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Virus: All cops on lockdown duty to be tested, says C'garh DGP


Virus: All cops on lockdown duty to be tested, says C'garh DGP
Raipur, Apr 27 () All police personnel on dutyduring the lockdown for the coronavirus outbreak inChhattisgarh will be tested in a phased manner as perdirections of the state Director General of Police DM Awasthi,a senior official said on Monday.

In a letter to senior superintendents of police (SSPs)and SPs, Awasthi said police have been in the frontlineenforcing the lockdown and, therefore, it was appropriate thatthey be tested as a precautionary measure after consulting therespective district health officer, the official informed.

As per the DGP's instructions, the tests should bedone in a phased manner and those above the age of 45, withdiabetes, heart ailments etc, should be picked first, headded.

"Those who were not engaged in lockdown duty may beexempted, the DGP has said. Some 72,000 police personnel havebeen deployed across the state to enforce the lockdown," theofficial said. TKPBNM BNM

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