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6 women share how their morning sickness felt and what they did to manage nausea and vomiting

Rebecca Strong   

6 women share how their morning sickness felt and what they did to manage nausea and vomiting
  • Up to 80% of pregnant people will experience some level of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Morning sickness can strike at any time, but eating something as soon as you wake up can help.

Without a doubt, morning sickness is one of the most common — and unpleasant — pregnancy symptoms.

In fact, about 70%-80% of people will experience this nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.

The cause of morning sickness is not totally known, but hormone changes and low blood sugar may play a role. That's why you'll often feel nauseous in the morning, when your stomach is empty, or when you smell or eat certain foods. That said, the symptoms can happen at any time — day or night.

Generally speaking, morning sickness usually sets in around week nine and improves around week 14. For some people, however, morning sickness may last the entire pregnancy.

Morning sickness can range from mild to severe, and symptoms can vary pretty widely from person to person. Below, six people share insight into their symptoms — along with the strategies they used to get relief.

1. "I kept a few saltine crackers next to my bed."

Blogger and certified nutrition coach Vered DeLeeuw experienced morning sickness during the first trimester of both her pregnancies — and it often lasted all day long. DeLeeuw says random smells could set off her nausea, and she frequently felt on the verge of throwing up.

"I remember one time getting a whiff of blue cheese and gagging," she says.

Medical term: Pregnancies are divided into three stages called trimesters. The first trimester lasts from weeks 0 to 13, the second trimester lasts from 14 to 26 weeks, and the third trimester lasts from 27 to 40 weeks

Since DeLeeuw's nausea tended to be most severe in the morning, she began keeping saltine crackers next to her bedside. Eating a few crackers immediately after waking up helped ward off her symptoms.

DeLeeuw also developed aversions to foods with strong tastes or smells, so she stuck with relatively bland foods like sweet potatoes, grilled chicken, avocado, and fruit.

"Some women swear by ginger ale and ginger tea, but for me, it wasn't helpful at all," she says.

2. "Sea sickness bands worked really well."

Abbie Hughes, the blogger behind Generation Cheerful, says morning sickness began at seven weeks and ended between 10 and 12 weeks during both of her pregnancies.

Hughes' initial morning sickness symptoms started in the car, which makes sense, since she's long struggled with motion sickness. But during her pregnancies, she also felt sick while driving — when before, she only felt nauseous as a passenger.

During her first pregnancy, Hughes' doctor recommended that she take Buccastem — also known by the generic name Prochlorperazine — to control nausea and vomiting, but the medication didn't help much.

Then, during her second pregnancy, she tried sea sickness bands, which vastly reduced her nausea and vomiting.

Sea sickness and motion sickness bands are designed to stimulate a certain pressure point in your wrist. A small 2020 study found that this form of acupressure may reduce nausea, vomiting, and retching during pregnancy.

Hughes says getting plenty of rest and eating frequent small meals throughout the day also helped ease her symptoms.

Note: Dr. Javier Saldaña, an OB-GYN with Vida Wellness and Beauty, advises having a snack or meal every three hours during pregnancy. That's because when you go long periods of time without eating, your stomach acid can build up, causing nausea and heartburn, Saldaña says.

3. "I found that a walk around the neighborhood could curb my morning sickness."

For Kristina Tinsley, blogger and mom of three, morning sickness struck around week eight of her pregnancies and lasted until week 16. Symptoms sometimes resurfaced later on, mostly during car rides.

"The feeling of morning sickness usually occurred when I hadn't eaten enough in the morning," she says.

Tinsley says eating a snack that combined carbohydrates and protein — like a piece of toast with an egg — often helped combat morning sickness. Drinking ginger ale also helped relieve her nausea.

Tinsley's other go-to strategy involved getting fresh air and some light movement.

"I found that a walk around the neighborhood could curb my morning sickness, if not completely get rid of it," she says.

4. "I took notes from the BRAT diet."

Morning sickness began at eight weeks and didn't subside until 36 weeks — almost the end of pregnancy — for Leigh Coggiola-Belza, founder and CEO of Leaxy.

Around week eight, things took a turn for the worse: It got to the point where she threw up eight to 10 times a day, and her nausea persisted all through the afternoon and night.

Coggiola-Belza immediately made an appointment with her OB-GYN, who prescribed Bonjesta, a combination of the antihistamine doxylamine and pyridoxine — aka vitamin B6. This prescription medication can help relieve treatment-resistant morning sickness.

"I went from debilitating vomiting throughout the day to throwing up twice a day, which was a huge relief," she says.

Her symptoms became less intense around week 30, but she says smelling certain foods — even from far away — often triggered a wave of nausea.

