to the Galaxy S20 Ultra's night mode photo. If you like taking photos in the dark, I can immediately tell you that the Galaxy S20 series aren't the phones for you.

Galaxy S20 Ultra — Night mode

Galaxy S20 Ultra — Night mode
A photo taken with the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Click or tap for a larger image.      Antonio Villas-Boas/Insider Reviews

This would look decent if it wasn't being compared to the OnePlus 8 Pro's photo. It looks like a blurry, blotchy mess with an inexplicable yellow tint to it.

The bottom line

This is a tricky one. 

The Galaxy S20 series struggles with white balance, which means it often creates a warmer yellow-ish tint to photos that don't need it, like photos taken in bright sunlight. It takes more neutral photos without yellow tinting in cloudier situations, but then again, it doesn't handle clouds that well, either. Still, photos from the Galaxy S20 series will capture your memories just fine. It's only when you're nitpicking that its faults are glaring. It also has significantly superior zoom than the OnePlus 8 Pro. 

The OnePlus 8 Pro produces better photos in full bright sun (more natural white balance, less yellow tint), it doesn't over-saturate colors as much, and it takes significantly superior night photos.

Basically, it comes down to whether you like to zoom more than you like to take photos is darker settings. 

If neither apply, then you can rest assured that both cameras take fine photos and you'll be happy with either. But, if you want my opinion on which phone to get, I'd go for the OnePlus 8 Pro for its lower price tag, gorgeous design, slightly better screen, ultra-fast included charger, and cleaner Android operating system – and more color-accurate photos.


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