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Thane cops sing to keep people home during COVID-19 lockdown


Thane cops sing to keep people home during COVID-19 lockdown
Thane, Apr 21 () Having tried all possible methodsto prevent citizens from stepping out of their homes duringthe COVID-19 lockdown, Thane police personnel have nowresorted to door-to-door singing and public aartis.

With the number of coronavirus cases in Maharashtrarising by the day, policemen in Mumbai and Thane cities havebeen on duty round the clock to ensure that the lockdown isenforced in the strictest possible manner to control thespread of the pandemic.

When lathi-charging with fibre sticks and punishmentslike sit-ups failed to deter people from violating thelockdown, some policemen in Thane decided to adopt a softerapproach.

Senior inspector Jitendra Rathod of the Chitalsarpolice station moves from one housing complex to the next,singing to residents to remain indoors.

In another instance, when a group of people were seenwalking near Kashintah Ghanekar Theatre here on Sunday, somepolice personnel performed an aarti and sang a song,requesting them to stay home for the sake of their health.

The policemen ensured that the group cleared thescene by the end of the song.

The nationwide lockdown, which has been in force sinceMarch 24, has been extended till May 3, with partialrelaxations given to a few industries since April 20. CORARU ARU

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