Coggiola-Belza says sticking to the BRAT diet — bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast — helped minimize her nausea and vomiting.

5. "Sleep and Zofran are the only things that helped."

At exactly six weeks and four days into her pregnancy, East End Taste publisher Vanessa Gordon experienced her first wave of morning sickness upon waking at 7 a.m. Her symptoms, which included nausea, throwing up, and sensitivity to smells, lasted 17 weeks.

While Gordon tried chewing ginger gum and drinking ginger tea, as well as using acupressure wristbands, she says no natural remedies seemed to help. Finally, her doctor prescribed Zofran, a medication originally used to treat nausea caused by chemotherapy or surgery.

Gordon says taking Zofran twice a day throughout her first trimester is the only thing that helped keep her dry heaving and vomiting to a minimum.

Note: One review suggests Zofran use during the first trimester doesn't appear to increase the risk of most birth defects. A 2020 review found, however, that using Zofran during the first trimester of pregnancy may increase your baby's risk of heart defects or congenital malformations like a cleft palate by about 0.03%.

6. "I wore nose plugs for swimmers just to get through the day."

Just three weeks after PR manager Liz Fleming conceived her baby, morning sickness set in hard and fast — and it lasted for 16 weeks.

Not only did she feel nauseous all day long, but her sensitivity to smell became too intense to bear. Even a sneeze or cough could suddenly trigger vomiting.

Fleming's OB-GYN prescribed Diclegis, another brand name for the combination of doxylamine and pyridoxine.

Fleming also began wearing swimmers' nose plugs during the day to prevent strong smells from triggering her nausea. She also found that avoiding dairy products helped ward off her symptoms while chewing mints or mint gum helped relieve her nausea.

Other helpful remedies

Saldaña and Dr. Kimberly Langdon, an OB-GYN, CEO of SpectraCell Laboratories and medical reviewer at Health Canal, recommends the following to cope with morning sickness symptoms:

  • Focus on starchy bland foods. These are less likely to upset your stomach and may also help absorb some of the gastric acid that makes you feel queasy.
  • Try eating sour candies and tart citrus fruits, which contain citric acid that can help with digestion.
  • Avoid spicy foods and fried or high-fat foods, since these may worsen indigestion and nausea.
  • Keep a snack such as a banana, crackers, or a granola bar by your bedside to eat first thing in the morning.
  • Eat and drink slowly to avoid getting too full at once. It may also help to split up your meals into two smaller snacks.
  • Keep a journal to track which foods might trigger your morning sickness.
  • Avoid lying down right after eating, especially a large meal.
  • Use a fan while cooking so you don't have to deal with strong food smells.
  • Eat ice chips to stay hydrated if you have trouble drinking enough fluids.

In rare cases, pregnant people may develop hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a condition that causes severe nausea and vomiting and may lead to dehydration and unintended weight loss.

Symptoms of HG include:

  • Vomiting more than three or four times per day
  • Losing more than 10 pounds due to vomiting
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded due to frequent or intense vomiting

Langdon and Saldaña recommend calling your doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms. Some common treatments for HG include:

According to Langdon and Saldaña, you should also seek a doctor's care if you:

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe either Bonjesta or Diclegis, brand names for the combination of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and the antihistamine doxylamine. This is the only FDA-approved prescription medicine for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

A vitamin B6 deficiency may cause nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and Doxylamine can block some of the nausea-causing substances in your body — and the combination of vitamin B6 and doxylamine may reduce morning symptoms by up to 70%.

Since these medications may come with some potential side effects, doctors typically only prescribe it when lifestyle changes and natural remedies don't seem to help ease pregnancy sickness.

Most of these side effects, like drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, and headaches, are relatively mild. But in rare cases, these medications may cause an irregular heartbeat, vision problems, and shortness of breath.

Important: Even though you can buy both vitamin B6 and doxylamine over-the-counter without a prescription, Langdon and Saldaña advise asking for your doctor's guidance before trying them to make sure you take the proper dose.

Insider's takeaway

Everyone's experience with morning sickness is slightly unique. But many people say eating something immediately upon waking, having small frequent meals throughout the day, and staying hydrated and well-rested are all key to staving off symptoms.

While some women found motion sickness or sea sickness wristbands can offer relief, others experienced more improvements simply by adjusting their diets and getting fresh air. When no other strategies or remedies are working, prescription medications may prove helpful for alleviating severe nausea and vomiting.

If morning sickness leads to dehydration or unintentional weight loss, or if it begins to affect your quality of life, talk to your doctor about alternative treatment options.

"It can feel really debilitating being constantly nauseous, and with that can come complicated and confusing emotions during a time that you're told should be exciting. But remember: you are not alone, and any feelings you're having are all valid," Coggiola-Belza says.

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