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  4. I tried 'slugging,' TikTok's slimiest skincare trend, and it was as gross as it sounds — but I'd still do it again

I tried 'slugging,' TikTok's slimiest skincare trend, and it was as gross as it sounds but I'd still do it again

I tried 'slugging,' TikTok's slimiest skincare trend, and it was as gross as it sounds — but I'd still do it again
I tried slugging for five eventful nights.Charissa Cheong

Prices are accurate at the time of publication.

  • Slugging is a popular TikTok trend where you put a layer of petroleum jelly on your face overnight.
  • Experts say it doesn't clog your pores and can help repair dry skin.

Slugging is a skincare trend that exploded on TikTok last year.

Slugging is a skincare trend that exploded on TikTok last year.
Use a petroleum based product like Vaseline when you slug.      Charissa Cheong

"Slugging" is the latest TikTok skincare trend that everyone is talking about.

The process involves applying a petroleum-based product like Vaseline to your face over your usual moisturizer and leaving it on overnight, which proponents say forms a protective barrier that can restore moisture to the skin.

Slugging, which is thought to have originated in Korea and is a popular K-beauty skin hack, exploded on TikTok in 2021 as creators shared their tips on how to get the best results. The hashtag #slugging has 167 million TikTok views.

However, the trend was met with reservations from commenters on TikTok, many of whom speculated that it would either be extremely uncomfortable and make it difficult to sleep, or it would block their pores and be bad for acne-prone skin.

Dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah, known as @dermdoc on TikTok, previously told Insider's Canela Lopez that slugging won't clog your pores and can be really beneficial for dry skin.

He said the Vaseline acts as a "healing" ointment that can "allow your skin to restore itself" overnight, and works best when applied once a week. The American Academy of Dermatology Association also recommended using petroleum jelly to heal and hydrate skin.

I tried slugging for five nights to figure out if there was a method that would work for me.

I tried slugging for five nights to figure out if there was a method that would work for me.
I have issues with dry skin in the winter months.      Charissa Cheong

As someone who struggles with both dry and acne-prone skin, I thought I would give slugging a chance this winter to see if it would make a difference to my face.

Because I had eczema when I was younger, my skin tends to go through periods of dryness, and as I'm also prone to blocked pores, I'm always hesitant to experiment with new skincare products for fear of an unexpected breakout.

Nevertheless, I decided to tackle my worries by diving face-first into a five-day trial run of slugging, hoping that it wouldn't block my pores and would rehydrate my dry skin. I opted for Vaseline as it's one of the most affordable products I saw people using on TikTok.

Dermatologists like Dr. Shah say that it's best to slug once a week, but I opted for five nights just so I could get a sense of how much I liked it, and try out different methods. Here's how it went.

Putting Vaseline on my face felt incredibly gross.

Putting Vaseline on my face felt incredibly gross.
All slime and no smiles.      Charissa Cheong

When it came time to commence day one of slugging, I applied my usual serum and moisturizer. I then hesitantly put a clump of Vaseline on my face, wincing as the cold sludge made contact with my skin. The more I rubbed the Vaseline in, the more I felt my happiness dwindle as it felt incredibly thick and sticky. I knew already that it was going to be a long night.

It took me a few days to get used to the way slugging felt, and it also took several attempts to figure out how much Vaseline to use. While some TikTokers seem to really lather it on, Dr. Shah recommended using a thin layer of product.

Over the five days, I found that a thinner layer left my skin feeling tight and dry come morning, so I was better off with a thicker layer, even though it looked and felt even more disgusting to apply.

Sleeping through the night was certainly a challenge.

Sleeping through the night was certainly a challenge.
The pillow smudge became my biggest enemy.      Charissa Cheong

As a side-sleeper, I knew I was in trouble the moment my head hit the pillow on my first night of slugging. There was no way I was going to be able to keep the slime on my face from smudging.

I woke up for the first time after approximately one hour, when I found that I had rolled from my back onto my side out of habit. As I tossed in my sleep, I was stirred by the feeling of my own face sticking to the pillow.

It was just as gooey and unpleasant as you would imagine. Strands of hair were sticking to my face, I kept accidentally touching it and getting slime on my hands, and at one point I actually had a nightmare that my face was melting.

Fortunately, I put a towel over my pillow before going to bed, or I would have given myself a whole lot of cleaning work to do the next day. If you're like me and you toss and turn in your sleep a lot, be warned that slugging is going to interfere with your rest.

I eventually decided to wrap up to avoid smudging.

I eventually decided to wrap up to avoid smudging.
Snug as a slug.      Charissa Cheong

On day two of slugging, I realized that a single towel wasn't going to cut it. I wrapped my hair tightly in a scarf to try and prevent it from getting stuck in the Vaseline and needing another wash in the morning.

This was mostly effective, but once again my tossing and turning became an issue. On some nights the scarf would come loose and my hair would fall victim to the slimy goo, meaning I had to go into work the next day with parts of my hair looking extremely shiny.

The mornings after my nights of slugging were full of inconveniences.

The mornings after my nights of slugging were full of inconveniences.
Just as sticky after eight hours.      Charissa Cheong

After each uncomfortable night's sleep, I would wake up and look in the bathroom mirror, much to my own horror.

For some reason, I expected the Vaseline to dry up and peel off easily after a few hours, but each time I got up, I found that the layer on my skin was still extremely wet and sticky to the touch.

This turned washing my face each morning into a real chore. I had to scrub pretty hard to get it all off.

Even after the first night of slugging, however, I noticed that my skin felt much smoother and softer, although it was still dry in certain problem areas, such as around my mouth.

I would give slugging another go, but definitely not on the daily.

I would give slugging another go, but definitely not on the daily.
Before and after.      Charissa Cheong

After five whole nights of slugging, I noticed that my dry skin had significantly improved.

My face felt so much smoother and actually had a healthy glow to it, which made all my nights of discomfort somewhat worth it.

Feeling newly confident in my own skin, I've decided that I'll keep the Vaseline to use again in the future, but it's definitely not something I would work into my daily routine.

Dermatologists recommend that you slug once a week, and I think I would prefer to follow their advice, or to slug once every other week. The level of discomfort and disruption it caused during the night is definitely not something I'm prepared to tolerate on a regular basis.

If you've been thinking about slugging for a while, I'd strongly recommend investing in a head wrap and doing so on a weekend night so the lack of sleep is more manageable.

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