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Three more test coronavirus positive in Aurangabad; tally 35


Three more test coronavirus positive in Aurangabad; tally 35
Aurangabad, Apr 21 () The number of COVID-19patients in Aurangabad city of Maharashtra reached 35 onTuesday with three more persons testing positive for theinfection, an official said.

Three coronavirus suspects were found positive for thedisease on Tuesday, the district information office said in arelease.

With this, the total number of coronavirus positivepatients in Aurangabad has reached 35.

In sample reports received on Tuesday, two COVID-19patients, who were undergoing treatment, have again testedpositive, the release said.

On Tuesday, 47 people were examined in a dedicatedCOVID-19 hospital here and swabs of 36 of them were sent fortesting in the Government Medical College, it said.

So far, three COVID-19 patients have died in the city,while 15 others have recovered from the disease and dischargedfrom hospitals.

Currently, 17 patients are undergoing treatment in thecity, said Civil Surgeon Dr Sundar Kulkarni.

One coronavirus patient each is undergoing treatmentin adjoining Parbhani and Jalna districts, which are part ofthe Marathwada region.

Earlier, patients from Latur (8) and Osmanabad (3)were discharged following recovery and now there is no COVID-19-infected person in these two districts of the region.

Nanded is the only district in Marathwada which hasnot recorded a single COVID-19 case so far. AWRSY RSY

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