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World's shortest woman asks people to follow COVID-19 lockdown


World's shortest woman asks people to follow COVID-19 lockdown
agpur, Apr 13 () The world's shortest woman, JyotiAmge, is putting her celebrity status to good use by urgingpeople to stay indoors during the ongoing lockdown and helpstem the spread of the coronavirus infection.

On Monday, the 26-year-old, who is just 62.8centimetres tall, hits the streets in Nagpur, her hometown, tospread awareness about COVID-19 and to appeal to residents tostay home.

Amge, along with the Nagpur police, urged people tosupport the local administration in anti-coronavirus fight bypracticing social distancing and following lockdown rules.

She told that the Nagpur police had requested herto create public awareness about the deadly infection andimplore people to stay indoors and help break the virustransmission chain.

A well-known face in Nagpur and other parts of thecountry, Amge, joined by police personnel, used a loudspeakerat Telephone Exchange Square to convey her message on curbingthe spread of coronavirus.

During her address, she called upon people to supportthe lockdown announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi andalso back medical staff and police personnel who are at theforefront of fighting the novel coronavirus and enforcingcurbs.

"After the lockdown call was given by the PrimeMinister (late last month), today (April 13) was the first daythat I stepped out of my house.

"However, I felt very strange to see cars and othervehicles and people moving on the roads. People are notstrictly following lockdown rules.

"People were doing things which they shouldn't bedoing. The coronavirus is spreading day-by-day and people arelosing lives," said Amge, who is the the world's shortestwoman according to the 'Guinness World Records'.

She praised those in the frontline of war againstcoronavirus, which has infected more than 2,300 people so farin Maharashtra alone.

"I appealed to people to stay indoors and supportpolice personnel and medical staff who are doing so much forthe wellbeing of people. I personally appreciate the work doneby them," she said. CLSRSY RSY

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