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3 sports medicine experts share how to deal with an injury at home, plus the recovery equipment you need to do it

3 sports medicine experts share how to deal with an injury at home, plus the recovery equipment you need to do it
PhotoAlto/Odilon Dimier/Getty Images

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  • Recovering from a sports-related injury often requires a visit to a physical therapist who not only properly diagnoses the injury but can recommend treatment as well.
  • But when visiting a doctor's office isn't a reliable option, there are still plenty of methods for treating the injury at home.
  • We spoke to three sports medicine experts who share their recommendations and feedback on what to do when rehabbing an injury at home and the equipment you need to do it.

The stress that comes along with twisting your ankle hiking, waking up with a sore neck from sleeping poorly, or finding a knot in your back from unending Zoom meetings is natural. Unfortunately, those stresses can easily become more severe due to how hard it might be to safely visit your physical therapist to help heal your aches and pains.

But fret not, even if you're spending more time at home and lack access to your go-to PT, there's still plenty of methods for finding relief — and your doctor should still be able to help you out no matter the distance.

Amir El Shami, an Illinois physiatrist specializing in orthopedics, sports medicine, and other non-surgical medicine, says that even when you can't see your physical therapist, by combining telemedicine with knowledge of your health history, a doctor can make a good diagnosis and help you start to rehab at home.

Miles Colaprete, Doctor of Chiropractic in Shelburne, Vermont, agrees. "Most musculoskeletal conditions can be diagnosed remotely," Colaprete told Business Insider. "For doctors, 98% of getting a diagnosis right lies in listening to the client tell their story. The other 2% is asking empathetic questions after ruling out red flags. Then, we'll dive into exploring the movements or positions that cause pain, while conducting a movement screen or talking you through orthopedic tests to diagnose the problem."

For El Shami, the most frequent complaints he sees aren't traumatic injuries like stress fractures and tendon strains, but overuse which generates knee and hip pain in patients with preexisting injuries. Colaprete sees more spinal issues, ranging from tweaked necks to acute lower back pain, with shoulder injuries clocking a close second after things like internet push-up challenges circulate on social media.

If the idea of visiting a physical therapist to treat these ailments gives you pause, rest assured that both El Shami and Colaprete approve of at-home remedies designed to help. From doing something as simple as increasing your physical activity to using gear like resistance bands or foam rollers, there are plenty of PT-certified methods for treating pain without going to a doctor's office.

Here's how to handle an injury when you can't see your physical therapist:

Get moving

Get moving
Inti St Clair/Getty Images

Reestablishing range of motion is the first step in any rehab. Once you've gotten your doctor's go ahead, start to move the injured area as much as you can without excessive pain. El Shami says that even if your injury is severe, it's safe to do most range of motion exercises and that you must re-establish range of motion before you start to build strength.

Avoiding rest is critical even if it seems counterintuitive. "We've learned that tissue strength is lost at 3-7% a day in an injury," said Colaprete. "Gently stressing its tolerance to encourage healing speeds recovery."

El Shami's at-home rehab recommendations don't require specialized equipment. For example, for a swollen knee, he recommends suspending your heel on a chair with your knee in the air and letting gravity help you straighten it.

"When an injury is suspended, you can't overdo it on the rehab," El Shami told Business Insider. "Gravity helps you regain motion."

The same is true for back injuries. To regain motion, he recommends trying to bend forward and doing hip circles at the waist or reaching overhead to stretch the bottom of the back.

Take it slow

Take it slow

It's also important to reestablish range of motion before you start strength training, too, and when you do, El Shami warns not to grab a barbell and go crazy, but to use isometrics. This helps contract muscles while exercises like pushing your sore knee against your hand rebuilds strength.

"Post-injury, even if you feel great, you're probably only 75% recovered," said El Shami. "You haven't gone back to doing what you're used to doing. Walk without pain before you run and take a recovery day instead of training constantly. You don't have to do strength every day but it is important to stretch every day."

Easy on the ice

Easy on the ice
Alexandre Simoes/Borussia Dortmund/Getty Images

Dee Tidwell, a Colorado-based soft tissue therapist and kinesiologist, says that, "in the athletic training and conditioning world, ice isn't your friend."

"You don't want to stop the body's inflammatory response, and you do want to move the injured area as much as you can with limited pain," he told Business Insider. For Tidwell, that includes isometrics, gentle massage to encourage circulation and fluid movement, heat if it feels good, and topical antipain and anti-inflammatories.

RICE protocol is somewhat outdated (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) and MEAT (Movement, Exercise, Analgesic Treatment) is now common wisdom.

"You have to move," said El Shami. "That's how you get better."

