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These were the ten most popular car brands in 2022

BI India Beauru   

These were the ten most popular car brands in 2022
  • Toyota was among the most popular brands with five of its car models making it to the Top 10 list of most-sold cars in 2022.
  • Fiat Group World’s analytical data gives detailed sales information for around 152 car markets for the year 2022.
  • The geo-political issues, lack of new cars and a semiconductor crunch that hurt sales in 2021 saw some respite in 2022, leading to recovery in many markets.

All through history, cars have attracted humans like no other expensive asset. For most people, owning a car is a status symbol and people are willing to spend a fortune on buying and maintaining a car of their choice. Car manufacturing is a multi-billion dollar industry in the world that thrives and grows on the passion of car lovers and their willingness to invest in high-end cars for the luxury and comfort they bring with them.

The geo-political issues, lack of new car launches and a semiconductor crunch that plagued the industry in 2021 saw some slackening, leading to some recovery in many markets in 2022.

Here we bring to you an analysis of the top 10 cars that sold the highest worldwide in the year gone by and how they fared in comparison to 2021.