Opt for topical treatments

Opt for topical treatments

Colaprete says that taking anti-inflammatories stunts recovery and prolongs the healing process. Similarly, El Shami asks his patients to stay away from Ibuprofen and Aleve unless they need immediate pain relief after getting hurt. Instead, topical treatments like arnica and analgesic creams are recommended whenever possible.

Know when to see a doctor

Know when to see a doctor

"Only do as much as is tolerable," said El Shami. "Exercises should not cause pain."

If you have an absolute inability to weight bear, a joint that's mechanically stuck, or anything with a deformity in it, get yourself to your doctor's office or the ER.

"If it's a tendon rupture or nerve compression, you want surgery sooner rather than later, or your immobility could become permanent," said El Shami.

How to heal at home

How to heal at home

There are plenty of isometric and bodyweight exercises you can do at home with equipment like foam rollers, resistance bands, or specialized tape like KT tape. According to the experts, knowing how to properly use these can dramatically help recovery, and can go beyond what stretching provides.

Foam rollers

"Mechanical disruption is better than just stretching," said Tidwell. "Mash on the muscles and soft tissue, not bony prominences. Roll on bones, and you can exacerbate your injuries. Instead, use a foam roller or stick to work through the joint above and below an injured area.

Sometimes muscle fibers or tendons can become damaged. Often the pain is from fascia, bands or sheets of connective tissue beneath the skin that attach, stabilize, enclose, and separate muscles. When you're injured, that fascia gets inflamed and sticks to the muscles underneath.

"Increase depth and intensity, and remember there's good pain and bad pain," said Tidwell, who advises staying at or under a 4 or 5 out of 10 in comfortability. "Your goal is to promote proper movement in injured areas so the whole system doesn't lock down and become rigid. The sooner you can move, the quicker and more thoroughly you can heal."

Tidwell says to find your trigger points and go slowly from the end of your injured limb back toward your body at a slow pace. The idea is to only apply pressure as necessary, too. When you find a spot, stock, contract, and release the muscle for five seconds, three to five times, he added.

Stability tape

Tidwell recommends taping an injury using Rock Tape or KT Tape over the course of a few weeks. A standard Ace brand bandage also works, but don't make it too tight.

"Most people try to compress when they're taping but the objective is to create an external source of stability," he said. "Taping can give a sprained ankle extra stability so that it doesn't roll again, but you but don't want to cut off circulation.

Keep hydrated

Inflammation is hydration based, and Tidwell says that if you're dehydrated, your body can't create the inflammation it needs to heal your injury. Nor can it flush out anything that needs to go.

"Blood pumps it in, lymph pumps it out," Tidwell said. "The fascial system is separate from the muscular and skeletal system and it's vital to keep hydrated to keep it functioning correctly."

Work on specific exercises

Work on specific exercises

Using targeted exercises can help you strengthen areas of your body that were previously injured. However, the experts we spoke to say it's critical to get a medical diagnosis from a doctor before starting in on any new workout regimen (no matter how good you're feeling).

For feet and ankles

Move your foot or ankle in every direction and do figure eights vertically and horizontally. For added movements, try bunching a towel on the floor or drawing the alphabet with your toes.

To start rehab on a severely strained ankle, Tidwell recommends working through your calf muscles with a lacrosse ball or stick, then turning your attention to your hamstrings and hip.

"Check any muscular tensioned areas near the injury," Tidwell said. "Start with a larger surfaced foam roller, and then progress to something more targeted like a hard ball or roller stick."

For a tight lower back

One of the best ways to loosen up your lower back is to use a roam roller on your hips and your butt (glutes), including on the sides of your glutes. This can be done with a roller stick, as well, to target more specific areas.

Though you're able to roll most of your back, be careful not to foam roll your lumbar spine. Roll your hips and your rib cage using a foam roller on the floor or a lacrosse ball on the wall to find sore muscles in your hip and thorax. Don't roll the bony part of your spine, but roll the muscles up to it.

Next, tackle your sacrum/pelvis to relieve tightness in individual muscles between your ribcage and pelvis, moving laterally from side to side.

Last, stretch your hip flexors. The hip flexors attach to every section of the lumbar spine, back, front, and middle with an attachment on each disk. If your back hurts, it could be a hip flexor issue. Start with a lunge, followed by a lunge with an overhead arm stretch.

For shoulder pain

To work out shoulder pain and soreness, try doing some light resistance band workouts like wall slides or shoulder extensions. Non-weight shrugs or shoulder circles are also a great, low-impact exercise that can help with range of motion. Exercises like plank walk-outs or bird dogs not only work your shoulders but get your legs and core muscles involved, too.

Recommended recovery equipment

Recommended recovery equipment

Recovery equipment can go a long way toward helping you rehab an injury, as well. Here are a few suggestions provided by our sports medicine experts:


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